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I have hit the next level of Textbook Hell. (Oh yeah. It's long...)

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  • I have hit the next level of Textbook Hell. (Oh yeah. It's long...)

    Oh, holy flaming HELL my day was horrible. I admit, it may be influenced by the fact I was upset most of the day over the flaming incompetence of the financial aid office at my school, but there was still a lot of suck to be had. Let's dive right in, shall we?

    More Coupon Scratch Off Ills
    I really really really really HATE this type of promotion. It isn't the first time we've done it, I'm sure it won't be the last, but Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn does it get annoying.

    Had a guy come in with one, thought it was the lotto again, and scratched EVERYTHING before he came to the register, then threw a piss fit when I wouldn't give him the $10 off his books. You no follow rules. You no win prize? Wanna get some money off, go play Plinko and get away from me!

    Also had several people come up with the tickets already scratched, claimed they didn't read and because they didn't read, I had to give them the money off. I took great joy in ripping up their postcards. Perhaps a little too much glee...

    Er...right store, wrong promotion
    Following the topic of scratch offs, I'd like to explain that this isn't the first time we've had them. Last semester during finals, we offered scratch offs that gave you more money on buybacks, including the change to double your buyback amount. So, I'm at the registers and one of my coworkers asks me how to process a scratch off. I'm confused because it's something she's done before, but then I take a good look. The idjit at her register had scratched off one of the buyback coupons that expired July 1st, and got the "Double your cash" prize.

    I said it was the wrong one and to toss it, and apologized for the mixup. But that wasn't good enough. Oh no, the stupid woman actually thought that meant SHE got money from US, in double the amount of what she paid for her books!

    I felt some of my gray matter wither at that...and it further shriveled when she WOULDN'T STOP ARGUING!

    It's like they're hunting in packs now!!
    Had two law students come through my line. We had mis-tagged a book at $33.95, but it was ringing up at $36.95. The female law student threw a hissy fit so I did a price override. Her male counterpart didn't say anything about it. But after both transactions were finished she said I had to fix HIS transaction because they bought the exact same things. I HAD to give him his 3 dollars back, dammit!

    Now, he's just blase about it himself, and sort of shrugs it off. But I have to call my text manager and find out if they're all mismarked, or if there's something afoot here. She starts whining, and then LAUGHS as another law student appears to ream me out while I'm still trying to fix the first mess! And that story is as follows!

    To Err Is Human...To Blame Someone Else is Great Managerial Skills*
    *Seen on a T-shirt at work yesterday.

    So, while I'm trying to figure out Female Law Student 1's problem (FLS1), FLS2 comes up and is directed to me since I'm the senior cashier and the only one who can do refunds or exchanges. Turns out FLS2 had returned a book a few days ago and wanted to return another one, however she didn't have her receipt? WHY didn't she have her receipt, you ask? Why, because the last time she did a return, we kept it and refused to give it back. Naturally it wasn't her fault, at all. And cue the following conversation.

    Me: Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I can't do anything for you without a receipt.
    FLS2: Not even a credit? I'll take a credit!
    Me: No, ma'am, I can't help you, I'm sorry.
    FLS2: But YOUR store didn't put the receipt in my hand. It was left on the counter, and I'M being penalized for it?
    Me: <Well, DUH! You were dumb enough not to pick it up!> Ma'am, our policy explicitly states that I need the receipt to do a refund, exchange, or anything else.
    FLS2: And I'm at fault because they never gave me back my receipt the other day? (Wait...didn't she just say it was left on the counter and she never picked it up? how did it change to us not giving it to her?)
    FLS1: <Starts chuckling, the stupid cow...>
    Me: No, ma'am, but my hands are tied right now. I can't help you.
    FLS2: so I'm stuck with a book because your employees can't follow procedure?
    Me: Ma'am, I'm sorry, I--
    FLS2: What am I supposed to do with a book that I clearly bought from your store?
    FLS1: <Still laughing> You can tell she's a great lawyer
    Me: <NO!! You can tell she's an arrogant prig who wants her way because she's too fucking stupid to pick UP a receipt from the COUNTER!>

    Before I can say anything a manager shows up because he was paged while I was being yelled at from both sides over two different issues. Unfortunately, the manager caved and gave the girl her refund, and she profusely thanks him saying HE was such a HUGE help, while glaring at me. I mentally flipped her the bird.

    I just TOLD you I broke the rules, but do it for me anyways!!
    Had another woman come in to do an exchange because she bought a book new and removed it from the plastic. She decided she didn't like how the cover felt, so she wanted a different copy of the book that didn't come wrapped in plastic. Yet, her receipt clearly states the book MUST be returned in the original condition, meaning it must still be wrapped in plastic. She knew this, it was circled on her receipt for her.

    She STILL said that since she wanted to see what the cover looked like, (because you couldn't see it through the clear plastic...?) There was no harm, and since some books came with no plastic wrapping, she could do the exchange. (I love when they know my job better than I do...) She wouldn't leave my register until I personally handled this for her. SHE didn't want to talk to the managers. I had to plead her case for her!

