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I know I look young, but c'mon!

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  • I know I look young, but c'mon!

    So my best friend and I pull up to a fast food place about 15-20 minutes after the high school across the street got out and there are a bunch of high school kids hanging around.
    BEFORE WE GOT OUT OF THE CAR the MANAGER told us to buy something or leave!
    Um, Hi. I don't care how old I am or look, you WILL not make such a demand of me BEFORE I GET OUT OF THE CAR!
    I insisted we drive across town to the other one as I wouldn't give that witch w/ a b my money, and complained to the manager there. They said they would let the GM know.

  • #2
    hmmmm that's a tough one! You have every right to complain but with these situations going on with schools and crowded fast food outlets I don't understand why the Manager would jump to conclusions without hesitation. Did you drive away after she talked to you?
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


    • #3
      Did you drive away after she talked to you?
      Yes. After I told her I WAS going to spend money there, but since she didn't even let us get out of the car before making her demands we'd stop coming every couple days.


      • #4
        wait, the manager was OUTSIDE of her store and just saying this to random cars with young people inside of them?
        That seems so unbelievable to me. Maybe I'm just underestimating the weirdness of people.


        • #5
          When I was a security guard and worked a local Taco Bell on Friday and Saturday nights they use to have me stand at the doors and tell everyone that they had to buy atleast a drink or leave.

          I also had to walk outside and chase people away that were just standing or sitting around.

          They use to get like 300 people and only 25 to 50 would actually buy something. You could always count on atleast 3 or 4 fights each weekend.

          So I can see where the manager was coming from, it sucks but blame the young fools that think its ok to act like animals.


          • #6
            Maybe the manager likes to have an empty store.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

