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Selling restrictions

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  • Selling restrictions

    The past couple weeks I've been helping another team get their email volume back under control. I can't go into too much detail about this one for various reasons, but it involves selling restrictions that limit how many certain types of items can be listed in a certain time frame. This is the queue that deals with people that are hitting the limits and are requesting the limits be increased or removed. There's a lot more to it than that, but again, I can't really discuss it.

    Now, on to the emails!


    "good luck"??? Good luck with what? Pulling up your account to review it? Maybe you have it backwards - "Good luck getting your limits raised!"

    Message: I have a 100% satisfaction rating

    That's nice, but I think your girlfriend has been lying to you...

    Message: I have 100% positive feedback!!! I demand you remove these limits from my account!!!"

    Yes, and a whole mess of policy violations!

    At least half of the emails claim to have "100% feedback" as their proof to make us increase/remove the selling restrictions. What makes them think that's the only thing we check??? We're not limited to what other members can see, we can see EVERYTHING!!! (Except financial info, for security reasons. )

    And yet, we see people write in DEMANDING the restrictions be removed the same day that they've had counterfeit items removed because the restrictions won't let them relist it!

    Then there are the ones that use profanity every other word. We understand that suddenly hitting the limits can be frustrating, especially when you're trying to revise one that's already active. You're upset, we know, we'll even take that into consideration... but throwing a hissy fit and insulting us isn't going to help your case. In fact, being either polite or rude can make all the difference.

    There were many, many more, but after a while they tend to blend together...

    "Too many stupid people, not enough nukes!" - Me

  • #2
    Darkwish, you seriously need a hug. And liquor. *hugs and gives Yellowtail*

    I shudder to think of what showed up in your inbox (if anything) when people went nuts over the page jumping to the top on search results pages.


    • #3
      Quoth Nashida View Post
      Darkwish, you seriously need a hug. And liquor. *hugs and gives Yellowtail*

      I shudder to think of what showed up in your inbox (if anything) when people went nuts over the page jumping to the top on search results pages.
      Booooooooze!!!! Yes, need much of it...

      Especially since the worst part of the day (and also the beginning of it) was a nasty-gram that a coworker had to forward to me because it was so screwed up that she didn't know where to begin with it! (I deal with a lot of the nasty escalations and it was a group of other reps that totally f-d up.) That's a post for the "Cursing out Coworkers" section though as it involves lots of cursing at co-irkers and I still need to let the anger subside before I post what happened.


      • #4
        If you are dealing with people who make their living selling on ebay I can't believe you are surprised.

        From my experience in the book world, most people that are on-line only sellers are so fucked up that they can't get jobs with real people. I don't mean fucked up in a way that could be cool in some situations, I mean narcissistic, sociopathic assholes.

        This is why I'm more comfortable buying from someone with a low number of good ratings over a long period. They are more likely to have a real job and just be selling because they need some extra cash or happened upon a good find.
        Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


        • #5
          A 100% satisfaction rating does not allow you to violate the terms of service.
          __________________________________________________ _____________
          It is awesome that you are cracking down on people who are selling too many items of a certain type on ebay.

          I hope this is cracking down on items that are being sold that people don't realllly have. I have purchased anime and several other types of items on ebay from larger sellers with high ratings, only to find out that they really don't have the item in their possesion. This of course leades to a dispute and a few emails, till I get my money back.

          This happened several times with the purchas of a dvd for my fiance' (InteriorDesecrator) birthday. I purchased the disk from 2 different sellers and they both did not have it in stock. Later, as I looked and both sellers still listed the disk for sale. The I ordered it from a reputable dealer of anime to find out that the dvds were out of print and sold out and a new production run and box set was coming out in a month.

          Still I love ebay, I have my own seller's account. I am by no means a power seller, because hey.. I have a life and a 40 hour a week job.
          "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "

