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A question for all the ladies
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Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
Eyes? That's a new one.
There is this guy who hangs out at my favorite gas station (he just hangs out and talks to the employees but not a worker) Who is missing half of both his forearms. It looks like a birth defect, but I usually just talk him like he's ya know, a real person. I don't stare at his arms or ask him about it. It's not my business and he can light and smoke a cig without help, so I figure it's not a big deal to him either."I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish
...Beware the voice without a face...
Quoth NightWatch View PostPlaidman has lots of stories about people being nice enough to make comments on his eyes "not looking right".
Sorry, Plaidman. That is teh suck."Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS
Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS
Definitely menopausal women are the absolute worst, particularly the auld wan Dublin type. Closely followed by the rich women. Never any problems with men, except Indian/Asian men who seem to have a major problem with the fact that I am a sales assistant NOT a cleaner and treat me really suspiciously, as if oo A western woman can't operate a till! Usually have wives at the back of the shop, or hiding behind them.
I'm 19, soon to be 20.
As to the original query:
It varies--one piece of work threw a hissy fit because her refund was "only" $5000while one was awestruck that she didn't owe.
I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!
Who is John Galt?
-Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Mostly the crazy and young homeless people give me attitudes. Old homeles too, though they are most old and crazy. Some old homeless people who still have their marbles are nice.
Then there are people of a race that 60% give me a hard time.Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.
Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.
I wish porn had subtitles.
I found when working in Tim Hortons, that the middle aged women were the worst. Sure you'd get your snotty spoiled teens come in and be little dipshits, but they really don't know any better. Until they'd been working for a few years, they have no respect.
It's those middle-aged women who really get my goat. Because they look down their nose at me, and talk to me in a haughty tone just because I'm over the age of 18 and working in a fast food / donut shop job. What? So you're better than me because you're a secretary? If these women took time to stop acting superior to the younger generation - you know, the generation that is about to give birth to yet another generation - then perhaps they would realize that hey... that worker at Tim Hortons might actually have a college education but can't get a job because of the damn baby boomers not wanting to retire.
I've also gotten the looks from people coming by who have obviously just received their welfare check, and think it's time to celebrate by blowing 50 bucks on coffee and donuts for them and all their friends. I find that kind of funny.
When working in a call centre, the brunt of the insulting and rude customers were women. Always the women. Sometimes you'd get your perverted guy. Sure. But most of the time the men just want the problem fixed, and that's that. The women want to complain. And not just for a minute. No, they want to complain about the problem for half an hour even though I could have fixed their problem five minutes in. And then when you finally do fix the problem they still aren't happy.
Although I did have one guy call in to complain once about the IT department not being from Canada and never fixing his problem. And then he thanked me profusely for listening to his rant, said I was good at my job and hung up. THAT was weird.
But yeah... I'm going to agree with the author of this thread.
However, I would also note that there are different KINDS of sucky customers. And the ones I'm referring to are the ones who think they are better than me just because they have a better job and are older than me. Because, you know. They probably think I'm one of those whippersnappers who think they know everything. And in so assuming I'm one of the know-it-alls, they treat me like shit, and label themselves as the Haughty-Better-Than-Thou-Middle-Aged-Mothers-From-Hell."You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
-Agent Doggett
The worst customers I've ever encountered were old men. There have been many of them that were complete asses but three in particular I will never forget.
One toothless, filthy POS spit in my face because everything in the Floral dept wasn't on sale. Another scumbag screamed at me because I told him we no longer change batteries in watches we don't sell on a regular basis. And last Christmas an onery old coot screamed at me for 10 minutes because he thought he hadn't gotten 40% off a winter coat that was on sale when he, in fact, had.
The last guy was such an ass. I tried everything I could to reassure him that if he hadn't gotten the 40% off that we would make it right but after doing the math it was clear that he had paid the correct price. That pissed him off even more and he continued to rant. I finally just said, "F**k you!" and walked away. He actually came back a couple minutes later and apologized to me.
I hate ornery, old farts.Retail Haiku:
Depression sets in.
The hellhole is calling me ~
I don't want to go.
Quoth candyshopgirl View PostOkay this is a question for the ladies. Do you notice(depending on your age) that it seems to be the middle aged,soccer mom,and rich old bitches that treat you badly. I never seem to have too many problems with men/boys,other then they flirt.
Yep, I've most definitely noticed this. Sorry to say but women between ages 35-50 seem to be the biggest entitlement whores who come into Subway. They are also very picky and think they deserve special privelages over everyone else.
There are some douchebag men that come in but the SW to SM (sucky woman to sucky man) ratio is about 4 to 1.My Fur Affinity Page:
My Weasyl Page:
I think it depends where you work. With new job, I haven't had much rudeness because of the prffessional environmnet... But I, personally tend to get mor rudeness from new money, I guess. I think it's because they feel they have to prove themself by insulting the poor working peon.Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.
Quoth Ree View PostI think you tend to generalize way too much.
When I was in retail, I got suck from all age groups, genders, classes, and ethnicities."Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS
Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS
Quoth AdminAssistant View PostAs do I.
When I was in retail, I got suck from all age groups, genders, classes, and ethnicities.
I agree on this point as well. But did you not get different kinds of suck from different groups?
I know I did.
Then, of course, you have those people who can't even be categorized because they're... suckier than suck."You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
-Agent Doggett