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Uber-Rich SC's

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  • Uber-Rich SC's

    I know that there are many rich people out there who are nice people, but I'm interested in hearing about the rich SC's out there. I'm not talking about the snooty or the better than you crowd, I'm looking for the so far distanced from the real world that they don't know how anything works.

    Example: my previous post about the person who didn't have a clue that the 'damage' to her finish might have just been dust and that a rag and some pledge would know what I mean, the people who don't even know how to wipe their own arses because they've had someone to do it for them since birth.

    Let's hear your clueless Rich SC stories
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    eh i got one rich guy story but its more like one of the better customers i had.
    Back in the summer i got stuck running the garden centre and on a really busy day of old ladies whinning about prices and complaining about merchendise a kickass car drives right up to the entrance, almost blocking it. At first i go 'O no.....' then a black guy comes out with adorned in "Bling Bling", walks up to me and asked "Whats your most expensive bunch of plants?". I point him to something i have been trying to sell couse most customers say its overly expensive. He goes "Perfect" turns to the cashier wips out a wad of bills pays it all in cash picks it up and drives away. Whole thing took maybe 1 min

    i like that guy haha
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


    • #3
      My store sells US POLO brand clothes. The jeans are usually priced $48. During our "biggest sale of the season," they were half off. This guy wearing expensive clothing complains that the US POLO is too cheap, and that it must be fake. He insisted that he could tell just by looking that it was fake, and that was why it was so "cheap."


      • #4
        Quoth Cosmic Cat View Post
        This guy wearing expensive clothing complains that the US POLO is too cheap, and that it must be fake. He insisted that he could tell just by looking that it was fake, and that was why it was so "cheap."
        Good grief, he must be related to one of my college roommates! He would NEVER buy anything on sale as he believed that it somehow cheapened whatever it was he was buying and he "expected and deserved only the best for his money". The guy was living off the interest of one of Mommy's trust funds. He spent money like nothing I ever dreamed possible. I was struggling on a work scholarship.

        One time he came in the room, took off his new Polo dress shirt and threw it into the trash can. I asked him what was wrong and he stated that the polo player embroidered on the front had been snagged. I asked him if he intended to get rid of the mega over-priced (but high quality) shirt, and he said it was ruined, so he did not care what happened to it. I pulled out my seam ripper (my mom taught me how to repair my clothing back in high school) and proceeded to remove the polo player as it really was badly snagged. I then gave the shirt to GoodWill. I would have worn it myself had he not been much smaller than I was. My roommate thought I was crazy because he could not fathom that anyone would want to wear such a shirt.

        I went shopping with him only once, and it was one of the most embarrassing events of my college days. He made a huge mess in the store and threw whatever he did not like off the racks onto the floor. He then sighed loudly and complained that the store did not carry enough of whatever he was looking for and that the clerks knew nothing about some of the designers he was interested in and that the clerks were not as attentive as he thought they should be to him. I retreated to the bench outside the store after about fifteen minutes as nothing in the store was within my price range and I could not stand any more of his diva act. I waited out there for almost two hours while he and his other friends tried on shoes and more and more clothing. He did leave with a lot of stuff.

        A few years later, he officially "came out" - not that it surprised me in the least.
        Last edited by South Texan; 10-03-2006, 07:37 PM.
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          Being as I live in a very rich county, I get plenty of those SCs. My personal favorite is the guy who had a hard time backing out of a spot. The sad thing was there was plenty of room and he still couldn't do it. THe other type was a guy who did not want to take the dirt road because he was driving a rare and expensive car. He even knew he had to take the dirt road yet he still drove that car.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            Years ago, we had a dude tell us that it was his "personal right" to park in the fire lane because he owned $1,000 worth of our stock.


            • #7
              This was posted pre hack, but it fits into this thread perfectly.

              We have a sorority house with 14 girls and they are the most self absorbed, vain, useless tenants we have. One girl came into the office one day to request a work order, that being having a light bulb in her bedroom changed. I told her that light bulbs are the responsibility of the tenants so she'd have to change it herself. Her jaw dropped and she looked at me like I told her to F*ck off. "I have to do it myself? I don't know how to do that, I don't even know where to buy light bulbs!?!" My boss who was standing behind me starting cracking up as her eyes teared up and she stormed out of the office before I could tell her where to buy them (uh Walmart? CVS? Just about anywhere?)

              I later got a phone call from one of her sorority sisters telling me how mean we were to her poor widdle sister.
              Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.


              • #8
                Quoth shenzee View Post
                My boss who was standing behind me starting cracking up as her eyes teared up and she stormed out of the office before I could tell her where to buy them (uh Walmart? CVS? Just about anywhere?)
                And then you would have had to tell her where to stick them.
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  Quoth South Texan View Post
                  And then you would have had to tell her where to stick them.
                  Screwing it in would be the easy part. She'd just hold it in the socket, and the world turns around her!
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Coconut View Post
                    Years ago, we had a dude tell us that it was his "personal right" to park in the fire lane because he owned $1,000 worth of our stock.
                    I wonder how well that would have went over if he had used that line on a police officer . . .

