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Failure to plan on your part...

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  • Failure to plan on your part...

    ...does not constitute an emergency on my part.

    Another from the annals of rich people with no grasp on reality.

    Woman has a sofa that was covered in sooty handprints after a move. She had the sofa covered in a material that is dry clean only. Drycleaning can't remove soot.

    To sum up, can't be washed since a soap and water cleaning will damage the fabric and it can't be short those handprints are there to stay.

    Solution? Re-cover the sofa with new material.

    Nope, client doesn't want that, and is bitching about it and demanding that it get cleaned.

    What part of "can't be cleaned" do you not get? What part of "There is only one solution to the problem" are you having problems understanding?
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    The evil bastard in me says to take the sofa, find the exact material, and get the thing recovered....all the while charging her an arm and a leg. Not exactly ethical, but it would get the job done, and make her go away. Plus, it might also get you some new business
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #3
      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
      What part of "can't be cleaned" do you not get? What part of "There is only one solution to the problem" are you having problems understanding?
      Well, the problem is that you're an employee, and you gave them an answer that, although correct, was not what they wanted to hear.
      free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


      • #4
        Quoth protege View Post
        The evil bastard in me says to take the sofa, find the exact material, and get the thing recovered....all the while charging her an arm and a leg. Not exactly ethical, but it would get the job done, and make her go away. Plus, it might also get you some new business
        Actually that may very well be what happens. Since this is shipper incurred damage, the shipper's insurance company is whom is paying to have it fixed/cleaned/whatever.

        Since the recovering costs are cheaper than the cost of a replacement sofa then the insurance company will likely say that your only option is with it.

        I believe that the insurance company already stated to the woman that it's not their fault that she had the thing covered in a fabric that cannot be cleaned, only dry cleaned.

        Also had she not moved with the woodstove and left it behind, there would have been no soot to have gotten on the fabric in the first place.
        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
          Actually that may very well be what happens. Since this is shipper incurred damage, the shipper's insurance company is whom is paying to have it fixed/cleaned/whatever.

          I guess I don't follow your complaint. Yes, it is dry-clean only, and the gal should be happy with a recover, as long as it's just like what she had, but she does have a valid reason to complain. She hired someone to move her stuff and in the process, it was damaged. It is the fault of the movers who should have washed their dirty hands before touching her couch, whether the material is washable or not. I'd be mad, too.


          • #6
            Quoth Liannah View Post
            I guess I don't follow your complaint.
            The complaint is: The "Lady" will not accept the best, and probably ONLY SOLUTION POSSIBLE. It's quick, easy, and completely possible. Instead, this lady would rather bi*ch, whine, complain, and be a royal PITA. That is the complaint.

            My question is: Did this company also mess up the lid to said woodstove?
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Quoth Liannah View Post
              I guess I don't follow your complaint. Yes, it is dry-clean only, and the gal should be happy with a recover, as long as it's just like what she had, but she does have a valid reason to complain. She hired someone to move her stuff and in the process, it was damaged. It is the fault of the movers who should have washed their dirty hands before touching her couch, whether the material is washable or not. I'd be mad, too.
              Ah, but my wife's company had nothing to do with the moving company, nor did they have anything to do with the sofa getting dirty.
              • Acme [obvious name change] Movers moved a woodstove and her sofa.
              • Acme Movers got sooty handprints all over said sofa.
              • SC complains to Acme Movers.
              • Acme Movers calls Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe Insurance.
              • DC&H Insurance calls Furniture Restorers and asks if they can come and give a clean/repair/replacement estimate.
              • Furniture Restorers finds out that sofa cannot be detergent and water cleaned, material is dry-clean only.
              • Furniture Restorers calls Bob's Dry-Cleaning and finds out that Soot is not removable by dry cleaning chemicals.
              • FR calls DC&H Insurance and informs them of the estimate and that the only option is re-covering.
              • DC&H gives approval to re-cover sofa and to contact SC to schedule time and to select fabric
              • SC has a freak-out attack and demands cleaning only.
              • FR informs SC that cleaning is not an option
              • SC further freaks out and chews out FR like it's their fault that the sofa was ruined

              That's the nature of the our complaint. Yes she has a valid complaint, yes she has every reason to be annoyed, in her place I'd be madder than hell myself...but my wife got bitched out as if she herself (or a rep of the company) came out to her house and wrecked the sofa and should find a way to clean something that is impossible to clean without ruining. Somehow, in the SC's mind, it's my wife's fault that the SC herself, selected a dry-clean only fabric. the last time she had it recovered. She has a valid complaint, but it shouldn't go to my wife who has moved heaven and earth to find the top to her stove and to get a recovering approved by her insurance company.

