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It's Still National Jerk Month

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  • #16
    Quoth powerboy View Post
    I was on another forum, and I disaggreed with the post maker. I proved him wrong, and so ofcourse, he is going to fly to my house, so he can kill me
    How long did he last as a member after that? I'm just guessing here, but we'd probably do the old IP ban at server level for some bollocks like that.



    • #17
      Quoth MadMike View Post
      I remember that guy. I think I banned him about half a dozen times myself. I'm really wishing you, me, and Bek could have paid him a little visit when she was visiting. What was that you told me before -- "He'd have kittens?"
      I think it was something like "he'd be *shitting* kittens"

      I did have a little run-in with him at one of the malls shortly after that. I was picking up some tires for one of the cars, and he started to tail me. Good thing I lost him in one of the stores...I would have hated to get blood on my suit

      For those who don't know, what this person did, was trash CS, and tried to set myself up, and one of the other mods to take the fall for it. At that time, CS would show what people were up to--what they were reading, etc. He used that to follow me around the boards...locking up threads and trashing things behind me. When caught, he threatened to do more damage, as well as rough up some of the mods, one of which lived not far from me. Well, he didn't like it when I stood up for her, and that's when he threatened me.

      Anyway, now that we've gone waaaaay off topic... I've always found the threatening types to be hilarious. They don't have the balls to deal with their "problems" (imagined or otherwise) so they get someone else to fight their battles for them.

      For example, when I was still living at home, we had some neighbors that were, well, a bit messed up. They would use the local police as their own personal "goon squad." Suppose you were to step on their grass. Rather than come out and talk to you directly, they'd wait until you were in your house, and call the cops. That was for most people. Those wackos left me alone for some reason. Maybe it's because I take cars apart as a hobby, or maybe because I got in the husband's face when he threatened to call the cops on me...because the blue exhaust clouds from the (now-gone) Tercel were "killing the plants." He didn't like it when I told him to not only get off my property, but if he *did* call the cops, I'd press trespassing and harassment charges.

      What I'm trying to say is, that it these twits use threats to boost their own egos. What's fun though, is to call them on it, and watch them slink away
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #18
        Quoth protege View Post

        I've always found the threatening types to be hilarious. They don't have the balls to deal with their "problems" (imagined or otherwise) so they get someone else to fight their battles for them.

        What I'm trying to say is, that it these twits use threats to boost their own egos. What's fun though, is to call them on it, and watch them slink away
        The area I live in is full of lawyers and rich pompous jerks. I think I have had more threats from them during the basketball season, they always try to act big because you see them driving BMWs, Lexus', Mercedes', etc. I had this guy yell at me about not letting him into VIP. He didn't have a pass at all and while some people are understanding about it, he threw a temper tantrum that a little kid couldn't match. He tells me to let him in because he's an important person. I tell him that I can't unless my superiors tell me otherwise. He is still whining and tells me that his lawyer is "going to bust my ass and rip me in half." I called him out on it, asking him for what, an employee following policy? He shut up right there.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #19
          Quoth Jester View Post
          JESTER: "Let me see if I have this straight: you're going to buy an airline ticket, fly all the way out to Arizona, spend money on a hotel, and somehow find me in this sprawling metropolis, taking time off of work while you are doing this, all so you can kick my ass...and all because you didn't like what I said?"
          IDIOT: "Yes."
          JESTER: "And you're calling ME stupid?"
          Why not? Jay and Silent Bob did it.
          Sometimes life is altered.
          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
          Uneasy with confrontation.
          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


          • #20
            Quoth Dips View Post
            My guess is that nothing more will come of this or Mr. Fool will call and try to talk with another employee hoping for a better answer. I've taken the liberty of placing a nice flag and note on the license record, just in case that happens.
            I guessed correctly. Mr. Fool must have been biding his time in the hopes we would forget about him because he waited until today and tried to get Mark's help with activation. He also attempted to scam a free upgrade.

            Mark's reply very politely declined to help and explained the reason (e.g. the church, who owns the license, hasn't authorized us to let you use their software).

            Then Mark got awesome and wrote "I believe you have had previous conversations with [Dips] in our office on this matter." Nice way to tell him his scam won't work because we keep notes.

            It would have been even more awesome if Mark had asked Mr. Fool how well the consultation with his lawyer went...
            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

            The stupid is strong with this one.


            • #21
              Yay! We have a resolution and a happy ending here.

              Mark called the pastor again (because he wanted to put this thing to bed one way or the other) and the pastor comfirmed that Mr. Fool IS authorized to use the church's license.

              While that is good news for everyone, why, why, WHY did Mr. Fool put himself and us through so much instead of acting like a rational human being?

              I guess this is an object lesson for SCs everywhere. The benefit of the doubt can go two ways. Act shifty, defensive, rude and threatening and folks are going to question your honesty. You won't get the benefit of the doubt.

              If he had been at the very least willing to work with me, this would have been resolved very easily within 24 hours instead of taking weeks.

              SCs are their own worst enemies.