    I took it to my managers, and told them the story. one was all set to tell her to go to helll, policy is policy, but the jellyfished one said she could go ahead and do it just this once. I go back and tell the customer this, and she snidely thanks me. I go to call the next person in line, and she still won't move!!

    Why? Because she then says "Aren't you going to offer me a bag for my purchase?"

    I bit my tongue so hard, I think I pierced it! I just handed her a bag and counted each step until she was out the door!

    Godsdamned bums!!
    We have a regular bum that comes into our store all the time, asking for one of our managers by name. She gave him money once, and now he is NEVER going to leave. Well, we're busy as hell. totally swamped, and in walks the bum, during the ONE time the cops aren't here because they're switching shifts!! He tries to get us to give him money from the registers because he has an assload of change!

    I shake my head at all of them when he isn't looking, and they tell him no. Then, I have the misfortune to run a cash transaction in front of him, and he scurries over to my drawer, asking me if I can just give him a five while i have my till open. I told him no, and he proceeds to REACH OVER AND TRY TO GRAB ONE, while scattering change all over my counter. I slam my till shut and without thinking blurt out.

    "If you EVER put your hands near my money again, friends with MOD or not, I'll cut them off! I can't give you money from my drawer. I am not allowed to break change, and you have to leave now becuase you're bothering my customers!" (He;d been going through the store asking people to buy his change for a five dollar bill)

    Luckily, before I could get into trouble, the shift change finished and my favorite cop came in and witnessed it all. He goes to the bum and tells him to get out before he's arrested for attempted robbery. I'm standing there thinking 'Holy shit I'm going to get canned for yelling at him and threatening him!'

    But my cop buddy says he'll square with the MOD the bum knows and likes, and tell her what he did personally. So, it'll be the word of a cop against the word of a bum. I feel a bit safer.

    Just because I don't read doesn't mean you shouldn't give me money!!!!11!!!
    Ok, quick note: When we do buybacks, we fill out a green slip that must be cashed out at the register the same day the buyback is done. The slip is dated and across the top it states that it is only valid on the date of issue.

    Well, today is the 28th. I had a woman come through my line and pull a buyback slip out of her purse and slide it over while I'm trying to do two things for her at once, saying, "Oh, and I'd like to cash this out please."

    I grab it, and scan it, and realize it's dated August 24th. I tell her I can't cash it out and she starts whining that she juuuuuuuuuuust did it, and she forgot, and why can't she get her money?!?!?!?

    Rules is rules. If we paid that out, then our system would be off for the day, and wouldn't balance with the buyback system at end of day. Yes, it was off on the 24th, but that discrepancy was taken care of that same day, so we can't do anything to change it.

    She then turns to one of my coworkers, whom she's friends with and starts whining to her. Coworker than turns to me and says, "it's true. She just did it. I was here that day."

    Now, I'm getting irritated because she then says, "Maybe you can just call MOD and he can do it this once!"

    I say no, policy is policy, and that's it, end of story. he's not going to skew the end of day reports because she made a mistake, especially when we cover our butts with the writing on the voucher. After the customer left, I pulled my coworker aside, and told her in no uncertain terms to never, EVER disagree with me in front of a customer like that again. Friends or not, we show a united front to customers because that's the store policy.

    I was bitchy to her, but I don't care. I mean, really! What the hell. Contradicting coworkers only increases suckiness in customers because they can SMELL the weakness and capitalize on it! I was so steamed about that one...

    And the most ridiculous reason yet, why you can't buy your books...
    This one just made me laugh SO hard....because as far as I could tell, he was being honest and sincere!!

    I rang up this guy's books, and he looks worried , finally admitting he doesn't have enough. He wants to know if we can put them on layaway, and I told him we didn't have that option. He then decides to tell me his whole life story to evoke pity or something. But amidst the babble, I found out why he was so broke.

    He had to make a choice between textbooks and his...count 'em....TWELVE internet porn subscriptions. TWELVE!!! He said he had to pay the bills, and well, necessities were necessities... I could only and

    I managed not to laugh as he muttered something about switching things around and maybe giving up pay per view for a few DAYS to get the money together. He said he'd be back, and after he left the store, I had to sit down behind my register, I was laughing so hard...

    Yeeeesh, this day sucked. Four day weekend out of town is JUUUUST what I need...or else it'll be bitch slappy time for everyone I meet if I had to work tomorrow...

  • #2
    Luckily, before I could get into trouble, the shift change finished and my favorite cop came in and witnessed it all. He goes to the bum and tells him to get out before he's arrested for attempted robbery. I'm standing there thinking 'Holy shit I'm going to get canned for yelling at him and threatening him!'
    Hell if I was your manager I'd be praising you for it.

