Warning: remove food from your vicinity unless u want ur appetite gone.
This old-ish woman asked me for help to lift her old-ish husband off of a chair and onto a walker. Ok, not a problem. So I go to give them a hand but the guy is too heavy for me. CW was called to assist. While this happened, I noticed the guy's arm was covered with this huge pussy scab, and as fate would have it while I tried to lift him it contacted my arm. I immediately moved it but the damage was done. My cw and I ended up getting him up, but right afterwards I SPRINTED to the backroom about 54892893 miles an hour to wash my hands and arm thoroughly. My cw who had no idea that had happened came in the back and asked me what had happened. I explained what happened and said "Why do you think I was running so fast?" He says "I thought u had something to do..." I said "dude, would I be running this fast if I had something to do?" He says "hmm good point."
I do feel bad for the guy; it wasn't his fault. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, I have to plead to the brainbleach gods (or whoever is hoarding it on this site) to pass me a couple of gallons. And just cause I've always wanted to use this smiley,...

This old-ish woman asked me for help to lift her old-ish husband off of a chair and onto a walker. Ok, not a problem. So I go to give them a hand but the guy is too heavy for me. CW was called to assist. While this happened, I noticed the guy's arm was covered with this huge pussy scab, and as fate would have it while I tried to lift him it contacted my arm. I immediately moved it but the damage was done. My cw and I ended up getting him up, but right afterwards I SPRINTED to the backroom about 54892893 miles an hour to wash my hands and arm thoroughly. My cw who had no idea that had happened came in the back and asked me what had happened. I explained what happened and said "Why do you think I was running so fast?" He says "I thought u had something to do..." I said "dude, would I be running this fast if I had something to do?" He says "hmm good point."
I do feel bad for the guy; it wasn't his fault. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, I have to plead to the brainbleach gods (or whoever is hoarding it on this site) to pass me a couple of gallons. And just cause I've always wanted to use this smiley,...
