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I guess milk doesn't make you smarter

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  • I guess milk doesn't make you smarter

    SC is buying 2 liters of milk.

    Me: That's $4.50
    SC: OK (pays, recieves change) Hey, that's meant to be $3!
    Me: No, this brand in this size is $4.50
    SC: There's a sign that says $3!

    So I went and checked, and there was a sign that said $2.99... it also said a different brand and was on a different shelf from the one the $4.50 milk was on (which also had a sign saying $4.50).

    His comment (After exchanging the milk he bought for the one he actually wanted): "That's misleading!"

  • #2
    I hate it when customers tell me that! >_O The milk is all together in one fridge, on separate shelves, the prices will be under it, or maybe just to be confusing, on the door in front of it.

    This happens on coupons, on specials, pretty much anytime a customer is required to actually read, it's misleading.


    • #3
      Sure it's misleading if you're a complete fucking moron.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        umm, not to go OT, but $3-$4.50 for 2 litres of milk

        isn't that only half a gallon (roughly)
        holy crap, I will never again complain about paying the same for nearly a gallon.

        oh yes, and the SC, complete idiot... why do people think that every single brand will be the same price... that's like me going into a Lexus dealer saying that I saw the car advertised for (a lot less) and have them point out that it's the Toyota equivalent that I saw advertised and then go SC that it was misleading.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          umm, not to go OT, but $3-$4.50 for 2 litres of milk

          isn't that only half a gallon (roughly)
          holy crap, I will never again complain about paying the same for nearly a gallon.
          That's including the 200% markup that's the price you pay for being able to buy milk at 2 am (not that this happened at 2 am, in fact I have no idea why the SC didn't go to the supermarket down the street... oh wait, doing that would make sense!)


          • #6
            Quoth edible_hat View Post
            That's including the 200% markup that's the price you pay for being able to buy milk at 2 am (not that this happened at 2 am, in fact I have no idea why the SC didn't go to the supermarket down the street... oh wait, doing that would make sense!)
            only 200%, you should see what people are willing to pay for water... I've seen 600% markup on water before, and people gladly pay it (after working in retail I can never again buy bottled water knowing how much a store pays for it)
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              A lot of large supermarket chains actually sell things like milk and bread at a loss. But, the milk and bread is situated to lure people past other, more expensive things so even while they're selling milk and bread at below cost, odds are customers will go buy other stuff to make up for it.

              Only large supermarket chains can afford to do this however. Milk prices for smaller stores are probably more in line with the actual cost of production.

              Last edited by Hyndis; 09-18-2008, 07:10 AM.


              • #8
                I've had some customers wanting to know why the milk they're getting is expensive. It turned out that they were getting kosher milk which is more expensive than regular milk.

                I void off the milk if they don't want it. Then I offer to get the correct one.
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                • #9
                  Could be worse. Have you seen the price for the self stable UHT milk? That stuff is so high it's stupid! But, it also lasts.
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