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Who was the menace?

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  • Who was the menace?

    When I was young and foolish (as opposed to the current old and foolish), I worked for a summer as an usher in a movie theater. This particular summer a movie came out celebrating a little boy being smarter then all the adults around him, being terribly rude and snotty, doing horrible amounts of property damage, and yet everything works out ok in the end. Narrows it down doesn’t it?

    Many parents thought this movie would be excellent for their spawn and merely slowed down in the parking lot long enough to eject Junior from his car seat before speeding off to ruin someone else’s day. Sadly, this one woman chose to escort her grandson into the theatre.

    So there I am, attempting to remove an entire bucket of popcorn that’s been ground into the rug with a broom older then myself, when Grannie comes shooting out of the darkened theatre screeching at the top of her lungs. It seems that her brilliant grandchild got bored with the movie and chose instead to experiment with places he could put parts of his body. He has shoved his arm through the cupholder and is now stuck. He is also screaming at the top of his lungs and all the other children around him are making noise like monkeys playing with firecrackers. The movie is actually over at this point, they’re all just hanging around to watch this kid scream.

    So the manager and I go in and take a look and sure enough, the little bugger is stuck. After a bit of debate, we pour liquid soap over the kid’s arm, allowing him to wiggle free. Yay for us, right?

    As soon as Junior is actually free, Grannie starts hollering and demanding things. She wanted her movie refunded, her snacks all refunded, and a new t-shirt for her precious darling because clearly the soap had ruined that t-shirt forever.she doesn't actually check the kid for any injuries at all, just shoo's him away.

    My manager, who I went to High School with at the time, looked at her in shock. He literally couldn’t get a word out of his mouth. The woman ranted and railed for awhile longer until she started to run out of breath and neither one of us had actually said anything to her. Finally my poor manager just shook his head and walked off, leaving me alone with a puddle of soap to mop and an irate Grannie. Junior had already run off to bang on the arcade games in the lobby.

    When she was eventually convinced that we weren’t even going to talk to her about giving her something, she grabbed the kid and stomped out. I made the manager buy me nachos for a week for leaving me alone with that bat.

  • #2
    Hey, free nachos. Good deal!
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      I'm sorry your stupid dumbass child injured themselves. Here's some free stuff.
      Yeah right. GTFO and don't come back. Learn how to discipline your jackass kid.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        Yeah, there's a special kid right there. I was as fidgety and restless and unable to sit still as a child could be, and yet it never occurred to me to stick my arm in a movie theater seat drink holder.

        Bet his next experiment involves a fully-heated electric stove burner and his tongue.

        Good thing Granny didn't get any freebies out of you guys.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          I'm glad your manager didn't go the spineless route in giving that granny freebies. At least you got nachos for a week.
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            Honestly, if that were my son and he did that to my mother he would be in sooooo much trouble. she will not stand for things like that. She would politely thank employees for helping her and then escort little gooberpants home to be severely talked to. This grandmother on the other hand needs a severe talking to herself!
            "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


            • #7
              Quoth marasbaras View Post
              Hey, free nachos. Good deal!
              Not exactly free, since the poor OP had to deal with the stupid bat but well worth it!

              I likes me Nachos!
              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


              • #8
                ... my poor sleep deprived brain is trying to make a correlation between the kid w/his arm stuck in a cup holder and a call to tech support about "a broken cup holder" in a computer... Doesn't he know a cd-rom goes there... or something...
                Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                • #9
                  Hey I still know where I can get the liquid soap. Should I tell the tech guys it fixes broken cup holders?


                  • #10
                    It's all good until someone loses an arm.. The HEY.. free Nachos!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Moggie View Post
                      He has shoved his arm through the cupholder and is now stuck.
                      As soon as Junior is actually free, Grannie starts hollering and demanding things.
                      Kid's lesson learned: If you do something stupid, you might get rewarded.

                      When I was five I took a tin sand bucket (like you take to the beach) and put it on my head as a hat, pulling the pail's handle down as a chin strap. Gosh I was cute. Right up until the minute that it wouldn't come off. Mom fussed. Called in neighbors fussed. Soap, butter, oil were applied. Finally they called the fire department. Guy came up in full gear and used something (probably bolt cutters) to snip it off.

                      Then my mom promptly got on the phone to her lawyer.

                      Wait. I remember now. She had some sense of responsibility.

                      What actually happened was that she and her friends had a good laugh at my expense. Stupid kid got a bucket stuck on his head!

                      Lesson learned: If you do something stupid, people laugh at you.

                      I like my lesson better - it seems to have prepared me for the real world.


                      • #12
                        As a person who has actually attempted sticking my arm down one of those cupholder things...(I was a curious kid.)

                        That kid must either be pretty porky, or those cupholders must be pretty small.

                        In any case, shame on the grandmother for letting him do it, shame on him for being dumb enough to try it, and good for you guys for not giving in.

                        And yay, free nachos!
                        "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint

