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Racist Customers

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  • #16
    About the "hook a brutha up" thing...that happened at Kinkos once to a friend of mine, H, AFTER the guy wanting the favor acted like a complete jerk to another of my co workers.

    Basically, this black guy comes in and starts whining he doesn't want to buy a copy card to use in self serve, can't he just use one of our employee cards, I don't want to pre-pay, blah blah blah. Our co worker, S, told the guy he had to buy a copy card if he wanted to use the self serve machines, it's company policy.

    So the guy called S a racist.

    Well, S is NOT a racist by a long shot. He is a white guy, engaged to a Phillipino woman, and at the time, was living with H, his best friend, who is black.

    After calling S a racist, he appealedto H to "hook up a brutha."

    Not only is H black, but he happens to be a conservative, stodgy, no-nonsense black man who has an extreme dislike for the Playing of The Race Card.

    He snapped that "I am NOT your brother, and I don't appreciate your assumption that we are friends and that I owe you favors." Then he went in the back and about had a nuclear meltdown. He was FURIOUS.

    Well, S happens to be a web-comic artist who has been doing a comic strip on line for years. So that night, he let H script that week's strip. H wrote what he WISHED had happened that day.

    here's the link:

    I must warn you that it, like most of S's stuff, is pretty offensive. Still, it's pretty funny (especially since I saw the incident go down and heard H ranting and swearing in the back afterwards). In the strip, Shin-Goji is S, and Space Hojo is H.


    • #17
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post

      Not only is H black, but he happens to be a conservative, stodgy, no-nonsense black man who has an extreme dislike for the Playing of The Race Card.
      I have a coworker just like H, he has a dislike for the race card but he'll mess with said race carder's head. He worked Mary J. Blige, and he decided to wear a different name tag to prove to one of the new guys we hired that people will pull the race card. The whole day, people are going up to him saying that he's a family member and a coworker would ask what his real name was, the idiot SC would say the name off the nametag only to have the coworker tell the SC that he was wrong. He had quite a laugh about that for the whole night.

      That's a funny comic, there are nights when my coworker wishes he could do that.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #18
        There was a black comedian who used to do a street show on Venice Beach, California, Michael Colyar. I distinctly remember seeing him the first two times I went there, and later saw him on tv as well. He is currently quite successful. Hilariously funny. Anyway, his act was not only funny, but thought-provoking. And now, with my sincere apologies to Michael, as I saw this over 15 years ago, my paraphrased memory of one of his observations:

        "When we speak of race, we most often talk about white people and black people. But white people aren't white, they are peach. And black people are various shades of brown. But let's think some more on this. White people have very colorful descriptions for themselves. They turn red from embarrassment. They are blue when they're sad. They get green if they are sick or jealous. When the are scared, they are yellow. They turn purple with rage. They tan from the sun. And after all this, they have the nerve to call US colored?"

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Well, if Mr. Hispanic Guy doesn't much care for dealing with anyone who's not Hispanic, maybe he could go to Mexico, or perhaps BACK to Mexico (depending on the situation), and stay there. I mean, he could DRIVE there, he wouldn't even need to fly. I dont' see the problem.

          Really, he is welcome to go. He won't be missed. I don't mean because he's hispanic. I mean because he's clearly a racist asshole, and we sure don't need to add any more of those to the ones we allready have here.

          I fully agree. I mean, how would you feel if I barged into your house and moved in and decided to order you how to run your household??? That's how I see it.


          • #20
            Quoth Jester View Post
            "When we speak of race, we most often talk about white people and black people. But white people aren't white, they are peach. And black people are various shades of brown. But let's think some more on this. White people have very colorful descriptions for themselves. They turn red from embarrassment. They are blue when they're sad. They get green if they are sick or jealous. When the are scared, they are yellow. They turn purple with rage. They tan from the sun. And after all this, they have the nerve to call US colored?"
            "Colored" was one of the first euphamisms after "negro" became a Bad Thing.

            At one point, both were acceptable to blacks, though. Hence the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the United Negro College Fund.


            • #21
              As to the mexican customer, if you can learn it, what you ask him is this in perfect spanish:

              ¿Usted tiene una tarjeta verde? ¿Debo llamar la inmigración para ayudarle?

              Which translates to.

              "Do you have a green card? Should I call Immigration to come help you?"
              Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


              • #22
                When I was working at the supermarket, there were three black people working there -- a stocker, and produce guy, and a cashier. At the point in time where this story takes place, I don't think the cashier was working there yet, so it was just the other two guys I mentioned.

                A guy came into the produce department and rang the bell for help. The produce guy arrived, and as friendly as could be asked, "Can I help you?" The customer snapped back with, "I don't speak to your kind!"

                Poor guy didn't know how to react, so he just walked away. Unfortunately, the other guy, the stocker, got wind of it. He was a nice guy as long as you didn't piss him off, but once something set him off, you did not want to be around. He tracked down the customer, smiled at him and said, "How ya doin'?" Then he proceeded to shadow the customer until he got nervous enough to just walk out of the store. Good riddance, I say.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #23
                  Quoth MadMike View Post
                  The customer snapped back with, "I don't speak to your kind!"
                  This was kind of evil on my part, but kind of funny.

                  Years ago, my best friend was dating a black dude, and was getting into rap music. The first time I met him, I looked him square in the eye and said, "We don't like your kind around here." He and my best friend started to get these shocked looks, and before they could freak out too much, I said, "Yeah....we like rock and roll, not rap music." And then I smiled.

                  And they realized I was just messing with him.

                  They are no longer dating, but he is the father of my niece (best friend's daughter) and is basically a pretty great guy.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #24
                    I get so many customers from the produce department asking me questions about things, even though there are plenty of produce employees around. Is it because the produce guys happen to be Fillipino? I don't know.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #25
                      We had a customer who came in right after Katrina and said the N-word's in New Orleans deserved it.

                      We were too stunned to say anything. We just asked him if he wanted to help the red cross.

                      It's people like that who give all of us a bad name
                      Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                      • #26
                        I saw this one when I worked at a bank a few years back. I got called over to the main building since one of the assosciates was having trouble with her software they used to open and work with accounts. Sitting in the waiting area near the associate desks (the teller lines were across the way) was a man I would say was Indian. He had on a small white turban, and he spoke with an Indian accent. The assosciate whose PC I was fixing, who is black, walked up to him. What this guy said blew my mind:

                        A: Can I help you with anything sir?
                        SC: No no no no. You are one of color, I will not be helped by one of color. I will wait.

                        She walked back to her desk, glancing at me. She could see the look on my face, and kind of shrugged and rolled her eyes. I got her PC fixed as quick as I could so she could get up and running again. I lost a few brain cells that day, and man do I miss 'em.
                        A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

