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Yes, I'm making you late to vote

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  • Yes, I'm making you late to vote

    today the polls were open 7AM-8PM, this idiot was around 4:30ish

    a customer's debit card wouldn't scan, so i punched it in and she didn't have enough money. so she pulled out a credit card, which also wouldn't scan(I think we've got an idiot on our hands), so I typed that in as well. typing in credit cards where I work is a huge PITA. I have to type in the number twice, get a supervisor to approve it, have the computer print something on some receipt paper, then copy the info from the card onto the paper, and have them sign it. she watched my supervisor remind me of the process then started bitching about how she'd never seen it done that way and I was going to make her late to vote when I did it

    I'm so happy I meet the requirements for another job code in 3 weeks

  • #2
    I'm fortunate that most customers accept the fact they must wait for a manager to come and approve keying in their card. You may tell me it "scans everywhere else", but it isn't scanning here and we have to get an imprint of the card. More often I have people upset because their check doesn't scan. If it won't go through my check reader, or that of another register when I suspend the sale and move to another checkout to try again, it just ain't happening. Too much fraud. Too bad, so sad.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      hmm, let's see. getting clothe vs. voting. Getting something you can get anyday vs. doing something you only get a week and 1/2 to do once a year (early voting and counting the other elections). Huh, well, I guess getting clothe does take presidence over voting. I could get if she went to get yarn so she would have something to do in line, but sounds like she could just gone voting first then did her shopping. But, you know, logic is a foreign concept.

      I do get that the cw encountered a snag. She probably expected to be there for a few min., not a long time. Though it would be funny if she took 2 hours to select her product.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        My first thought was Your Failure to Plan Does Not Incourage Me to Hurry.

        Of course, I voted a week and a half ago.


        • #5
          "And how are you voting today, ma'am. Oh?... Sorry, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to get my manager's approval for this override... he's at home right now, so it might take a bit...."


          • #6
            I know that's said in jest and no one here would ever actually say that to a customer, but man, if a cashier ever did say that to me, there'd be hell to pay.
            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


            • #7
              the funny thing is McCain did his concession speech before our first precincts even reported, and my state voted over 60% for one candidate, so her vote didn't even have any relevance to the president. she may have voted for the senator recently convicted of 7 felonies who won a close race though


              • #8
                Quoth Bramblerose View Post
                My first thought was Your Failure to Plan Does Not Incourage Me to Hurry.

                Of course, I voted a week and a half ago.
                My favorite version of that is:

                Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

