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I'm an old fashioned gal (ranting)

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  • I'm an old fashioned gal (ranting)

    Now I don't have a problem with the new trend of hyphenating your last name after you get married, to each his, or her, own I say. The problem I have with it though is when it interferes with my ability to do my job.

    I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have had people call me trying to find their flight information and while they know all the other information like their flight dates and times, they can't tell me their last name...

    For example:

    SC: Well, it might be under Smith-Jones, or maybe just Smith, but it could be just Jones, or it might even be Jones-Smith.

    Grrr....this is not an acceptable answer! The one and only time I accept this answer is when someone just recently got married and now they need to update their reservation to show their new name. But in these situations they can tell me what name was originally on their reservation!

    Also what's frustrating is when people put their nicknames, or their middle names that they go by on their resevations. AH! Especially when they're traveling international and they have to have a passport!


    SC: Uh yeah I have a reservation to Mexico but I put my name as Bubba but my real name on my passport says Joseph is that going to be a problem?

    No, not a problem. No one will care that you're going out of the country and your passport says Joseph but your ticket says Bubba. Doesn't matter at all.

    Please, PLEASE put your LEGAL name on your reservations and save some poor little worker bee like me the heartache.

    Ok, thanks for listening to me rant.

  • #2
    I feel your pain, sister.

    Bonus points if THEY book it themselves using the online booking tool, then call to yell at US that the name doesnt match their license/passport.

    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      I hate people who use a standard name different from their legal name and get mad at me when it takes me awhile to find their account, for example a man whose legal name is John Frederick Wilson may be known to everyone as "Fred Wilson".

      However if I am using a system that lists people by their legal name I am not going to find the right customer searching on "Fred Wilson". Sometimes it takes awhile for the lightbulb to flick on and the customer to realize why I am not finding a match.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #4
        Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
        I hate people who use a standard name different from their legal name and get mad at me when it takes me awhile to find their account, for example a man whose legal name is John Frederick Wilson may be known to everyone as "Fred Wilson".

        However if I am using a system that lists people by their legal name I am not going to find the right customer searching on "Fred Wilson". Sometimes it takes awhile for the lightbulb to flick on and the customer to realize why I am not finding a match.
        I had that problem with my dad's name.

        I'd call up looking for something under his name (I had my phone and a credit card, under his account. They were in my name, but he was the "primary account holder".), or if I was calling up places like the cable company because the TV or Internet were out.

        His first name is James, but he goes by his middle usually. So unless it was it was a government or legal document, he hardly ever used his first name. Made things interesting...
        <Insert clever signature here>

