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You can take this job and shove it!!! (Very Long)

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  • #16
    Quoth Moirae View Post
    Good for you. I can't believe he did that. I als agree with ladodger. Call your HR department of the former employer and send them a letter. That way they have something on file.
    The only reason I suggested the letter is because that way, they can't say that you were terminated. The DM making a stink about the issue was wrong in the first place, but I'm sure that snapping on the DM is an easy way to justify a termination (whether you were right or wrong). I think that I would want it in writing that I quit the job if it were me.

    As for the HR part, I would contact them because there may be a company policy about what to do when a customer reaches for your till.


    • #17
      You did the right thing. How could you have continued to work there and look yourself in the mirror. That customer was an IDIOT for trying to poke his finger into your drawer.


      • #18
        While I can certainally understand your reasoning for leaving the job, however IMHO this could have been handled a bit better.

        Yes, the DM shouldn't have pulled that juvenile stunt w/a stress ball (who is this guy? Lumburgh? Or one of the Bobs? He definitely sounds like something out of OS.) No, they shouldn't have ganged up on you as they did (smells of Ambush to me and not the fragrance.)

        However, even though it seems as if it's a woulda-coulda-shoulda situation, it may have looked better on you if you had just simply bit your tongue and let them say whatever (hard to do, I've been there and done it.)

        By letting them ramble on and on, it makes THEM look like the incompetents, not you. By getting upset, firing off some choice words (well deserved, probably, but nonethless) it makes it seem as if the opposite were the case.

        Even though you probably weren't going to use the job as a reference, and you're leaving for a better future, it's never good to let someone get under your skin as they did.

        You'd have done better just letting them ramble, then quietly leaving and then contacting HR after you got home to let them know what happened, who was there, who said what.

        If you say nothing, they can't say you were out of line.

        But then again, this is water under the bridge. You got out. But still contact HR and let them know your side of the situation. It may or may not do any good, but it doesn't hurt to try.
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #19
          Quoth DGoddess View Post

          However, even though it seems as if it's a woulda-coulda-shoulda situation, it may have looked better on you if you had just simply bit your tongue and let them say whatever (hard to do, I've been there and done it.)

          Oh I most definatly agree with you. Looking back on it, it was probobly a very immature move on my part and might have ruined my chances of really screwing over the DM by reporting him to HR. I know I could've handled that situation a little (okay a LOT) better but, I was just so fed up with the DM and everything that had been happening I just couldn't hold my tounge any longer.

          Oh well, maybe everyone at the store (including the SM) will all walk out one day at the same time and really screw over the DM. Probobly not but, there are stores where this type of mutiny against a DM is frequent. When I was working at Hollywood Video this happened once at another store in our District and we had to send our employees over there to help run the store for about a month (the DM was very slow and couldn't hire employees fast enough).


          • #20
            Holy crap, GOOD FOR YOU!!

            I HATE DMs... they're not in the store enough to KNOW what goes on!!! They've got a "world revolves around ME" attitude too!! (And I've worked enough retail jobs over the past 16 years to have known quite enough DMs)!! It's like they leave reality behind when they put on their little DM suit.

            At Office Depot, we had one who used to come through our (VERY understaffed) store and say, "I ought to just shut this shithole down." Yeah, way to get our morale up!
            Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


            • #21
              A while back, when working for The Worst Manager I Have Ever Worked For, the little weasel tried to get me to quit. His strategy was very interesting. He called me into the office and the following conversation ensued (paraphrased to the best of my recollection):

              TWMIHEWF: "I get the feeling you are not happy working here."
              JESTER: "No, I am. There are some situations I am not always happy with, but overall, I like working here."
              TWMIHEWF: "I don't think you are happy here. I think you should probably resign."
              JESTER: [seeing where this is going] "No, I like working here. I am not going to resign.
              TWMIHEWF: " you not like me?"
              JESTER: "Excuse me?"
              TWMIHEWF: "Do you not LIKE me?"
              JESTER: "What does that have to do with anything?"
              TWMIHEWF: "I just think that if you don't like me you, should not be working here."
              JESTER: "Excuse me? Are you firing me because you think I don't like you?"
              TWMIHEWF: [realizing where *I* am going] "Um, no."
              JESTER: "What does my opinion of you have to do with the job I am doing?"
              TWMIHEWF: "Um, nothing."
              JESTER: "Are you happy with the work I do?"
              TWMIHEWF: "Yes."
              JESTER: "Is there any part of my job performance that is unsatisfactory?"
              TWMIHEWF: "No."
              JESTER: "Good. In that case, I am going to get back to work now."

              I was seething, absolutely livid at his transparent attempt to get rid of me (I was one of his best servers, but I was not shy about expressing my dislike of some of the things he did), but as I often do when I am furious, and because I knew he was looking for an excuse to get rid of me, I kept my cool and defused the situation. When he realized that I knew what he was doing was potential for his getting in some serious shit with his superiors, or even litigation material, he backed off REAL quickly.

              What a weasel. Of course, that was not the word I ususally used for him, but that word is one that is extremely impolite. Hint....I could use the abbreviation "CS" for my pet name for him.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

