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We're Closed! (Somehow became longish)

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  • We're Closed! (Somehow became longish)

    So last night, it's 15 minutes to close, the store is EMPTY, it is also immaculate... It's immaculate because the DM (District Manager) is gonna, supposedly, show up the following day, and if we DIDN'T do a good job cleaning that night, we'd be in deep shit by the manager who opens...

    Anyway back to the point... The stores empty, clean, and we got 15 minutes before we get to go home. Yay! It seems all is well, we will get out on time, and Timmy...well he can WALK again! But no... No indeed my compadres, as I am sure you can guess what happened.

    The door chime goes off.

    It's ten minutes before the store closes and two guys walk in... Who the hell comes in ten minutes before a store closes?! I ask myself...Well, THESE guys apparently. But I give them the benefit of the doubt. I mean, maybe they know what they want? They could be outa here just as fast as they came in! Oh how deluded I was.

    So the two men proceed to wander the store, grabbing every movie they can, while screaming to each other from opposite ends of the store. They were obviously drunk, or very stupid, as the discourse went something like this... "Hey look! No Country for Gay Men!" ...Uhg...

    So while they are grabbing every movie that tickles their fancy (or their rather limited funny bone) they are also putting the ones that bore them BACK....In the wrong place. This act already infuriates me (and I'll make a thread about it some other time) but now it's happening 8 minutes before closing....and on the day my boss will go ballistic if every things not perfect!

    These guys are taking too long...Its now time for their five minute warning. I walk up to them, and rather politely tell them we're closing in five minutes. The man nods, and goes about his business... I see them shortly after playing rock paper scissors apparently a way to decide which movies. But this doesn't work...They come to ME. By now...we're closed, we're done. I was just about to go lock the door and they ask me "whats funny?"

    Door Chime

    A shiver runs up my fist clenches. I can hear my teeth creek cause of how tight my jaw has become. The two idiots move away, and another man comes through the door. That's not cool...I was just about to lock the door.

    "We're closing..." I state, not rudely, simply matter of factly... I mean we ARE. It's 12, we're closed, and I wanna go home.

    "Well I'm not gonna sleep here!" The man states, rather offended at my simple fact, proving he has completely missed the point of said fact. I wasn't telling him not to take long. I was telling him we were closing...IE Get your shit and get out. The man proceeds to wander...Looking for something. I wanna tear my HAIR OUT.

    The two dopes come up with their selection...

    D1: Dope one
    D2: Dope two
    Me: Your lord and savior

    Me: "Card?" (In reference to a Membership card)
    D1: "Oh I don't have it... Can I just give you the last name?" No...No you can't...
    Me: ..."License?"
    D1: "I don't got it..."
    Me: God help me... "Well I need something..."
    D2: "What you don't have the card?"
    D1: "Naw man... and I don't have a license.."
    Me: " you have a State ID?"
    D1: "Yeah."
    Me: "Well that's all I need."

    The dude gives me his state ID and I look up his account....I don't find it... This is turning into a nightmare...

    Me: "Is the account under someone else's name?"
    D1: "Yeah my father...Herman?"
    Me: "I'm not seeing that...whens the last time you rented from this store."
    D1: "Like...A month."
    Me: "Well I don't really see the-...
    D2: "Don't you usually go to South Brunswick?"
    D1: "What like they're not all connected?
    Me: ...
    D1: "I usually go to South Brunswick."
    Me: "Whens the last time you rented from THIS store?"
    D1: "A...year?"
    Me: "Yeah you're out of the system, you'll need a card."
    D1: "Is there any way we could sign up and get a card?"
    Me: At this point I'm getting annoyed....I point to the clock and tell him flat out. "Dude we're closed."

    He nods, I tell him sorry, he shrugs me off. I offer to get the door, which is locked now, he tells me 'he got it.' He then proceeds out, complaining that he wanted to watch a movie tonight, and struggles with the door, I chuckled when D2 yelled 'Turn it!'

    The other guys not so bad. I mean he did come in when we were CLOSED and spent TEN MINUTES looking for a movie, but he gave me no problems after that. It was just so...annoying. What is with people. Unless you know what you want? You don't get to come in anything less than a half hour before we close. Yeah, that's great that YOU are off from work and can spend your time as you like...But now you're taking up MY time. Even if you're a GREAT customer who's kind, puts everything back where it's found, and kisses the ground I walk on...If you keep me late? You're still an ass hole.
    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

  • #2
    Our store closes at 9 every night except Sundays. We always have customers coing in at 8:45, 8:50, 8:55... and my personal favorite, a group of snotty, obnoxious, entitlement-whore teenage girls at 8:59.
    "Let our mercy as deep as the Feitas and our authority as powerful as the Sun be revealed to the entire world."


    • #3
      Blech sorry you had to have those three idiots.


      • #4
        I hate that. More than anything. It's one of my biggest pet peeves...and I've been in the "DM's coming tomorrow!!11" situation before and someone destroyed the store two minutes before close. I feel your pain.

        "We're closed."
        "Okay." -stands there-
        Five minutes later...
        "Okay, we really have to start closing now."
        "Okay." -continues to stand.

        Had one kid do this just staring at our DVD rack. So I lied and told him our computers automatically shut down so he couldn't buy anything anymore. I'm going to get in trouble one day.
        Would you like a Stummies?


