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ID rant.

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  • #31
    Quoth Jester View Post
    As for Alpha's comment, it is only out of state state-issued ID cards, not licenses, that we are supposed to refuse.
    Yet on the back of those same cards, it states that it is valid IN ALL STATES as equivalent to a drivers lisence. I have one for Pennsylvania, because it IS NOT CURRENTLY LEGAL for me to have a drivers lisence, because I had seizures a few years back. (Got pulled off meds too quickly, and can't afford a neurologist.)

    Granted, I got mine a while ago, but since one has to present the same forms of ID to get one as with a drivers lisence, I don't see how that law can be upheld in court for those people who cannot legally get a lisence.

    As for the passport issue, again, that can be almost impossible for those born abroad to American parents. Even my long expired passport from when I was a baby can't be used to grant me a new one, because the office of records for kids born abroad doesn't apparently even HAVE my birth certificate on file.
    Last edited by Dragon_Dreamer; 02-04-2007, 01:16 PM.


    • #32
      Quoth XCashier View Post
      Uncle Ace = Ace of Diamonds, one of the moderators here. He's posted many well-written and memorable stories here.
      Man, I haven't seen many posts from Ace in a while...

      To Jester: Ace of Diamonds runs a jewelry shop in New York (if memory serves). He was always the same amount of jokey about his SCs. Which is why you remind us of him.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #33
        I live in South Carolina. When I was a bartender we kept a book behind the bar that showed pictures of all the state driver's licenses for comparison. We could accept those, any state ID, military ID and passports. I have had managers approve international IDs on occasion, but whether or not I actually delivered that alcohol was at my discretion since I was responsible, too. The problem is, most people wouldn't know a real international ID from a fake one since we don't usually see them. It's much easier not to accept them at all.

        I've actually been in trouble for serving a minor. I honestly thought I and the doorman had already carded this person. I was fined $500 by SLED, the bar owner was fined, I believe, $1000. My driver's license was suspended and the incident was recorded on my driving record as an "Alcohol Violation" (which makes it seem like it was some sort of DUI thing). No stranger's margarita or is worth all that!


        • #34
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          Man, I haven't seen many posts from Ace in a while...

          To Jester: Ace of Diamonds runs a jewelry shop in New York (if memory serves). He was always the same amount of jokey about his SCs. Which is why you remind us of him.
          He used to. Here's a link to a reposted story of his:

          I wish I'd kept more of his stories. The one about the bread and cheese picnic had me ROTFL!

          Back OT, the whole flipping-out-over-being-asked-for-ID is so amazingly stupid. A DL is a small, lightweight plastic card that easily fits in a purse, pocket or wallet. It's not like it's weighs 5000 pounds. Don't want the clerk to know how old you are? What, you think they're going to get on the PA and say, "Attention all customers, Mrs. Vainbitch is 47 years old! Let's all point and laugh!"
          Last edited by XCashier; 02-05-2007, 07:01 PM.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #35
            Quoth Cygnata View Post
            Yet on the back of those same cards, it states that it is valid IN ALL STATES as equivalent to a drivers lisence. I have one for Pennsylvania, because it IS NOT CURRENTLY LEGAL for me to have a drivers lisence, because I had seizures a few years back. (Got pulled off meds too quickly, and can't afford a neurologist.)

            Granted, I got mine a while ago, but since one has to present the same forms of ID to get one as with a drivers lisence, I don't see how that law can be upheld in court for those people who cannot legally get a lisence.
            You may well be right. That being said, I am merely parroting what I have been told at every "alcohol awareness seminar" or whatever they call them where a representative from the state liquor board comes in and tells us all this shit. It was the same in both Arizona and Florida. (I can't comment directly on other states, since I never went to such a seminar in other states, though I have heard it is the same most everywhere.)

            As for the difficulty for certain people to get passports: as a server of alcohol, that is not my problem. Hate to be harsh, but honestly, it isn't. If the state says I can only serve you with certain ID's, and you don't have any of those certain ID's for whatever reason, no matter how valid that reason may be, I am NOT serving you alcohol. Purchasing alcohol is not an inalienable right penned into the Constitution. It is merely an opportunity you have if you are of the right age and can prove it if asked. I don't make the laws, but I DO have to work under them, and until they change, I WILL follow them. Any people who don't like that are not being forced to stay in my establishment. There are many others to choose from. Feel free to go.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."

