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The Eight Faces of Suck

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  • The Eight Faces of Suck

    So I just had a woman come in that was eight sucky customers all in one. She didn't just do one annoying thing, she went for a record. I just had to share.

    10:10-- Customer walks in with air cast on foot (this will be important later) and asks about a case for her phone. No problems so far. I show the customer the leather case and the plastic holster made specifically for her phone.

    10:12-- Now annoying customer maneuvre number one (or ACM#1) rears its ugly head. Customer insists on removing each case from its packaging and physically putting each case on her phone, to "make sure they fit."

    10:15-- Customer decides that the holster isn't as "protecting" as she would like. I could be petty and call the misuse of the word protecting ACM#2, but I'll move on to what is perhaps my least favorite ACM of all. ACM#2:Customer decides to relate to me that the reason she wants the case is that she is leaving for Branson, Missouri (a.k.a. Hillbilly Vegas and boy howdy will she fit right in), and needs something that will keep the phone strapped firmly to her purse strap. She then goes into extreme detail about why she is going to Branson (to see that Russian violin player), who she is going with (her daughter-in-law and grand-baby), and why she doesn't like our cellular carrier (no coverage in the Ozarks).

    10:32-- ACM#3: Customer wanders over to the clearance rack and starts to randomly pick up cases priced significantly lower than the case she needs, and asking if they will fit on her phone. Upon being told, "Sorry, that case fits a discontinued phone, which is why they are being clearanced out," about seven times, she makes a *huff* noise and says, ACM#4: " The cheap ones won't fit my phone. How ironic."

    10:34-- ACM#5: Customer takes down all the cases that look like they might conceivably fit on her phone, removes them all from the packaging, and tries unsuccessfully to put them on her phone. There was then a brief reprise on the "irony" of the situation.

    10:40-- ACM#6: Customer sits on a stool, regarding the leather case that fits her phone balefully. She then looks up at me and says, "And I won't be able to find it anywhere else cheaper, will I?" At this point I'm thinking, "Now how the **** should I know?! Buy it, don't buy it, get the **** out of here you awful annoying woman!" ACM#7: Customer stares at the case silently, and when I ask if she wants to go with that case, says, "I'm thinking." Customer then continues to sit silently, until...

    10:45-- Customer finally guts it out and purchases the case. I ring her up, take her money, and as we wait for the receipt to print she launches into ACM#8: Customer brings up past service issue resolved in another store. "I was in the hospital, getting surgery on my foot, and my phone just quit working. I was so mad. I went to the other store, the store where I bought the phone, and they said they wouldn't give me another one because I'd had it for over fourteen days! But I was in the hospital! I don't think that's fair! Do you think that's fair? I was mad! Then they fixed the phone, and now it works real good, but I still don't think it was fair what they did, because it wasn't my fault, I was in the hospital, and they should've given me another phone..." This goes on until...

    10:55--Customer finally leaves, honest to gosh continuing her diatribe about the other store and how unfair it was that they discriminate against people who are in the hospital.

    So. That is the sad story of the stupidest woman on earth, and how it took me 42 minutes to sell her a freaking case for her phone. Now I will sit here and decide whether to laugh or cry. And look for my salmon. Aah, there you are, dear salmon.

    Note: My co-worker has just informed me that there is a new layer of stupidity at work here. Apparently, the Russian guy in Branson is a comedian-Yakov Smirnoff, and the violinist is Japanese- Shoji Tabuchi.
    Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

  • #2
    Yakov Smirnoff is still giggin'?
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
      Yakov Smirnoff is still giggin'?
      No clue. This lady seemed to think so, though. I'm not into the Branson scene, despite my unfortunate proximity, but I do know it's where careers go to die. So if he's gigging anywhere, it'd be there.
      Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


      • #4
        Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
        Yakov Smirnoff is still giggin'?
        Last time we were out there he was. My inlaws live in the town next to Branson. It can be a scary scary place.

        And then she wonders why we don't come visit.
        0 Coffee! Thou dost dispel all care, thou are the object of desire to the scholar. This is the beverage of the friends of God. -In Praise of Coffee, 1511

        Daranacon - because we're not crazy enough


        • #5
          Lady complains about cheap stuff not working? Huh.

          Whoda thunk?

          As I like to say (and unfortunately find myself saying more often than I'd like), "You spend the money to do it right, or you'll spend the money to do it over."
          "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
          -- The Meteor Principle

          Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


          • #6
            I feel your pain. I work at a cell phone store, and seriously, everyone wants their "free" phone to work like a million bucks all the time. And no amount of dropping to the cement or into swimming pools had better break their phone. God forbid they purchase insurance, or a better quality phone! No, it is far more entertaining for them to break the el cheapo, then storm into the store making demands.

            It's customers like them that make me appriciate my business customers who have a little common sense.
            I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


            • #7
              And to think I made my own carrying case for my cell phone. I got a snazzy little blue plaid change purse from the dollar store, cut out the divider in the middle, and there I have it. Of course, I don't use it since all my ringtones suck and I keep my phone on vibrate.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth Myra View Post
                I feel your pain. I work at a cell phone store, and seriously, everyone wants their "free" phone to work like a million bucks all the time. And no amount of dropping to the cement or into swimming pools had better break their phone. God forbid they purchase insurance, or a better quality phone! No, it is far more entertaining for them to break the el cheapo, then storm into the store making demands.
                When I got my "free phone" for signing up with my cell phone company (and it was a very nice phone, mind you, with many of the bells and whistles), the first two things I purchased for it were a carrying case and insurance. Why? Because I know I am a klutz AND an idiot, and I accept that.

                The very first night I had it, I dropped the damn thing three times. That is why I bought the case.

                And while I have not been like some of my friends and destroyed five phones within a year (oh, the stories I could tell there!), I did one day manage to unknowingly drop my phone out of my truck, and didn't realize it till later. When I realized my phone was gone, I called my voice mail. And wouldn't you know it--the guy who found my phone in the street used my phone to call his, thus getting my number, then called my phone and left me a message. And I got my phone back, though the screen was fried. And that is why I bought insurance!

                Of course, I suspect from reading some of the cell phone stories here that most of the people that need the protective case and insurance don't actually buy them. SC's, after all, are not that bright.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."

