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  • urgh...bookdealers...

    So today was going just fine till a dealer turned up. Dealers are like actually, that's kinda mean to vultures, they're worse, they're like the seagulls in Finding Nemo. They're vile, vicious, nasty little tight fisted souls who will happily rip the last copy of whatever is this years first edition out of the hand of a child just so they can buy it and keep it until it's worth a few quid down the line.

    So this happy soul turned up today, the usual charm that dealers exude gave him away immediately when he stomped up to the counter and announced that he'd already been in four shops and he wouldn't be happy if I didn't have the book he wanted. Because I have to...I asked him what he was looking for (through gritted teeth), the following exchange was the result. I should add that he absolutely STANK of B.O, looked like water was something he only saw once a year and I've had to spell his words phonetically so you get the gist of his uber-charm.

    Dealer : Want sumfin called peter pan in red...sum kids bollocks...but I MUST have a furst edition...TODAY!

    Me : *goes to fetch last copy of Peter Pan in SCARLETT and holds it out to moron* Would it be this one sir?

    Dealer : Is it a furst edition? Cos...I ain't taking it if it's a late one. *proceeds to whip book from my hand and get disgusting greasy finger prints all over it whilst grunting incoherently* That'll do. *flings book to desk* Wrap it up...if it's dented it ain't worth nuffin. *leers at me*

    I ring up his sale, he sneers about the cost of it (even tho it's reduced), throws a card at me over the counter. I put the card through and ask him to put in his pin...he then proceeds to make a huge show of going to fetch a book to hold over the buttons so I can't see what his pin is and announces to the rapidly forming queue behind him that you "can't trust anyone these days can ya...'specially them shop lot."

    I think I about threw the book at him and immediately moved onto the next customer with a huge smile when his sale was done. I LOATHE dealers. They're all the same and all JUST as charming...nice.

  • #2
    Ugh. What a lovely example of the human race.


    • #3
      that qualifies as human??
      I love my customers to death, the problem is they aren't dying quick enough.


      • #4
        Quoth tenzilkem View Post
        that qualifies as human??
        I wouldn't think so. That would be an insult to humans.
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

