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Mr crazy nutjob man

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  • Mr crazy nutjob man

    So as I am discovering, one of the um.. joys of working in a public state run and funded facility, and therefore public building, means we can not really order anyone to leave.

    That is unless they become threatening or physical. We are one of the first people you see (we being the gallery admissions people) so we are as my co-worker put it "open targets" to any ranting loon on a soapbox.

    Enter mr crazy man who comes up to me and hands me his business card and proceeded to tell me all about how immagrants suck, they are stealing our jobs and ruining the country (whoa boy did he pick the wrong 'canadian' to say that to eh!)... because im white with blonde hair so I MUST be a canadian right...

    and how Asian made anything was pathetic and crap and how the building was going to burn down, and the mouse on our computer would explode because it was made in china. Also how two pronged electronics were dangerous, and it was all a consipirsay between builders and building inspectors and how people take bribes and blah blah ranty blah boycott walmart and zellers and low cost crappy big box stores etc

    so Im sitting there shaking im so scared because ive never been trapped into talking (or listening) to one of these nutjobs before, terrified to speak incase he picks up on my accent and not sure what to do, my co-worker comes over and takes the card and everything and lets him finish his rant and he finally leaves...were both just like

    we file an incident report, capture his photo from the video cameras and the security guards come in and talk to us about what happened.... the police will be called tomorrow

    I can laugh about it now, Im still shaking my head in wonder and pity. Imagine living your life that angry.

    I found his website on the internet (that was posted on his business card) but I wont post it because Im not sure if thats against the rules. Maybe if a mod clears me, I will.... it truely is a site to behold heres a clip that makes me even more confused
    QUOTE"most boring people are into watching TV all the time, going to plays, soap operas, art galleries, museums"ENDQUOTE
    yes, he came to my place of business which is what.... and Art gallery.... maybe to liberate me from my own ignorance I suppose?

    After thought...Damn I should have made him a tinfoil hat!! but then he only wears Canadian made.....
    Last edited by Kiwi; 10-02-2006, 03:09 AM.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    Quoth Kiwi View Post
    After thought...Damn I should have made him a tinfoil hat!! but then he only wears Canadian made.....
    Well, it WOULD be made IN Canada, right?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      true true.... but it would be made by a job stealing immagrant....and therefore substandard to mr crackpots superior standards

      oh and I had a couple who were DISGUSTED that we had the gaul to close at 4pm on a Sunday... I mean just how dare we! A gallery that isnt open 24/7... excuse me for having a life missey

      it seems like working on the front lines for anyone brings sucky people...I dont know, I just thought maybe people would be better behaved in a gallery setting? ya know... maybe I expect to much of the general public?
      Last edited by Kiwi; 10-02-2006, 06:17 AM.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        PM the link to me and we'll have a look.



        • #5
          ya know... maybe I expect to much of the general public?
          therein lies the problem, kiwi; you have high expectations and they just aren't capable of meeting them!
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            did you decide if it was ok yet raps?
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #7
              I looked at it. It's hard to say he's even slightly sane. I can't bring it on myself to inflict that on the members of this site. It's truly ... astounding.

              Not safe for anyone, I'm afraid.



              • #8
                I'm pretty sure that Roots doesn't make tinfoil hats, and as you know if you're living here; there is nothing more Canadian than Roots
                "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

                a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


                • #9
                  Quoth The Gatekeeper View Post
                  I'm pretty sure that Roots doesn't make tinfoil hats, and as you know if you're living here; there is nothing more Canadian than Roots
                  Unless, perhaps, said tinfoil hats come in that lovely stripey-blanket-pattern one finds Only at The Bay.
                  Not all who wander are lost.