              What's really messed up, The insurance company gave carte blanche to use whatever fabric the woman wanted. She could have a new fabric that matched her new home.


              Quoth Broomjockey View Post
              My question is: Did this company also mess up the lid to said woodstove?
              Yeppers, same woman, same moving company, same attitude.

              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


              • #8
                Ah, see the fact that you were speaking from the FR perspective and not Acme wasn't clear in the OP.

                Besides, as you point out, regardless of the justifiability of having the restoration back to as-good condition somehow, the customer is still being sucky. Can't be cleaned. Cannot. Be. Cleaned. There isn't a new definition of "can't be cleaned" that includes cleaning.

                Me? I'd have taken the opportunity to have all-new fabric on it. One assumes that it would be an entire recover, not just the panel with the hand prints? There is probably some small fading that would make it noticable even if you got the same fabric. So, a chance to get rid of any fadings, scratched bits, rubbings, etc.


                • #9
                  Quoth One-Fang View Post
                  There isn't a new definition of "can't be cleaned" that includes cleaning.
                  Sure there is, it's in the new dictionary, along with these gems:
                  work: fun!
                  fun: not fun
                  entitlement: basic necessity
                  manager: kowtowing buttkisser
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                    Ah, but my wife's company had nothing to do with the moving company, nor did they have anything to do with the sofa getting dirty.
                    Somehow, in the SC's mind, it's my wife's fault that the SC herself, selected a dry-clean only fabric. the last time she had it recovered. She has a valid complaint, but it shouldn't go to my wife who has moved heaven and earth to find the top to her stove and to get a recovering approved by her insurance company.
                    Okey dokey. Now we make sense. I totally agree that the SC should not be making your wife's life miserable. She should be going after the movers. Hee hee. I just finished reading the stovetop post and am amazed at the lengths your wife has gone to keep this gal happy. Kudos to her. Salmon and woodchoppers to the SC.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                      Also had she not moved with the woodstove and left it behind, there would have been no soot to have gotten on the fabric in the first place.
                      I am stunned by the fact that this is the woodstove lady. Man, does she have bad luck with moving. And man, do those movers royally suck. And man, is she taking this whole thing out on the wrong people.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        Quoth One-Fang View Post
                        One assumes that it would be an entire recover, not just the panel with the hand prints? There is probably some small fading that would make it noticable even if you got the same fabric. So, a chance to get rid of any fadings, scratched bits, rubbings, etc.
                        And that would be a correct assumption. The nod from the insurance company gives approval for a total fabric replacement on the whole sofa...were I to be in that situation I'd be happier than a pig in swill with that outcome.

                        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jester View Post
                          I am stunned by the fact that this is the woodstove lady. Man, does she have bad luck with moving. And man, do those movers royally suck. And man, is she taking this whole thing out on the wrong people.
                          After a single week at her new job my wife came to me, grabbed me by my lapels and stated through clenched teeth that we were NEVER using a moving company.

                          Granted she's dealing with the 5% of cases where something goes horribly wrong, but when you hear about the sofa and woodstove, someone's baby grand piano made in the late 1800's dropping from a storage shelf 20 feet in the air onto concrete, 200 year endtables smashed into toothpicks, plasma TV's with the lens tends to turn your thoughts to U-Haul and DIY

                          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                          • #14
                            The woman needs a good schmack to the head. She's failing to see the forest because the trees are in teh way... You are the SOLUTION to the problem, not the cause of it. Her anger is clearly being mis-directed. The moving company screwed up the couch, and if the lady has a beef with anyone, it's them. This has nothing to do with you, in all reality.

                            And if he fabric was that fragile, the solution would be to COVER THE DAMN COUCH BEFORE MOVING IT!!! Morons... they're everywhere!!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                              someone's baby grand piano made in the late 1800's dropping from a storage shelf 20 feet in the air onto concrete,

                              Quoth gijoecam View Post
                              And if he fabric was that fragile, the solution would be to COVER THE DAMN COUCH BEFORE MOVING IT!!! Morons... they're everywhere!!
                              Yes, but that requires the use of "logic" and "common sense", and only we peons have those, never the uber-rich SCs!
                              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                              My LiveJournal
                              A page we can all agree with!

