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Am I wrong on this one? (Long)

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  • #16
    We had a crappy DM once....he made the mistake of crossing my pharmacy manager one too many times, and the Regional VP finally got sick of dealing with the man and sent him packing. Our new one is better. I've noticed that our SM has shaped up a LOT since she's come on board, because she doesn't play buddy-buddy with him like the old DM.

    Anyways, since this job doesn't matter to you that much, it really wouldn't cause much harm to kick up a stink with Regional management about Mr. DM. If nothing else, then you may spare some other poor cashier the headache of dealing with stupid write ups like this again. If Mr. SC's hands were being kept to himself like they should have been, then they wouldn't have been getting caught in the register.


    • #17
      You did the right thing. The customer was a supreme asshat, and I think your DM is his long lost cousin or something.

      Maybe your cool store manager could somehow "misplace" your write-up??
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #18
        The other day I was shopping for groceries. There was someone in line ahead of me, so I was waiting behind. The cashier tells him his total and he actually reaches around her till and types in his frequent shopper number!

        After he left, I commented to the cashier, who was clearly a tad shocked, "That was impressive restraint. People touch my computer, they don't usually come back with all their fingers." She goes, "Yeah, I have NEVER seen that before. It surprised me more than anything."


        • #19
          Quoth Mango View Post
          The other day I was shopping for groceries. There was someone in line ahead of me, so I was waiting behind. The cashier tells him his total and he actually reaches around her till and types in his frequent shopper number!"

          I have this one customer, I actually went to high school with him, and he was annoying then too. When he comes up to the register, as I am scanning he will reach around and scan his club card on my scanner. Half the time it wont even work because I am in the middle of ringing up produce or something. We have the debit card scanner that works with the club card, and I tell him to use that if he wants to scan it so bad, but he continues to reach over and scan it on the scanner. I just stop what I am doing and let him scan away. Whatever, I'm paid by the hour.

          Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


          • #20
            I'm shocked that you got in trouble. When I was trained they told us to slam the till shut on anyone who tries to reach into it.


            • #21
              Quoth KnightsWhoSayNi View Post
              The second I get these braces off I'm going straight to the recruiters office and signing my life away over to the military.
              Sadly, a most likely accurate choice of words.


              • #22
                I saw a show on TV once where a guy who WAS trying to rob a girl tried to reach into her till and grab the money. She managed to slam the drawer on his hand THREE times before he could get his hand out and I think they said she broke about eleven or twelve of the bones in his hand...and he STILL managed to run off with a couple hundred bucks. Of course, he got caught when he came whimpering in to the hospital...
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                • #23
                  **Nice Daydream Sequence**

                  Picture yourself reaching back across the counter and grabbing his wallet. "OOOh, is that a one hundred dollar bill??!!"

                  **End Nice Daydream Sequence**
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #24

                    LOL good stuff.

                    You know it occurred to me if employees were fired everytime an SC demanded they should be EVERY store on the PLANET would be short staffed.

                    I have a similar problem with work. Even on occasions when I HAVE FOLLOWED COMPANY POLICY and say, refused a cash refund for an opened video game. The SC will complain to our customer service line and inevitably have a $15 gift card waiting for them next time they grace the store with their presence.

                    I would have smacked the guys arm at least if he went for my cash drawer, how do I know he's not a thief?


                    • #25
                      You know, one of our stores in a neighbouring town was robbed that way not two weeks ago. Guy reached over a partition, grabbed everything he could out of the cash drawer, and bolted. He only got about $200, but still. Company policy is to let the robber have whatever he wants - they even demonstrate in a truly hilarious training video - but the general consensus is that if the cashier had been a little quicker in slamming the drawer, the guy would have taken off empty-handed. At least the cashier wasn't hurt.

                      Ni, you did exactly the right thing. And I can't believe the quarter-snatcher had the gall to complain. Even if it was an honest mistake, say he got all wound up over the sight of that quarter and grabbed without thinking, he should have realized immediately why he just got his finger slammed in a drawer. He should have been apologizing, not demanding you be fired.


