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  • Prank

    So... This was interesting. It happened on Sunday, and honestly I have no idea what to say about it.

    The phone rings, I answer it, and give my spiel.

    Me: Thank you for calling Blockbuster ***** ********, this is Will speaking, how may I help you?

    Guy: Yeah I was wondering if you ever heard of the movie 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'?

    Me: ...Yeah...

    Guy: Well I'm making a movie, it's called 'My Big Fat Black Cock' and I want you to be in it.

    It's at this point I simply hang up on him. I mean I'm at work, I have to hold my tongue, be cordial right? I mean even though this dick called and was derogative, I could still get in trouble for responding in kind. But of course...I do have this site. This is what my response WOULD have been, had I not believed it would get me in trouble.

    Me: Oh I'm sorry I can't, see I was already cast in 'Your Wife's Big Fat Loose Pussy'.

    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

  • #2
    Quoth Will-Mun View Post

    Me: Oh I'm sorry I can't, see I was already cast in 'Your Wife's Big Fat Loose Pussy'.

    I hear it has a cast of thousands.

    good one Will-Mun.
    I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


    • #3
      Oh yay! A fellow movie renter! Hello!

      I've gotten the porn calls too. I think the last call I got was literally reading from the script of Clerks. I told him we had it all in our family section and he told me he'd be down in five minutes. Never showed up.


      • #4
        But this guy wasn't looking for porn, he was asking me to BE in a porn... Probably should have asked how much the pay was...

        The guy was just prank calling the store...Which quite honestly, I don't get. He didn't SOUND like a kid, and I think anyone over the age of 20 would not be amused by prank calls.

        Though for a 'Family' business I've noticed we do indeed have quite a bit of gay porn. Not that there's anything WRONG with it. Just odd... Don't believe me? This movie currently sits on our new release wall.

        We even have Red Shoe Diaries.
        "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
        ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~


        • #5
          Quoth Will-Mun View Post
          Me: Oh I'm sorry I can't, see I was already cast in 'Your Wife's Big Fat Loose Pussy'.



          • #6
            Quoth Will-Mun View Post
            Though for a 'Family' business I've noticed we do indeed have quite a bit of gay porn. Not that there's anything WRONG with it. Just odd... Don't believe me? This movie currently sits on our new release wall.

            We even have Red Shoe Diaries.
            Yeah, we have those too. We also have Pirates, so I constantly have to make sure that people renting it are renting for...themselves and not their children or something. We've had a number of angry parents come back because this is not the Pirates they had heard about.
            Oh man, this one poor guy. Every week he comes in and rents two movies and takes them to a retirement home down the street from us. He never looks at the movies or anything, he just grabs and goes. Well, he grabbed Pirates one time and now he has to get permission from the home before he's allowed to bring movies in. I laughed so hard, but I felt so bad for the guy.


            • #7
              Quoth videodrone View Post
              Yeah, we have those too. We also have Pirates, so I constantly have to make sure that people renting it are renting for...themselves and not their children or something. We've had a number of angry parents come back because this is not the Pirates they had heard about.
              Oh man, this one poor guy. Every week he comes in and rents two movies and takes them to a retirement home down the street from us. He never looks at the movies or anything, he just grabs and goes. Well, he grabbed Pirates one time and now he has to get permission from the home before he's allowed to bring movies in. I laughed so hard, but I felt so bad for the guy.
              I bet that guy even wishes there was a club called the Pink Cannonballs for him to go to.

              Yay for Pirates! Or should that be Yarr?
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #8
                Quoth Will-Mun View Post
                quite a bit of gay porn. Not that there's anything WRONG with it. Just odd... Don't believe me? This movie currently sits on our new release wall.
                That's not real pron. It has a plot.


                • #9
                  Quoth Will-Mun View Post
                  he guy was just prank calling the store...Which quite honestly, I don't get. He didn't SOUND like a kid, and I think anyone over the age of 20 would not be amused by prank calls.
                  Well, there's chronological age... then there's mental age... then there's emotional age. Some people never make it out of junior high, sadly.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Will-Mun View Post

                    We even have Red Shoe Diaries.

                    This movie is not porn. I don't know anything about the TV show, but I can assure you that you don't even see a penis in the movie.

                    I used to love David Duchovny.

                    So I had to watch the movie.

                    It was a wanna-be soft-core porn. But with no sex.

                    So no. Not porn. But rated R.

                    The Blockbuster I used to go to in Cornwall had a movie in the foreign section called the Pillow Book... it had many, many, many naked men. MANY. Yikes.
                    "You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
                    -Agent Doggett


                    • #11
                      Kid called me at Pizza Hut once. He was, maybe, twelve years old by the sound of him.

                      Me: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut, this is Tony, will this be for dine-in, or take out?"

                      Him: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut, this is Tony, will this be for dine-in, or take out?"

                      Me: "I'm sorry?"

                      Him: "I'm sorry?"

                      Me: "Annoying little c#%ksucker, ain't ya?"

                      Him: "Anno. . .HEY! You can't talk to me that way!"

                      Me: "Sure I can. You have a GREAT night now, okay?"

                      Good times.
                      I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                      -- Steven Wright


                      • #12
                        OH, that was funny! Thanks; I needed the laugh!


                        • #13
                          next time try using tongue-twisters and see how long he can keep up


                          • #14
                            I had a teenage girl call one time.

                            girl: I want to order a pussy pizza.

                            me: I'm sorry. We don't have any fish products here.

                            girl: Er, um, bye.

                            She had no idea what to say.


                            • #15
                              Had a prank caller call my house once, claiming to be calling for some trashy magazine, near ten o'clock, and ask me if I preferred girls with big boobs or small?
                              "Neither. I like them with penises."
                              "I call murder on that!"

