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  • #16
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    If you own one of those little rat designer dogs and you call after that dog, there are some things I don’t expect to hear. “Hey, Simba!” is one of them. Simba? Simba? You named it Simba?
    Hell, I know fursuiters who used to go by Simba. The one that sticks out in my head was maybe 5'7", thin as a rail, diabetic, and even changed his name to Phenobarbital, because Simba didn't suit him.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #17
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

      SC: “Ok, my name is K-H-O…hello?”
      Me: “Hi.”
      SC: “Ok, it’s K-H-O-G-hello?”
      Me: “…yes, go on.”
      SC: “K-H-O-G-R-hello?”
      Me: “Yes?”

      Just. Finish. Your. Name. If I don’t say anything for 1.3 seconds it’s because either you’re speaking already and I’m listening or I’m breathing. So unless you’re going to shut up or I suddenly suffocate, I won’t be speaking. Well, I won’t be speaking anyway if I’m desperately struggling for air. But still, just fscking finish saying your name.
      Ugh. Why do people do this? And its not like there's dead silence for a long enough time to assume that the line might have been dropped. Instead, if both people aren't constantly trying to talk over each other and there's a fraction of a second of silence, the person panics and demands reassurance that the line hasn't been dropped.

      I listen to NPR often, and on call in shows this behavior happens all the time. Its agonizing listening to some idiot attempting to conserve with an expert in the field, such as someone with a doctorate, and the idiot caller is continually interrupting himself to verify that the line is indeed still working.

      Takes 2-3x as long to say anything, if the caller even gets to the point at all.


      • #18
        Dunno...but here...

        Quoth Acolyte View Post
        Isn't everything in Vancouver in front of a Starbucks?
        I dunno about Vancouver, but in the Seattle Metro area....yes everything is within walking distance of a Starbucks... even other Starbucks.

        for example the City of Bellevue, has a transit center, one pretty much in it, on across the street, and one about a block away...not to mention one about 2 blocks away....and in the mall about 2 blocks away...ok 5 block area I've counted 7...yes 7, us Rain Folk can't lives without us Venti-double-shot-half-and-half-sugar-free-hazelnut-sugar-free-vanilla-extra-hot-no-whip-no-room-soy-lattes

        BTW that drink would suck.


        • #19
          Quoth bunnyboy View Post
          I dunno about Vancouver, but in the Seattle Metro area....yes everything is within walking distance of a Starbucks... even other Starbucks.

          for example the City of Bellevue, has a transit center, one pretty much in it, on across the street, and one about a block away...not to mention one about 2 blocks away....and in the mall about 2 blocks away...ok 5 block area I've counted 7...yes 7, us Rain Folk can't lives without us Venti-double-shot-half-and-half-sugar-free-hazelnut-sugar-free-vanilla-extra-hot-no-whip-no-room-soy-lattes

          BTW that drink would suck.
          Why do I have such an active imagination? Why?

          And GK, my condolences on this week's mess. Give ah...Schlongdor my regards should he visit your premises again--via baseball bat. Or perhaps something with a longer reach, such as a shotgun. I'm not picky
          Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


          • #20
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

            All of these points, much like The Planeteers, have combined their powers to form a single useless, questionable and ultimately irrelevant construct.

            annnnd rest.
            That line was fantastic!

            Thanks for the early monday morning laugh.
            Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


            • #21
              Quoth Panigg View Post
     for Trogdor related humor. Its funny.
              I couldn't help but read the last bit in Strong Bad's voice


              • #22

                ...oh sorry, wrong number.
                Would you like a Stummies?


                • #23
                  "Muffin-topped rampaging butterwhale".

                  GK, I've learned not to eat while reading your posts. Because invariably it winds
                  up all over EVERYTHING because I laugh so hard.

                  I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Your posts, and your wonderful technicolor descriptions, are one of the highlights of my week. Someone once mentioned you ought to write a book, and I agree. Ever consider it?


                  • #24
                    Sadly you can go down to the Starbucks next to my office, stand beside it, and actually see another Starbucks exactly one block down. The only saving grace is every Starbucks that ends up on the same block as a Tim Horton's eventually closes. =p

                    I *have* seen pictures from Nunavut before and was able to identify several articles of clothing from our catalogue....

                    Quoth xaenon
                    Someone once mentioned you ought to write a book, and I agree. Ever consider it?
                    Yes, many times. Though it wouldn't be just like a compilation of my ranting here. It'd be more like a handbook to why the customer service industry hates you. ;p


                    • #25
                      [QUOTE=xaenon;410810]"Muffin-topped rampaging butterwhale".

                      GK, I've learned not to eat while reading your posts. Because invariably it winds
                      up all over EVERYTHING because I laugh so hard.QUOTE]

                      Agreed! I laughed so much that my co-workers and students were looking at me with concern. I think I confirmed the fears of some that they have a crazy foreigner working for them.....
                      "There is a sadist inside me. She likes cake." - Krys Wolf, my friend

                      In a coffee shop in Whitehouse, Texas: "Unsupervised children will be given two shots of espresso and a free puppy."


                      • #26
                        A little while later another morning op arrived and indicated that she had to slip around a raging naked man to get to the elevator.
                        I would suggest mace.
                        but... keep in mind... who ever said mace has to be sprayed in the EYES?


                        • #27
                          Oh my God, I shouldn't have read these in the library. The Schlongdor one has sent me into a fit of silent laughter.
                          "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.

