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O hey fun. Not our fault and yet u want free stuff

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  • O hey fun. Not our fault and yet u want free stuff

    I was helpig in Home E today when i heard of this gem. Since i was on the till my co-worker took a call that came through. In essence a man had purchased a cd from us and it was defective and he was wondering if he can have it exchanged. No biggie my co-worker says sure make sure to bring in your reciept etc etc etc. Sounds fine. This is followed by something like 'well since im so far away you should give me *name of other cd he wants* free. My co-worker obviously says jhe cant do that.

    They banter back and forth my co-worker (another young kid) is starting to get annoyed and looks thankful when the customer pulls the 'I want you to ask a manager' line.

    He asks a manager who agrees with the 'no we are not giving you free stuf couse sony scrrewed up' line we gave the customer. Unfortunatly this is not good enough for said customer and he requrests a higher up manager to be asked.

    We tell him we will phone him back.....We tell our assistant manager (highest ranked today) and he agrees with us.

    Finaly said customer says he will be in thursday to do the exchange.

    I condensed it a bit but he gave us a hardass time about it for a good 30 we put the cd he wants on hold with a little sign saying

    * DO NOT SELL, EXCHANGE ITEM!!!!! P.S. Dont give him free stuff. Enjoy*

    guess i'll see if anything comes of it on thursday
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    Interesting how that works isn't it? The manufacturer screws something up and the retailer should give the SC something for free! Please! I've had SC's want gas money to bring it back, and I've had SC's want ME to come pick it up at their house so they don't have to make the trip! Idiots.


    • #3
      haha i just gave a headsup to my other buddy from work who works in home E. one more person to tell and i should have all my bases covered for a followup story if need be. i smell an interesting one comin.....
      Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


      • #4
        Quoth Clintmax View Post
        Interesting how that works isn't it? The manufacturer screws something up and the retailer should give the SC something for free! Please! I've had SC's want gas money to bring it back, and I've had SC's want ME to come pick it up at their house so they don't have to make the trip! Idiots.
        Had one of those the other day. The lady thought her laptop was, essentially, defective. She was convinced that the included 60-day-trial of MS Office was supposed to be a full version in spite of the fact that all my co-workers are told to specifically tell each customer that Office is a trial. Before letting me get a word in edgewise, she had explained the problem and demanded that one of us deliver a replacement to her (free) take back the "defective" one (free) AND bring her something free for her trouble. She lives in rural Wyoming, a good four-hour drive from my store in Utah. Yeah, that didn't happen. I finally got her to understand what was going on but not before repeated threats of getting me fired and never shopping at my store again.
        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
        - Bill Watterson

        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
        - IPF