        • #5
          See this is where you say, "We're closed you need to put that down and leave now." I know they probably won't get it but at least your giving the impression of them moving out of the store now.


          • #6
            It's even more annoying when our own coworkers do it but that's another thread I guess.


            • #7
              For a long time (before they changed it back thank god) we weren't allowed to lock any doors until all the customers were gone. That meant, usually Sundays since we closed earlier, we would have people there after 7 but people could still walk in. We couldn't tell me we were closed either.

              Yeah sometimes I didn't get home until after 8 those days. Of course we have store hours posted but who the hell reads those.

              And NatetheChops, that does sound rather annoying. I'd like to hear that story


              • #8
                We have some customers that ONLY come into our store 15 minutes before closing. One lady and her brat only come into the store 15 munutes before closing and she has a return then shops for more crap she will return next week while her little brat destroys the store. Then when she comes back up to pay she asks if she can use our bathroom before she leaves
                Another lady only comes in about 10 minutes before closing will go to the front and grab whatever she likes and takes another 10 minutes at the register making her choices. Then when she leaves she sits in her car for about 20 minutes. On the days she returns stuff she wanders away while you are processing her return. One night I was locking the doors and she starts pounding on the door that her watch says it is 9:29 and I need to let her in (we close at 9:30) I said nope the clock on the register says it is 9:30
                It seems like everytime we have a visit from somebody important that is when one of these idiots shows up to keep us longer


                • #9
                  I don't think people understand what closed is....They seem to think that they can come in at any time before you close... That if you close at 12 and it's 11:59 they can still shop. Closing time to them is a deadline as to what to be in the store before.

                  What they don't seem to realize is that they're wrong... Closing time isn't a like that tells you when you need to be in the store by, it tells you when you need to be OUT. Closing is when we stop doing business... I mean I will make the exception if the guy DOES know exactly what he wants and DOES have all his shit ready when he gets to the register if he pops in five before, cause yes...he will be OUT before 12.

                  I don't get the mentality. If I mistakenly lose track of time and someone tells me they're closing in five? I get a rush on my shit and get to the register. I tell these people "Hey...we're closing in five minutes." Or "Hey we're closing." They nod as if they understand... Has it just become habit to nod to mask your idiocy, they obviously do not understand the concept since they don't rush, they continue to browse.

                  Five minutes is not browsing time...It's "I've made my decision I need to GET it" time. If you don't know what you want by five minutes before? Then you really shouldn't be in the store.
                  "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
                  ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~


                  • #10
                    When I worked at the tobacco store, there was a woman who ALWAYS showed up right at closing or a minute after. I always had everything ready and my key in my hand and at 1 minute before closing would start meandering toward the door so that I could lock it the minute the clock hit time. One night this customer showed up as soon as I locked the door. I hurried and started the register reports so that I could truthfully tell her she was too late. She begged and begged and offered me $$ to sell her a pack of nasty clove cigarettes and did not believe that I couldn't sell anything once the reports were started. I later found out that she tried this with every new employee of that store. At one time I worked at a liquor store. Management was alot more lenient, so we would normally lock the door a few minutes before closing to prevent browsers from coming in and keeping us late. Also, if there were people browsing at 5 minutes till, we would announce "last call" just like in a bar. This normally worked in getting those people who were browsing to pick up what they wanted and get to the register. It made it alot easier to be able to get out within a few minutes of closing.
                    "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                    • #11
                      I used to have this one woman who drove me insane. She drove all the other checkout staff to insanity as well. One of the guys called her "titty hang-low" or "lightbulb." I won't go into WHY he called her those.
                      Basically, she'd come in five minutes before close, spend a good 10-15 minutes browsing and do one of two things:
                      -Go up to the last open checkout, dump her stuff down, go off and buy another $80 worth of junk.
                      -Find something "wrong" with her shopping and complain to service desk.

                      Sometimes she does both. Unfortunately, she's one of those idiots who assumes that checkout staff are idiots, hence the second comment. One time she assumed that bananas were wrong, when in fact they were right (the girl had put them through as ladyfingers, they WERE ladyfingers)
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...


                      • #12
                        Quoth marty View Post
                        Had one kid do this just staring at our DVD rack. So I lied and told him our computers automatically shut down so he couldn't buy anything anymore. I'm going to get in trouble one day.
                        I would do that ALL the time when I worked at IKEA and Wal Mart. People just refused to leave those places so telling them the registers automatically shut off and they won't be able to buy their precious goods usually got them out.


                        • #13
                          Unfortunately there are certain genre specific retailers that make it known to their customers that they will do anything for their business including having complete disregard for that minor inconvenience called a closing time. Customers that shop at these retailers are unfortunately led to believe that all retailers will do anything for their business too.

                          Now while not every retailer has joined the "fire bad customers" bandwagon, especially the major ones. It's these bad seed companies that fuck everything up for the rest of retail.

                          So get used to it, until these retailers see the light, which they won't, things won't change.

                          These retailers recruit 20 year officers out of the military upon retirement because they've never had that employee feeling before. So they have no remorse for employees that just want to go home and nothing but respect for the customer whose almighty dollar keeps the country going.

                          It's part of their retail culture and while their customers don't do as much business with them as they do major retailers, they want the customer to think their purchase is valued more.

