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Thank you for playing "Darwin"!

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  • Thank you for playing "Darwin"!

    ... the game where losers are winners!(tm)

    OK, I know this probably got lost in the news of Hurricane Ike and Houston, but we had hurricane winds up here in Ohio, too. Granted, only barely making that rating, but still, take a moment to think about that. Hurricane. Ohio. A place that has never seen a hurricane in its history. Also, a place that likes to grow lots of trees, and doesn't see any real hurry to cut them down when they get old, start rotting, or just outright die. Why should we? We're too wet for extensive forest fires, and we never get high winds other than tornadoes, which are quite localized. As a result, about 1/6th of the state was without power Sunday around 7:00 pm, and probably 2/3 of the people in the areas near where I live.

    I'm quite proud that our people were quite civilized and refrained from running any sort of Lord of the Flies rehearsal, and there hasn't been too much grumbling, at least not more than can be expected from a natural disaster. Nonetheless, that doesn't keep a few of them from being complete and total idiots.

    Thank you for playing "Darwin", the game where losers are winners!(tm). You lost this time, but please try again!

    A number of my accounts are currently at Big Box Retailer (BBR). The particular BBR had power the next day, but the wind had ripped the facing above an entrance down, and most of it was dangling by thin metal strips. Not being fond of lawsuits, they roped off a huge section of the parking lot all around the affected door. Did that stop idiots from going over the ropes, walking under the debris, and trying the door anyway? You're reading, so you know the answer. Of course, this couple was trying for bonus points. They parked closer to the entrance that was clearly open than the one that was a funeral in the making.

    Minty fresh bathrooms!

    Hey, I know there are power issues all over the city, but you don't look homeless. Why are not one, but two of you brushing your teeth in the bathrooms of BBR? Power doesn't affect water pressure unless it kills the pumps to the water towers. So unless you have a home with well water (unlikely, given where we are), you have water pressure.

    Parenting 101, yet again

    Mom, you really don't want to have your kids unattended in the game room of BBR. BBR specialized in low-end type customers. Some of them are scary, and given the scale that they do, you're going to get the odd creeps in the store. Furthermore, when you do come get them, I'll give you a hint: if you don't want them to keep bugging you for quarters, don't hold an extened conversation in a game room. There are plenty of other places to hold conversations at BBR where the kids won't see a single flashing light or stuffed animal. And finally: the complaint you made to your friend that daddy isn't subsidizing you any more? Be eternally grateful that you have such a wise parent.

  • #2
    They had 60 mph in Arkansas, my BIL was out all day Sunday (he's a troubleshooter/lineman for an electric company), but things are fine there now. But yeah, Ike hit a lot of places really hard. Luckily, he more or less missed us - although we've had unrelated wind and rain and on Friday, a tornado. I just hope that the flooding situation doesn't get too bad. *sigh*
    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


    • #3
      Quoth Gurndigarn View Post

      Minty fresh bathrooms!

      Hey, I know there are power issues all over the city, but you don't look homeless. Why are not one, but two of you brushing your teeth in the bathrooms of BBR? Power doesn't affect water pressure unless it kills the pumps to the water towers. So unless you have a home with well water (unlikely, given where we are), you have water pressure.
      Actually, some of my mom's coworkers (teachers!) were without power AND water Sunday night through at least yesterday afternoon. I don't know what the status today was, other things were happening that were important when I talked to my mom tonight. She's in NE Ohio, btw. Well, so am I, but different cities.

      The one possible suck situation tonight was at the bookstore when someone planned on using their gift card (had looked and looked for something to buy with it and finally found something). Our system was completely knocked out because it's based in Cinci. So it's on hold for her until after they come back up. She was cool, but I was bracing myself.....


      • #4
        Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
        ... I'm quite proud that our people were quite civilized and refrained from running any sort of Lord of the Flies rehearsal, and there hasn't been too much grumbling, at least not more than can be expected from a natural disaster.
        <Quietly puts away his big spiked metal helmet and hides the armor plated muscle car>

        Good to hear you made it okay Gurn. And we did have several pumphouse failures up in the Washington Township/Dayton Mall area, from what I hear, so they might have lost water pressure.