              Edited to add:

              I jumped the gun about the happy ending. Mr. Fool has spent the last few hours trying to scam a free update from Mark. He's even selectively quoting our sales literature to bolster his case. He hasn't pulled the lawyer threat out yet, but I have a feeling it's coming. I'll keep you posted.
              Last edited by Dips; 11-08-2006, 07:15 PM. Reason: Mr. Fool won't stop living up to his nickname
              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

              The stupid is strong with this one.


              • #22
                Quoth Jester View Post
                Years ago, I was a member of a chat forum in which myself and a few others were extraordinarily obnoxious, quite often intentionally so to people we found to be complete blithering idiots.
                I do something simaler on City of Heroes when I get bored and notice a copyright violator. I'll /petition them so the devs know, then ask the idiot privately (and politely) if they realize that their name is very likely to get generic'd, and/or possibly get them a temporary ban. The devs have been known to institute 3 day bans for flagrant copyright violators, especially repeat offenders.

                This, of course, has resulted in some very amusing conversations. Two in particular stand out. Note: ()'s appear around some of my statements, because I'm a roleplayer who normally uses /tells in character for telepathic conversations. Parentheses denote out of character statements, normally. They're pretty much habit by now, but I don't always use them with obvious non-roleplayers.


                Little background: City of Heroes and its stand-alone expansion, City of Villians, were recently released as a combination pack called Good vs Evil. The actual box version, for those missing one or both games, was $40. It included some nice feelies and browsies, both games, a month of gameplay, and some neat ingame stuff.

                The company also released a "goody pack" that only included the ingame items, which some people who already had both games really wanted. Basically just some new armor and stuff, but it was cool. This goody pack cost $10. It says in the online store description, and on the box that the goody pack only includes the ingame items, the month of gameplay, and a couple browsies. Nothing more. Most of the purchase price goes towards that month of gameplay. Good deal, too, since a normal month costs $15.

                I was in the tutorial zone, and noticed a character named Paragon GvE Victim. Dressed in red, white, and blue, in the armor that came with the goodie pack.

                PV basically explained in his character's information page, that "Cryptic sucks, everything they do is a ripoff, blah blah blah." You see, he'd bought the goodie pack, figuring that he'd get City of Villians at a HUGE discount. Because the $10 box didn't include everything the $40 one did, NCSoft was "scamming" him.

                I reported him for creating a character designed to badmouth the game, then started to talk to him. This is the original log, with the name shortened, and put in an easier to read format. This and the story that follows both happened via private mess

                PV: Idioticus Extremeus
                Me: Majorus sexium

                Me: (you do realize that the online version is ONLY designed to be a goodie pack for those who ALREADY own both games, right?)

                PV: own only CoH

                Me: (Then you should have bought the boxed version, yes. The online goody pack was not *designed* to give you both games, that's why it's only $10.

                Me: (Unless you thought you were getting some kind of supremely sweet, too good to be true deal.)

                PV: I only really wanted was to access SG bases, and get more costume designs, but i got ripped off instead

                Me: No, you were not ripped off, you did not read the very prominent diescription of the contents on the NCSoft site.

                Me: Nor did you stop to think and wonder why a company that is still selling the original games for $40-50, would sell both packaged together for a quarter that amount.

                PV: $10 for 3 nerfs = ripp-off

                Me: None of it is a nerf.
                Me: And the goodies were clearly explained.
                Me: Next time, don't be such a cheapass.

                PV: okay, Democrat
                PV: Bush won, get over it

                Me: ... This is an insult?
                Me: I fail to see how my political leanings have anything to do with your not using common sense.

                He kinda shut up after that. Probably placed me on ignore, but his name was no longer in exsistance by the next day.

                Side note: a few days later, I was asked if I was a Republican at school, because I stated I dislike MySpace. When asked exactly where THAT had come from, I was told, "Well, you're certainly acting like one."

                Big, Green, and Ugly

                The following conversation happened in the starting zone of the main game, a day or so after the first incident. I believe it speaks for itself.

                Me: (you do realize that name is going to be generic'd, and possibly result in a temp-ban for you, right?)

                Incredible H u I k: ya some 1 already tried that but im not what u think

                Me: (uh-huh.)
                Me: (Tell that to the devs.)

                Incredible H u I k: i already talk to teh devs lol

                Me: (Riiiight.)

                Incredible H u I k: my name inst hulk it is h u i k and thats my nick name at school and they said it was fine

                Me: (Riiiiiiiight.)

                Incredible H u I k: hahaha what ever it is huik the geek

                Me: (You're deluded if you believe that. Or think I will.
                Me: (then why are you huge and green with black hair?

                Incredible H u I k: because this is teh total opiset of me in real life
                Incredible H u I k: im a shot little guy

                Me: (Wow. You *are* deluded)

                He went silent for about five minutes, while I went on my merry way, rolling my eyes. The silence was broken by a private message from a generic character, so profanity-laden and badly spelled that I cannot reprint it here.

                I realize this form of entertainment is probably cruel, but it's funny to hear the excuses.
                Last edited by Dragon_Dreamer; 02-12-2007, 11:29 AM.

