Bob the goat's thread Here brought back horrible memories about my worst job. Mainly because of Bob's response to the guy.
In 2005 we got a job called Extra Place for a contractor who at the time was our best customer.
The building was oddly shaped. Like most buildings in NYC it went right to the property line, and in this case rather than a square it was a rhombus with angles of 83.9 deg, 89.8, 82.8, 103.6 going around the building. To say it was oddly shaped is an understatement.
So I start attempting to draw it, and I notice that the Structural Engineer's drawings do not match the Architect's. (Which sadly is more common than you would think/hope).
So I send a letter to the contractor who tells me to ignore the Engineer's drawing.
I finish the first floor up and send it out for comments.
A few weeks later I get a call from the new Project Manager (old one had been fired) who can't figure out why my drawing does not match the Engineer's. I explain the above to him, and I'm told that they built the foundation per the Engineer's drawings!
But no worry, he'll have a survey done and send me the info.
To make a long story short the survey turns into about 6 surveys. Because every time I get a new survey dimensions change, and I still cannot get the building to close. (In AutoCAD you draw to size, so if you tell me 99' I draw 99'.
Each time I'd get new dimensions I'd end up with one wall going past the other instead of meeting it, or end up short. I explain this to the guy, send him drawings showing how it won't close, etc.
It gets to the point where I'm losing sleep dreading this guy calling or sending me something that won't work again. I literally am up till 1 AM every night staring at the wall begging for my mind to stop thinking about this idiot.
Finally after yet another survey where most of the dimensions are different (again) and still won't close I lose it.
I send an e-mail saying it won't work, he responds that it must be my issue, and he's spent money on so many surveys, why can't I get it right, etc.
It's been a while but this is basically my response:
I thought I was going to get fired, but my boss said I held out longer than he would have before telling the guy off.
They had another survey done and it allowed me to close the building within 2 inches, so we let it go.
The PM was still an asshole, but I was finally able to sleep at night. The building was built and didn't fall down.
A few months after we put the roof on we got a call from one of the PM's coworkers. The PM had left the company, and moved to Florida and they were all very glad to see him go.
The boss & I had a small party that day at lunch.
In 2005 we got a job called Extra Place for a contractor who at the time was our best customer.
The building was oddly shaped. Like most buildings in NYC it went right to the property line, and in this case rather than a square it was a rhombus with angles of 83.9 deg, 89.8, 82.8, 103.6 going around the building. To say it was oddly shaped is an understatement.
So I start attempting to draw it, and I notice that the Structural Engineer's drawings do not match the Architect's. (Which sadly is more common than you would think/hope).
So I send a letter to the contractor who tells me to ignore the Engineer's drawing.
I finish the first floor up and send it out for comments.
A few weeks later I get a call from the new Project Manager (old one had been fired) who can't figure out why my drawing does not match the Engineer's. I explain the above to him, and I'm told that they built the foundation per the Engineer's drawings!
But no worry, he'll have a survey done and send me the info.
To make a long story short the survey turns into about 6 surveys. Because every time I get a new survey dimensions change, and I still cannot get the building to close. (In AutoCAD you draw to size, so if you tell me 99' I draw 99'.
Each time I'd get new dimensions I'd end up with one wall going past the other instead of meeting it, or end up short. I explain this to the guy, send him drawings showing how it won't close, etc.
It gets to the point where I'm losing sleep dreading this guy calling or sending me something that won't work again. I literally am up till 1 AM every night staring at the wall begging for my mind to stop thinking about this idiot.
Finally after yet another survey where most of the dimensions are different (again) and still won't close I lose it.
I send an e-mail saying it won't work, he responds that it must be my issue, and he's spent money on so many surveys, why can't I get it right, etc.
It's been a while but this is basically my response:
I'm drawing exactly what you give me every time and it doesn't work. You are the one who keeps changing dimensions, not me. If each time your surveyor gets something different, that is not my issue, this is not my fault!
They had another survey done and it allowed me to close the building within 2 inches, so we let it go.
The PM was still an asshole, but I was finally able to sleep at night. The building was built and didn't fall down.
A few months after we put the roof on we got a call from one of the PM's coworkers. The PM had left the company, and moved to Florida and they were all very glad to see him go.
The boss & I had a small party that day at lunch.