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Its the end of the world is it?

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  • Its the end of the world is it?

    My first phonecall at the gallery was just lovely. Im only posting about it because the 'woman' called back today.We run workshops and afterschool classes for children and adults for art... water colour, oil, modern art everything. These classes are seperated by age note I said age.

    A woman rings, its my first time answering the phone and I've been on the floor about an hour (so im still getting to know things) and she askes me for the "cartoon art class for children" note the word children.I look in childrens art classes and see an animation cartoon class and inform her that the days have been changed and the class is now friday afternoons.

    Well youd think I just stabbed a new born baby the way she went off at me, screaming into the phone about how the gallery doesnt support working parents and how shes HUGELY dissapointed and how she will NEVER support the gallery ever ever ever again, that we have ruined her day and how will she tell her son, etc. She really layed into me and im like... falling all over myself to apologise and trying to interrupt her tirade so I can go check Im looking in the right place to begin with! all the time thinking...whoa lady its an art class..... not the end of the world!

    So the managers were really nice about it, I wasnt upset on the outside but inside I was fuming. The art class co-ordinator came down and said basically how dare she speak to me like that and I wasnt to take that kind of abuse again... really supportive so I felt ok about it.

    Anyway, this afternoon (ive been there around a week now so im much more confident on where to find everything) she calls back as sweet as sugery candy and says her husband called in and there was a misunderstanding... I recognized her voice. This time she says, my 14 year old wanted an animation class and her husband said it had been switched but could she inroll anyway pleeeeassseee and how the other girl must have been new and it was all a big mixup... playing the total innocent!

    you horrible little coward!

    so this time because she has said 14 year old I know the class is in a totally different section! Not only that but it has not been changed and is on saturday.... had she not said CHILDRENS art class the first time.... or flown off the handle I might have been able to help her!

    I get it all sorted out and take her off hold to fill out the enrollment forms and shes hung the bloody hell up! So thats twice shes called in now and hasnt been able to register both times.... once because she didnt give me a chance to hand the call off to someone whos been there for more than a freaking day and the second time because she was too impatient.

    Holy crap do I feel for her children...god forbid you make one tiny mistake, no chance to fix it or clarify she just flys off the handle. Youd better believe the manager made sure everyone in the office knows about this cow and her antics. The co-ordinator is to take all of her calls from now on take that you entitled moocow
    Last edited by Kiwi; 10-05-2006, 06:37 AM. Reason: my brains quit
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    That's it! Pack up the space shuttle! I'm going home now!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Oh, good Lord.

      So now the entire world has to revolve around HER work schedule? What makes HER schedule more special than anyone else's?

      How about those "working parents" who work on weekends, evenings or overnight? Do they call up relatives and scream at them because weddings and birthday parties are always on Saturdays or Sundays? Or call up their kids' school and bitch and moan that Parents Night is held at night?

      I work on weekdays. Sometimes stuff I want to do with my kids happens on weekdays. I either take the time off to do it (especially if it's important like a doctor's appointment) or I find an alternative activity to do with them when I'm not at work.

      No kid is going to DIE for lack of an animation class. Sheesh.

      I have to like how the Entitled Moocow (TM Kiwi ) is directly causing her own bad karma. That's pretty funny.
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.


      • #4
        Quoth Dips View Post
        How about those "working parents" who work on weekends, evenings or overnight? Do they call up relatives and scream at them because weddings and birthday parties are always on Saturdays or Sundays? Or call up their kids' school and bitch and moan that Parents Night is held at night?
        That's my world. I have classes every weekday from 8AM to 11AM, then I work 1PM to 10PM. The only exceptions are Sunday (which I have off for church and some semblance of a weekend) and Monday (which I have off because of a 5PM to 8PM evening class). Saturdays I work alternating 8AM to 4PM or 2PM to 10PM shifts. In between all that, I have to do homework, keep up my part of the housekeeping at home, pay attention to my wife, run all the little errands like getting groceries and paying bills, apologize to family for not making the family parties, and find a few minutes to sleep. I'm only on Customers Suck because I woke up early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.

        So, yeah, when people complain about store schedules not fitting with their needs, they get no sympathy from me.
        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
        - Bill Watterson

        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
        - IPF

