OK, so had a guy at the desk today, not really sucky, but seriously made everyone there go 
when he came up to the desk he went off on a rant about how every time he stays at the hotel he gets accosted/harassed/attacked/etc in the parking lot. This had all of us confused for 2 reasons, first none of the employees or other guests had ever had problems in the parking lot, second when I looked it up in the computer, this was the guest's first night in the hotel.
Really, are you that desperate for attention that you need to make up stories about our dangerous parking lot.
Oh he also theorized that we were receiving prank calls from people asking for shuttles so the security guy would have to do a shuttle run to the airport leaving the guests vulnerable... somehow I think that was a confession...

when he came up to the desk he went off on a rant about how every time he stays at the hotel he gets accosted/harassed/attacked/etc in the parking lot. This had all of us confused for 2 reasons, first none of the employees or other guests had ever had problems in the parking lot, second when I looked it up in the computer, this was the guest's first night in the hotel.
Really, are you that desperate for attention that you need to make up stories about our dangerous parking lot.
Oh he also theorized that we were receiving prank calls from people asking for shuttles so the security guy would have to do a shuttle run to the airport leaving the guests vulnerable... somehow I think that was a confession...