                    Methinks he'd have won an all-expenses paid trip to the Downtown Arms.
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      When I worked at DQ if I was in charge of closing, any order that came in within 10 minutes of closing time was bagged up. No way were they getting a tray cause we were told to clock out within 30 minutes of closing or work for free. Local doc came in at 5 minutes to close. Was give his order in a to go bag. Asked if we were closing. Yep. We weren't closing for him though, right? Nope. We're closing. Well, he can stay and eat while we lock up, right? Nope. His wife had to drag him out. I still don't understand why he wanted to stay. I've been to his house. My house would fit in one wing of his. Much better than the DQ dining room.


                      • #12
                        Not exactly a customer as such, but this particular person was a legend among the scouts at my old college, and stands out proudly as an example of the uber-uber-rich person who can do nothing for themselves. If you are eating or have a sensitive stomach, skip this post.

                        For those who don't know, a "scout" in Oxford is not a boy who likes hiking and campfires, but someone who cleans your room every morning, empties your bin, wakes you up, tells you you're late for lectures and leers at your conquest of the night before. They are inevitably elderly, strong as oxes, have seen EVERYTHING in their lives working for the college, and take no nonsense from anyone. They will vacuum your room, but will not tidy up. If you are nice to them, tell them jokes, buy them bottles of sherry, apologise for the mess and generally treat them like a human being, they will make your life in college as easy as you could possibly want it to be. If you are an arse to them, and treat them like dirt, they will make your life that much harder and your room will be dirty to boot. One scout vacuumed round a rugby sock left on the floor of a college room, every day for six weeks.

                        Anyway, the person who all the scouts speak of in hushed tones of awe and disgust, was apparently a Saudi princess. A real one. With lots and LOTS of money. She was probably richer than the entire college. As well as having more money than God, it became evident that she had never had to lift one finger for herself in her entire life. She could wipe her own bottom, but it soon became apparent that this was in fact the ONLY thing she could do for herself.

                        She left her knickers, with used sanitary towels still attached, on the floor of her room, and had no idea what to do with either the sanitary towels or the knickers when challenged by the scout. My poor old scout haad to teach this cocooned girl how to change a sanitary towel, how to throw it in the bin for herself, and how to use a washing machine to wash her own underwear. She wasn't an unpleasant girl, by all accounts, just completely detached from reality and had been surrounded by servants to do EVERYTHING for her from birth.

                        The last i heard of this story, the girl in question was the only member of the Saudi Royal Family who actually knew how to use a coin-operated tumble dryer !
                        A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                        - Dave Barry


                        • #13
                          Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                          She left her knickers, with used sanitary towels still attached, on the floor of her room, and had no idea what to do with either the sanitary towels or the knickers when challenged by the scout. My poor old scout haad to teach this cocooned girl how to change a sanitary towel, how to throw it in the bin for herself, and how to use a washing machine to wash her own underwear. She wasn't an unpleasant girl, by all accounts, just completely detached from reality and had been surrounded by servants to do EVERYTHING for her from birth.

                          The last i heard of this story, the girl in question was the only member of the Saudi Royal Family who actually knew how to use a coin-operated tumble dryer !
                          Well, on the bright side, it appears she actually learned. Some people never quite get around to it.


                          • #14
                            Hmmm...I've seen a lot of weird things from the uber-rich but the funniest one HAS be what happened when a rich girl got a ticket for causing a minor traffic accident...

                            "I'm in trouble? How can I be in trouble? I get good grades."

                            She was truly and genuinely puzzled. It was kind of sad.


                            This is funny. Just now I got off the phone with an uber-rich board member of a large national charity headquartered in another state. He has been trying to send us a fax all morning with no success. I checked for paper and ink and that the fax was working and confirmed the area code and number. All was in order. Then he goes, "Wait a minute! Area code? Is this similar to a long-distance call? Do I need to dial '1' for a fax?"

                            He wasn't an SC; he was gracious and he didn't blame me. He was just kind of helpless without his assistant.
                            Last edited by Dips; 10-05-2006, 07:07 PM.
                            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                            The stupid is strong with this one.


                            • #15
                              I didn't have a clueless rich SC, just a snotty kind of rich SC. He came into the store decked out in an expensive tux and he was carrying a broken leaf blower. Pinned on his chest was the store credit card, but it was different looking than most. It had "VIP Pass" printed in one corner and the card was nicer looking than most. He came up to me and requested the manager, and I rang for the manager. I swear, the moment the manager saw this guy he was tripping over himself trying to get over there. "Oh Mr. so and so, what's the problem? How can I help you?"

                              "This leaf blower is broken. I would like to know if I can get a replacement," he says and manager says, "oh let me set you up with a new one then sir."

                              So then I watched the manager break every policy in the book to give this guy a free replacement on a blower that was over the one year warranty and the 90 day in store replacement warrranty. Rich SC looks at me and says, "That's why I wear this," he says pointing to his credit card. "So you guys would know that I'm important and a valuable customer." Er, right. That's fine, go around with your credit card number plastered on your chest. Yeppers. Then, the guy buys one of our top line tractors and all is well with the associates that were grumbling about the "broken policy" thing.

                              Later I learned that apparantly since the guy literally spends thousands of dollars in the store for his business and personal use, that management will give him whatever he wants. Sigh.

