Hey all, I've only been lurking here for a while, customers have been nice lately, only dumb questions, which aren't suck. But that may end soon (especially now that I said it
). But on Saturday we had a visit from a crazy, they pop in every once in a while.
I was working away, scanning clearance, when I heard J the f.e.s page the m.o.d . She told him she was calling security and may need him to escort a lady out to her car. I missed why, but asked her afterwards. She started to tell me why when a very pregnant woman with her two daughters asked J if the "man was gone". J told her he was and I asked again what happened the lady told me that a crazy looking man carrying a bible was asking people for money, then he grabbed her by the arm and said "I love you baby".
He apparently left on his own but security was after him. So the lady went to spend some time in a store next door before going to her car.
Also worth mentioning was the crazy couple who nearly got in a fight in my store. As I was heading to the back to clock out I overheard some yelling and saw a man holding a little girl and scaring her. He was by our Halloween display and was shoving things in her face and yelling, trying to scare her. The mom came up pissed and started smacking at his face (no contact). He just laughed and she stormed off (without her daughter
). So I told a manager, not really anything he could do about it, besides keep an eye out since she walked away.

I was working away, scanning clearance, when I heard J the f.e.s page the m.o.d . She told him she was calling security and may need him to escort a lady out to her car. I missed why, but asked her afterwards. She started to tell me why when a very pregnant woman with her two daughters asked J if the "man was gone". J told her he was and I asked again what happened the lady told me that a crazy looking man carrying a bible was asking people for money, then he grabbed her by the arm and said "I love you baby".

Also worth mentioning was the crazy couple who nearly got in a fight in my store. As I was heading to the back to clock out I overheard some yelling and saw a man holding a little girl and scaring her. He was by our Halloween display and was shoving things in her face and yelling, trying to scare her. The mom came up pissed and started smacking at his face (no contact). He just laughed and she stormed off (without her daughter