    He had to make a choice between textbooks and his...count 'em....TWELVE internet porn subscriptions. TWELVE!!!
    Wowzers, somebody needs to learn how to find free porn.. badly!
    Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


    • #3
      Quoth otakuneko View Post
      Wowzers, somebody needs to learn how to find free porn.. badly!
      Yea, I mean it's like everywhere. Not that I'm familiar with it or anything...

      Seriously though Lupo, it's a wonder you didn't strangle someone. Have a drink or twelve and relax.

      Eric the Grey
      In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


      • #4
        People pay for pr0n on the internet?!


        • #5
          Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
          Yea, I mean it's like everywhere. Not that I'm familiar with it or anything...

          Seriously though Lupo, it's a wonder you didn't strangle someone. Have a drink or twelve and relax.

          Eric the Grey

          Some call it merely Sara Lee Cheesecake bites and Tequila Rose.

          I call it therapy...


          • #6
            he proceeds to REACH OVER AND TRY TO GRAB ONE
            Jeez, that's one of the oldest rules of the social contract! As a curmudgeonly manager told me when I made some grab-the-money joke at age 18: Don't f$%^ with the money!

            For lunging at the till like that, a hand slap is way too lenient. Frog-marching to the door is more like it.
            Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


            • #7
              Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
              Some call it merely Sara Lee Cheesecake bites and Tequila Rose.

              I call it therapy...
              Oooohhh, damn you. I Love Tequila Rose, and haven't had any for a long time. You gots good taste.

              Gonna have to find meself a bottle of that this weekend.

              Eric the Grey
              In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


              • #8
                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                FLS1: <Still laughing> You can tell she's a great lawyer
                Nothing against good lawyers and all but way to go for promoting that great reputation, and she's getting such an early start too!

                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                Why? Because she then says "Aren't you going to offer me a bag for my purchase?"
                And yet, it's not really a purchase. Is this woman obsessed with plastic or something?

                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                She then turns to one of my coworkers, whom she's friends with and starts whining to her. Coworker than turns to me and says, "it's true. She just did it. I was here that day."

                Now, I'm getting irritated because she then says, "Maybe you can just call MOD and he can do it this once!"
                This is the one that I find the most disheartening and because it came from an 'in' source that knows better. A whiny friend with entitlement issues doesn't really seem to be much of a friend at all, but your coworker will probably learn that soon enough.

                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                He had to make a choice between textbooks and his...count 'em....TWELVE internet porn subscriptions. TWELVE!!!
                As they say, the internet is for porn! Dude needs to get some help though, and soon, he's already out of control. Addiction is as addiction does. Or downloads, whichever.

                Hopefully the insane season will be over soon, I'm rooting for you!
                "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                • #9
                  How can that guy possibly keep up with a full school load and all those porn subscriptions? FAIL is waiting right around the corner for this idiot.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    She then turns to one of my coworkers, whom she's friends with and starts whining to her. Coworker than turns to me and says, "it's true. She just did it. I was here that day."

                    Now, I'm getting irritated because she then says, "Maybe you can just call MOD and he can do it this once!"

                    I say no, policy is policy, and that's it, end of story. he's not going to skew the end of day reports because she made a mistake, especially when we cover our butts with the writing on the voucher. After the customer left, I pulled my coworker aside, and told her in no uncertain terms to never, EVER disagree with me in front of a customer like that again. Friends or not, we show a united front to customers because that's the store policy.
                    Ugh, I hate when co-workers know the rules, but they decide to go over you and break the rules for a customer. Like one co-worker was showing this guy how to copy from the microfilm, but she was having trouble so she gets a co-worker who knows more about the machines. The second co-worker is very amiable with patrons (though she can be bitchy with other patrons), so she started to give the patron free copies.

                    Oh, I feel sorry for you for having the jellyfish manager.

                    Had another woman come in to do an exchange because she bought a book new and removed it from the plastic. She decided she didn't like how the cover felt,
                    Maybe she's a reincarnation of Ed Wood, and didn't like that it didn't feel like cashmere.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.


                    • #11
                      Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                      "If you EVER put your hands near my money again, friends with MOD or not, I'll cut them off! I can't give you money from my drawer. I am not allowed to break change, and you have to leave now becuase you're bothering my customers!" (He;d been going through the store asking people to buy his change for a five dollar bill)

                      Luckily, before I could get into trouble, the shift change finished and my favorite cop came in and witnessed it all. He goes to the bum and tells him to get out before he's arrested for attempted robbery. I'm standing there thinking 'Holy shit I'm going to get canned for yelling at him and threatening him!'

                      But my cop buddy says he'll square with the MOD the bum knows and likes, and tell her what he did personally. So, it'll be the word of a cop against the word of a bum.

                      WHY would you get in trouble? His hands had no business in ur drawer and if ur count would have been off, it wouldve been ur ass not his.

                      On the other hand..I LOVE this post..


                      • #12
                        Kinda scary how stupid COLLEGE students are when it comes to common sense stuff, isn't?
                        Don't wanna; not gonna.

