Why is it they can't be bothered to return a "hello"? Every time they come in I try to make eye contact and say, "hi" but all too often they can't be bothered to be polite in return.
And then there's the fact that I was working alone on a busy holiday Saturday. Heaven forbid you have to wait a few minutes and while I understand the world revolves around you, there were two others ahead of you and only one of me. At least your sorry arse gets to walk out the door when you're done.
To the bitch who was just in, I did you a favor. You could have had the class to say "thank you" on your way out the door. People like you are the reason we absolutely hate doing favors for people. You prove time and time again that you don't deserve it.
And to the skank who wanted to argue state law with me over cigarettes, your pathetic arse isn't worth potentially getting a fine for selling your underage boyfriend his cigarettes. Do attempt to grow a brain.
And last of all, to the yuppies who thought you could attempt superiority with your conversation amongst the two of you about how certain things were cheaper down in the city, of course I'm not going to just stand there and silently take your passive-aggressive rudeness. You want cheap? Don't come to an area where I have to drive 90 miles to pick up supplies just to have them up here in your favorite vacation spot for your convenience. This is a convenience store in every sense of the word.
/ end rant, these people have driven me to the pill bottle and I don't care if someone can't get out of bed the next two days, I'm not working the rest of this damn holiday.
And then there's the fact that I was working alone on a busy holiday Saturday. Heaven forbid you have to wait a few minutes and while I understand the world revolves around you, there were two others ahead of you and only one of me. At least your sorry arse gets to walk out the door when you're done.
To the bitch who was just in, I did you a favor. You could have had the class to say "thank you" on your way out the door. People like you are the reason we absolutely hate doing favors for people. You prove time and time again that you don't deserve it.
And to the skank who wanted to argue state law with me over cigarettes, your pathetic arse isn't worth potentially getting a fine for selling your underage boyfriend his cigarettes. Do attempt to grow a brain.
And last of all, to the yuppies who thought you could attempt superiority with your conversation amongst the two of you about how certain things were cheaper down in the city, of course I'm not going to just stand there and silently take your passive-aggressive rudeness. You want cheap? Don't come to an area where I have to drive 90 miles to pick up supplies just to have them up here in your favorite vacation spot for your convenience. This is a convenience store in every sense of the word.
/ end rant, these people have driven me to the pill bottle and I don't care if someone can't get out of bed the next two days, I'm not working the rest of this damn holiday.