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Please take a swing at me!

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  • Please take a swing at me!

    Another one. Originally I was starting to write a book titled "Life in the Deli: Cutting the Cheese." This site is so much more fun.
    I was taking a break, not feeling well I was getting something to eat from the deli I work in. As I was being rung up for my chicken tenders and my Classic Truck magazine we were discussing my new score, a 1948 Chevy five window pickup. A guy walks up and begins to make an order apparently to Jean who was still waiting on me. He stands in shock for a moment and wedges himself between me and the register. (Since I'm the talkative one I was the one speaking the most)
    "EXCUSE ME! Can I interrupt you or do you want to continue?"
    I had no clue as to what he was going on about. I just knew that the guy was not too happy.
    I'm not a small man. 6' 5" and 255 pounds. I'm not in the best of shape but I once trained as a martial artist and boxer. I also am not real pretty. I got this look like a vampire beaver has been running around and I got bit. But I'm not in horrible shape. Having been a meat cutter I got some muscle mass. The fact that this guy was brazen enough to get in my face and the unclear manner he was presenting himself with had me speechless.
    "I am GOING to continue!" naturally taking a step forward. Nothing like what I call Presense attack. It always works when I am called upon to help stop a shoplifter.
    He backed off and pouted for a bit. When "This is rediculous! I'm a paying customer. YOU are just an employee! The customer ALWAYS comes first! I'd be FIRED if I acted like you."
    I laugh. "Would you like to cry to a manager? I'd be glad to call him. As of right now I'm a customer too. I was here before you. All in all I am pretty sure he'd say it's a first come first serve thing."
    He stormed off. I get seat and begin filling my glass with black tea when he comes back. "YEAH! I WANT A MANAGER! GET HIM HERE RIGHT NOW!"
    So I call for the manager, and lean up against the counter arms folded and not breaking eye contact. I begin to smell traces of alcohol. Brad, the manager, comes and asks what the deal is. The customer gets the first chance to speak, then I give my side of the situation and the checker says it like it was. It was discouraging because naturally the manager having no spine what so ever went on about how I was first, and I should be helped first but I should not have had "An attitude" because even though I was on a break I still represented the company and yadda yadda yadda. So I didn't get a lot of backup and the customer walked away thinking he won. UGH! I can't STAND that! As he walked away Brad turned to me and could tell I was seconds away from stuffing someones scrotum up their own asshole, and told me to take a long break. He then asked "Did you smell the alcohol too? He was blitzed!"
    "Yeah, it's a shame because he's breaking the law and you're letting him walk out the door. Disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and if he gets in that car.... man what would the cops say if they find out that you let him walk out because you were afraid he'd stop shopping here?"
    I do have an attitude, I admit. My department manager backs me up because her take on it all is that we're NOT paid to take crap from anyone. My mouth does get me into trouble, but all the times I wish someone would pull a stunt like that and be waiting for me in the parking lot when I get off work.
    "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
    "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"