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I Cant Live Without It

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  • I Cant Live Without It

    hey ppl

    this is my first CS entry, as a CIA agent. lol

    i work for cybersurf internet access (hence CIA)
    we had some issues with this one customer calling in. we offer a local phone(VOIP) service and free highspeed internet for $39.99/mo...good deal right? well this guy thought it was too.

    well, we charge 11.25 to port (bring the number over) from their original LSP.

    story is, we specifically inform ALL customers, ( i remember informing this guy, cuz i signed him up ) NOT to cancel with the provider. because if they do, then we have no way to grab their number and bring it over to us. well 6 months ago, thats what he did. we also advise them that they will have to pay the lsp as well as us until the number has ported over. we reimburse 1/2 month, for every month that you pay 2 phone companies.

    well fast forward to oct 1. customer calls to say that his VOIP phone isnt working. whatever, no problem, take care of that. valid problem. So then he gets me to check the status.

    it says, REJ no LSP, so its been sitting rejected for 6 months, i send the request to my porting girl (awesome lady) she clicks her mouse, and tells me it will be done for oct 3 (she was speeding up the process 10x) so i offered to provide him with 2 months credit. he had already recieved $100 in credits,

    when i told him i had to escalate off to my accounting department for more credit (i cant give any more) he didnt like that, he started getting irate, getting mad and calling my company a joke (telling me i work for a bullshit joke of a company)

    so as per procedure, i told him that if he continued to insult me and my company i would disconnect and make sure he DID not get his refund. his resopnse

    oooo big words

    so i go on about how it will be ported ect. he asked for a gaurntee it, and i refused.

    he then asked me how it felt to never have graduated garde 9 and be working for a stupid joke of a company.

    again "sir if you insult me once more i will disconnect"
    response "ooo big words for such a little man"
    me "sir im disconnecting the call have a good day"
    him "you fuckin better not disconnect you cock sucking little fuck, i raped your mother last night and she was better then my wife "

    he kept going but i hung up

    some ppls children. i mean i understand his position, but i put in the request for him to be refunded, and his number has been ported, and it wasnt our fault it took so long

  • #2
    Quoth Cia_agent View Post
    him "you fuckin better not disconnect you cock sucking little fuck, i raped your mother last night and she was better then my wife "

    I would have hung up on him, and disconnected his phone after that little remark! Saying something like that is NEVER called for, especially when it's not your fault! Make sure to document that, and let your supervisor know, just in case that guy phones back.
    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


    • #3
      oh i did, and we made sure when he called in to the tech support que, we put him through a living hell


      • #4
        Is there a blacklist for your company?
        "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


        • #5
          :sigh: Will these morons ever figure out that it is not in their best interests to insult and abuse the help?! Bet this wonderful specimin of humanity wonders why he's been banned from half the stores and eateries in his town.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            :sigh: Will these morons ever figure out that it is not in their best interests to insult and abuse the help?! Bet this wonderful specimin of humanity wonders why he's been banned from half the stores and eateries in his town.
            Probably not, for in his warped narrow mind, he is RIGHT on all accounts and in all situations. Everyone else is wrong, no matter if they are right.

            Because CIA_Agent didn't cave in to his demands, he was wrong in the eyes of the SC.

            In other words, this SC is a walking, talking, spewing case of being a legend in his own mind.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              Quoth Cia_agent View Post
              him "you fuckin better not disconnect you cock sucking little fuck, i raped your mother last night and she was better then my wife "
              I have had one person say that to me. I shut him down quick.

              "Really? You raped my mother? Wow! Sexual Assult, grave robbing and defiling a corpse, I'm impressed."

              At that point the rest of the customers in the store started laughing their asses off. He turned red (thought he was going to blow an aneurism) dropped a few f-bombs and left.

              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


              • #8
                that is awesome, i so could have used that myself!! haha

                another thing i dont understand about SC's is how ppl say they cant live without the internet, and are cancelling their service because 2mbps isnt HIGHSPEED!!!..
                and in the days of dialup 2mbps was AMAZING!

                i definatley believe customers want more then they pay for...everyone wants something for nothing...


                • #9
                  Quoth Kusanagi View Post
                  Is there a blacklist for your company?
                  Interestingly enough, for all of AT&T @Home's faults (which I worked for back in the day - it's defunct now), that was one thing they got right. We had an "abuse board" which listed what customers were permenantly banned from getting service with us. Many of them were mundane things like refusing to remove viruses or continually running a server, but there was a three page long list of customers that were banned for "employee abuse". These abuses ranged from actual physical attacks to repeated (in other words, more than about 10 times) verbal abuse over the phone. Imagine that, a company voluntarily turned down money to protect their employees from being treated like dirt. Now THAT'S employee appreciation!

                  Too bad that can't be done anymore. From what I understand (and I'm no expert), just like the FCC decided in its infinite wisdom that phone reps must give the customer a supervisor if one is asked for regardless of the situation, they also decided customers can't be "blacklisted". I honestly think that on top of society training SC's to be SC's, our own government is being the enabler...
                  ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
                  - Cartman


                  • #10
                    In that case I think I'll start a company "whitelist" where I work.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Cia_agent View Post
                      oh i did, and we made sure when he called in to the tech support que, we put him through a living hell
                      Woohoo! Way to go!
                      I AM the evil bastard!
                      A+ Certified IT Technician


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=phillippbo;36706] From what I understand (and I'm no expert), just like the FCC decided in its infinite wisdom that phone reps must give the customer a supervisor if one is asked for regardless of the situation, they also decided customers can't be "blacklisted". QUOTE]

                        Soooo.....if that is true, the FCC will freakout over an accidental boobie shot, or an accidental slippage of the F-Bomb over the public airwaves, but it's okay to drop that F-Bomb, and/or threats of physical harm to innocent workers just simply trying to do their job?