        From what I was hearing on the weather reports, we got a freak weather condition. The hot air from the nice day we had that morning pushed the whole high-altitude cold layer down to ground level, giving us the happy experience of feeling the winds that usually only play with jet airliners for a few hours. WPAFB recorded sustained winds of 63mph, and the city of Lebanon got 78mph bursts. I was coming back from West Middletown via Franklin that night. Back roads + Dark + wind damage = a lotta fun
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          A number of my accounts are currently at Big Box Retailer (BBR). The particular BBR had power the next day, but the wind had ripped the facing above an entrance down, and most of it was dangling by thin metal strips. Not being fond of lawsuits, they roped off a huge section of the parking lot all around the affected door. Did that stop idiots from going over the ropes, walking under the debris, and trying the door anyway? You're reading, so you know the answer. Of course, this couple was trying for bonus points. They parked closer to the entrance that was clearly open than the one that was a funeral in the making.
          You know some lawyer would still sue them if one of the SC's ignored the tape and signs and hut hurt. We had a cooler fail a few months ago, and the condensate was flooding part of the floor. We emptied the entire cooler and set up caution tape around the area while we clean it up and left it up so the repair guy could spread out his tools. While he was working he had tools, cords, etc spread all around him a SC steps over the tape, trips and falls and lands on the poor repair guy. The later said they were just looking for a product in the clearly empty freezer.


          • #6
            We had winds up to 81mph here in Louisville Sunday... more than 75% of the Louisville metro area was without power still yesterday morning... My place of work is STILL without power *sigh*


            • #7
              Quoth Geek King View Post
              And we did have several pumphouse failures up in the Washington Township/Dayton Mall area, from what I hear, so they might have lost water pressure.
              OK, it is possible. Just odd. And this was in Englewood.


              • #8
                Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                BBR specialized in low-end type customers.
                Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                • #9
                  Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                  Minty fresh bathrooms!

                  Hey, I know there are power issues all over the city, but you don't look homeless. Why are not one, but two of you brushing your teeth in the bathrooms of BBR? Power doesn't affect water pressure unless it kills the pumps to the water towers. So unless you have a home with well water (unlikely, given where we are), you have water pressure.

                  That was the problem whenever a big storm came through when I still lived with the 'rents. We had a well, so we didn't have water pressure to flush the toilets. During the blizzard of 1993, we had to crack the ice on the hot tub(that was brand new a couple months before, but ruined by the storm) to get buckets full of water to flush, wash, etc. It beat melting the snow.

                  Our problem was, we didn't live close to ANYTHING. We were out in the woods, so we couldn't go to BBR to brush our teeth. Anyway, that was a really boring two weeks.
                  Check out my cosplay social group!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                    OK, it is possible. Just odd. And this was in Englewood.
                    Englewood. And you're complaining about odd?
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                      We had winds up to 81mph here in Louisville Sunday... more than 75% of the Louisville metro area was without power still yesterday morning... My place of work is STILL without power *sigh*
                      Lucky you. I'm glad my house has power, but dangit, I don't wanna go to work!
                      I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                      • #12
                        Well, could be worse. from what I heard later, 90% of Cincinnati was out of power, and some people are still in the dark even now.

                        I was lucky to only have been out for 9 hours, but I suppose that's because I'm so close to a substation and there's few trees around between here and there.

                        But yeah, for the most part, people were cool when at places with power. An exception or two (one I noted in sightings); then again, that's bound to happen.


                        • #13
                          My brother-person lives in Cinci....I hope he's okay.
                          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Tiberious View Post
                            Well, could be worse. from what I heard later, 90% of Cincinnati was out of power, and some people are still in the dark even now.
                            There are still people all across the SW portion of the state without power, and possibly not having it until next week. Two million total lost power, in a state with almost twelve million— and most of them in the SW portion of the state. A friend of mine in the Dayton Power and Light is expecting sixteen hour days for the next five days— and he works in HR normally!

