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Go to the bank?

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  • Go to the bank?

    Mild suck. Since joining the CS forums and after a few terrible SC experiences, I've developed an ever increasing apathy to the woes of my customers. I can even laugh during a single check out that takes twenty minutes of my shift. (hopefully that's not the beginning signs of insanity, due to braincell loss)

    I got to work around 11, the other day, and was sent to an express checkout. No one but me had been on this particular lane so far, so naturally my cash flow was basic. No twenties or higher denominations, only basic 10s, 5s and 1s.

    Two customers in, the following scene occurs.

    OL. - Old lady.
    OM. - Old Man
    OW. - Other woman in line behind them.

    Me. - *rings up transaction without incident, but sees the message indicating the customer wants 100$ cash back* Ma'am, I just opened, and I don't have enough money in my drawer to give you.

    *cancels transaction* - Luckily, the store I work at lets us know how much the customers want back, so we can decide if we have enough and to cancel it, if we don't.

    OL. - Well, what am I suppose to do?
    Me. - *replies honestly* Go to a bank? (There's one in the store. And hey, an ATM right next to it.)
    OL. - How much do you have?
    Me. - About forty bucks.
    OL. - That's not worth it! *swipes her card angrily*
    Me. - *mental shrug*

    OW. - *as if explaining the situation* It's because they don't trust the new tellers.

    Now, I've been working here a month, and yes I am new, but that has nothing to do with it. Somehow, 'I just opened' got mistaken for 'I'm new here'. And if my company didn't trust me? I wouldn't be working for them.

    OM. - *leans forward into my space* They should give you enough money to cover that even if you are new.

    This reply makes no sense.

    OL and OM leave.

    OW. - If they don't trust you with the higher bills, they shouldn't trust you at all. *laughs*

    As good a reply as OM's, paid for in high denominations of braincells.

  • #2
    get a hearing aid old coots
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


    • #3
      Quoth Jory View Post
      OW. - *as if explaining the situation* It's because they don't trust the new tellers.
      What is it about old people that causes them to think there is an ulterior motive in everything a business does and that *THEY* are clever/smart enough to figure it out? To her dying day, my grandmother thought all businesses were out to rip her off and that no employee ever told the truth - but she somehow always could see through the lies and schemes. She once claimed free samples were given out in grocery stores just so the companies could take a tax write off while unloading all the product that was about to spoil.

      I run into this attitude all the time in my business, and it always seems to be from an elderly person. Even benign pleasantries and hospitalities like offering coffee are met with this attitude: "I know you think I will sit down and stay longer if I have coffee, and you therefore can charge me for spending more time in this office. And the coffee is going to be charged to my bill in some hidden way too, isn't it?"
      Last edited by South Texan; 09-09-2008, 06:46 PM.
      "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
      .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


      • #4
        Until I worked as a cashier, I didn't realize that your cash drawer starts out with only a certain amount of money. I also just kinda went around assuming that every cash register started out with, and maintained, large amounts of change. I think that's what most folks go around assuming. But that woman in line behind the couple did not need to be sticking her nose in, and it would have infuriated me - did you set her straight, the real reason you couldn't cover the $100?


        • #5
          Yeah, I don't blame the couple for not having intimate knowledge of my till, it's not a need to know kinda thing. I was amused however when the woman asked me what she should do, as if there was another way I could provide the cash.

          As for the other woman, it's really not worth it to free people from their delusions. It takes more time and effort, and is often met with resistance. People like their stories.

          Smile and wave, boys, just smile and wave.


          • #6
            Quoth South Texan View Post
            What is it about old people that causes them to think there is an ulterior motive in everything a business does and that *THEY* are clever/smart enough to figure it out?
            Someone once explained this to me in a satisfactory way. All conspiracy theories are actually a form of egotism*: A group is conspiring to do something, but the person is too smart and sees right through to the truth, but most people don't believe them because everyone else isn't as smart as they are. The conspiracy nut feels smarter than people who don't believe the "truth."

            *Author's Note: Does not hold true when there really is a conspiracy, of course. Beware the squirrels!
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth Geek King View Post
              The conspiracy nut feels smarter than people who don't believe the "truth."
              I think it is even more than just looking for conspiracies. These people think there has to be a complex and thought out reason for everything a business does.

              Like in Jory's story. The reason she did not have enough cash could not be something so simple and obvious as she just came on duty and thus did not have enough cash in her till. It HAD to be that she was new and the store therefore did not trust her and therefore prevented her from giving cash back.

              Maybe it is just their egos and their need to feel smart - or maybe it is a fear of people trying to take advantage of them due to their advancing years and probable senility. In either case, I sure hope I have the presence of mind to avoid being that way.
              "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
              .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


              • #8
                "Well, ma'am, the bosses at this store don't trust ANYBODY"

                (lean forward conspiratorily)

                In fact...

                (Cue ominous music, Dun dun DURR! Adopt hushed whisper)

                They're watching us right now!

                (Look side to side nervously, but without moving your head)

                ........ Customer flees in terror.


                • #9
                  I had the exact same experience except it was with this woman in her late 40's, early 50's methinks. Was within 5 minutes of the store opening too.
                  I think at one point I considered writing "ATM" on my forehead with black marker because I had about 6 customers wanting cash out within 5 minutes of opening...I could only give it to 1 of them because she wanted $20.
                  Next time my response will be (on a Sunday only because the Sunday supervisors usually rock): "I'll keep that in mind next time I get robbed or scammed thank you. And then the company will be out oh....what $5000 because I was meant to provide money for those who don't wanna use ATM's." (minus the sentence starting with "and")
                  Maybe I should STOP offering cash out to customers and tell them that there's an ATM there, if you don't wanna pay the fees, take it up with your bank.
                  The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                  Now queen of USSR-Land...


                  • #10
                    Quoth Geek King View Post
                    Does not hold true when there really is a conspiracy, of course. Beware the squirrels!
                    Okay, Dogan, yes, yes, the squirrels are liars... Don't make me fry them again...
                    "Oops, I didn't mean to do that."
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      the perfect response to the comment about not trusting you. "It's not me they don't trust, It's you" robberies are why they don't put much money in the drawers to start, employee theft is why they put cameras on every register


                      • #12
                        Where I work, if a checker doesn't have enough money to give a customer, the money can be picked up from either the change in the safe, a pickup, or one of the service desk tills and loaned to the register so the customer can get their money. Same goes for books of stamps.
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                        • #13
                          my supervisors have a location with money in it that they can lend me if I need it, but that doesn't mean it'll be quick