                      • #26
                        I figure if a customer reaches his hand into your drawer he deserves what he gets.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Morrigan View Post
                          ...if the cashier had been a little quicker in slamming the drawer, the guy would have taken off empty-handed.
                          Or no-handed?

                          When I get people trying to reach around my register to scan items, I'll usually reach out and snag the item from their grip (or try to) and move it away from the scanner, while giving them a stern request not to scan items themselves. If they're reaching for register keys, whether they're customer or co-worker, I'll put my hand in the way and issue a similar stern request. The only person who scans stuff on my register or pushes buttons on the till keyboard is me, the cashier logged on to the system (or any CSM who has to come give me some form of override).

                          If I ever get a customer reaching for my till, I'll immediately backhand their hand away from the drawer (most likely not hard enough to bruise, though quick enough to forestall grabbing) and slam the till shut. And I'll, of course, sternly request they not reach for my till, as it could be seen as an attempted theft by store security. Yay for babysitting reflexes (catching 3-year-olds reaching for a nearly-full jug of milk, etc.).
                          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                          • #28
                            I've never had anything that bad, but I'm sure I'd react in a similar fashion.

                            What would I have done about the DM? Well first of all I'd have asked the manager or LP to save the tapes of the incident. Second, I'd have refused to sign the write-up, loudly making some comment about should we make it the new policy to let anyone reach into the til, etc. Third, DO complain to the RM, AND THE DISTRICT/REGIONAL LP SUPERVISORS, and ask your manager or store LP people to forward a copy of the tapes (well in my store it would be on a CD, but you get the point) with each formal complaint.

                            Trust me, the more you stand there and take the DM's crap, the more he's going to give it to some other poor cashier without as much restraint as you or without as cool of a manager as you.
                            "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
                            "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
                            My MySpace
                            My LiveJournal


                            • #29
                              Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                              If I ever get a customer reaching for my till, I'll immediately backhand their hand away from the drawer (most likely not hard enough to bruise, though quick enough to forestall grabbing)
                              Hooray for reflexes! At my old theatre, the box office was open. Nothing between us and the horde. All the time I'd get impatient people trying to grab their own tickets from the printer. One day I'd had enough. One guy already tried to break my printer by pulling on the tickets rather than tearing them off, so when another guy tried that, without thinking, I did a flick slap to the back of his hand. Hard enough to sting I'm sure, but the guy never said anything. I can't remember if I apologized or not.
                              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                              • #30
                                Wow! I can't believe that you were written up for this! I have always been told (and in most cases, it states in the employee handbook) that you are to be vigilant when it comes to that kind of thing. We are not to let customers behind the counter and surely not allowed to let them reach into a till drawer! What if this guy grabbed a wad of cash and fled? Then you may have been in trouble for not slaming the till shut!

                                I have slapped a kids hand away when he reached in the drawer. He was trying to grab money and run. He was lingering around the till and when it opened for another customer he made his move. I was quick, and slapped his hand and he ran away without money. No one said I was wrong.

                                Also, when we do book orders a picture of the book comes up on the computer screen. Some customers want to see what the book they are ordering looks like, to make sure it is the right one. Now, I always turn the screen around for them to look, while standing in front of the tills (where they should be standing), but all other books employees let them behind the counter!!!! No matter how many times I tell them they are not to do this under any circumstances, they still do!

                                Thing is, we have cabinets with Entertainment stuffs (cd's dvd's) in them and sometimes, on top of the cabinet, ready for some theiving customer to steal. I don't care if they seem nice, they could steal...and if out AM walked in and saw a customer behind the counter....we would be written up...ASAP!

                                Sometimes customers get mad when you tell them that they can't be behind the counters, but that is the rules!

                                Did anyone actually explain to this guy that he should not have reached into the drawer? I sure would have if I was your manager. WOW! What an ass your DM is!
                                "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

