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I have the power...mwahahahahahaha

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  • I have the power...mwahahahahahaha

    Ok, so I've got a new job - traffic control.

    You know - the guy on the road with the Stop/Slow bats?? (yeah - paddlepop guy )

    Anyway - yes, the Stop is legally enforceable - you run it, you've run a stop sign.

    And yes, we take down regos and pass them onto the police.

    And yes, you will get a ticket from it.

    So - don't piss off the guy holding it just because you're an asshat!

    Had a taxi stopped on my bat. He was getting a bit impatient, and thus, rude and insulting...

    guess what sunshine - you've just earnt yourself another couple of minutes wait.

    Asking "Do you guys know what you're doing?" isn't going to make us hurry up...

    Ah - finally - my officiousness has found it's place in the world

    (and thanks Mr Hero for the reminder!)
    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

  • #2
    I always stop, but there was one time though that resulted in a WTF me. I'm heading home, and I know that this particular bridge along the way is under construction so they only have one lane open on it. So, on either side, the Stop/Slow dudes. On the end I was approaching, I slow down, look at the sign the guy is holding, it says Slow, so I slowly go on past the dude. He starts yelling, "HEY!!!!". So I slam on the brakes, and look back out my window at him. He looks back. I look up at the sign. He looks at the sign..... and realizes he's a complete doofus as he sheepishly turns it around the right way, as the traffic coming the other way starts flowing up hill, fortunately past me since where I was there were still two lanes. I believe to this day that if looks could kill, that guy would have spontaneously combusted on the spot.
    Last edited by IT Grunt; 10-27-2008, 03:38 PM.
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

