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Rude outgoing messages

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  • #31
    A friend of mine is particularly serious about his relationship. He and his lady love did one of those recordings where they said every other word.

    I gave up calling them for a while in case I got that, but I believe another chum had words with them over it...



    • #32

      Ooooh I hate those. My buddy once did a message that was something like

      "Thank you calling 111-2222, I'm not in right now but if you'll leave your name and number along with....oh my god, what are you doing? Put the knife down! For the love of god put it down! Noooooooooooooooo! *beep*"

      It was funny but really annoying after awhile.


      • #33
        Quoth CrazedClerk View Post

        Ooooh I hate those. My buddy once did a message that was something like

        "Thank you calling 111-2222, I'm not in right now but if you'll leave your name and number along with....oh my god, what are you doing? Put the knife down! For the love of god put it down! Noooooooooooooooo! *beep*"

        It was funny but really annoying after awhile.
        OMG, I have to admit that's hilarious.

        Was that the answering machine attacking him w/the knife or the television set?
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #34
          My friend had a whole box of message tapes he made while working at the radio station. He'd have things like teaching his cat how to drive, his own psychic hotline, the mortuary, the genie, and a few dozen others. He had one wacky imagination..........and still does!
          Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


          • #35
            I had a blast when I worked at the radio station. And since I was the Production Director for a while, I had easy access to the editing bay whenever I wanted (even after hours...keys are great!). Anyway, I once made a station ID* with Bart Simpson and I exchanging comments, the entire conversation somehow being about the radio station. I did this by recording a lot of cool sound bites of a bunch of Simpsons episodes a dorm mate had, and then using them to write and produce the script, with Bart and I going back and forth. One of the better things I have ever done, if I do say so myself.

            My one regret about the whole thing, which resurfaced reading this thread, is that I never used my knowhow and access to sound equipment to make something like that for my answering machine. Hell, one of the Bart sound bites on the station ID was even "Who the hell are you?" That would have just rocked.

            *For those not in the know, a station ID is just something that identifies the station, going from something a simple as "96.7 FM, KJST" to something elaborate that also promotes the station, as above.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #36
              Mine used to say "Hi. This is Mango. Please leave a message as soon as possible and I'll get back to you at the sound of the tone."

              It'd been there for years. About two people commented.

              Finally I changed it to: "Thank you for calling Mango. All of our technicians are currently busy helping other customers. To use our automated callback feature, please leave a message after the tone. We will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you."

              Messages usually start out "Uh.......Mango?"


              • #37
                Regarding the multiple so-and-so is dead/injured "funny" phone responses:

                It might be a good idea to imagine yourself on the receiving end of one of those calls telling you someone you like/love is dead, and wonder if it's really all that funny.

                It's easy to miss the first few words of a telephone conversation, particularly for people without 100% familiarity with English, and cruel practical jokes like that are a response that's way out of line.


                • #38
                  Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                  As an aside, I really hate it when I'm phoning people up that I'm not to familiar with and I get a machine that doesn't have the name on it, just the number. Then I'm not sure if I've reached the right place. Double confusion if I'm phoning for a "Jeff", for example, and it's a woman's voice on the machine.
                  Sounds like my outgoing message. I posted about this somewhere else on here. I keep mine like that because I just palin hate the sound of my voice, and I feel stupid trying to come up with a different message. Plus, people seem to object to having to listen to 30-45 seconds of music before being able to leave a message, which would be my other choice. Maybe a good chunk of "Lips Of An Angel by Hinder" might work...especially if my ex calls.
                  I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                  Oh, and your tool box got out again.

