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  • #16
    Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
    Why do people always think telling me you're going to another store will hurt my feelings?

    I have another manager that always tells people she'll see them next week when they say that to her.

    I've had people like that. Only problem is, at Ross, we'll return in no matter how long ago you bought it. This one guy came in, without reciept, to return a pair of pants. The tag was still on it (but didn't quite look the same [wink, wink] as our regular tags). Me, still being fairly new, scan it in and it comes up $ 0.49. Hrm.

    Now, at my store, without a reciept, if we've marked it down already, and you don't have a reciept, you're gonna get the return for the marked-down price. Most people grumble, but accept it. But of course, this guy wouldn't be an SC if that were the case.

    me=woeful customer service monkey

    SC: 49 cents???!!! Are you serious??!!! [grumble, mumble] I paid $11.99!!!
    me: yessir, without a reciept, I can't give it to you for full price. I have to-
    SC: So you're only going to give me .49 cents??!!
    me: Sir, that's all i'm allowed to give you.
    repeat, repeat, repeat AGAIN
    SC: Lemme talk to your manager!!!
    I page manager over and she looks at screen, looks at tag (it was still on the pants) and then looks at SC.
    M: sir, this item was bought in it's been marked down because we're trying to get rid of it.
    SC: What, are you serious??!! [rants raves]
    M: Sorry sir, but if you had a reciept then we could give you your credit. but without it, we can only give you the markdown price.
    M finally convinces SC, and i start running through the exchange (he was w his family and was buying other things as well)
    SC: So, you're telling me you're going to put those $11.99 pants out on the floor for .49 cents?! [scoff]
    me: Yes sir.
    SC: you'd actually sell something for 49 cents? i can't believe that.
    me: yes sir, we will. i've actually sold several pairs of jeans for .49 cents (to a co-worker, who got the additional 20% discount, grrr)

    He gets kinda peeved at that and leaves in a huff with his products. His family was actually very understanding of the whole situation...
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 11-17-2008, 06:20 PM. Reason: edited quote


    • #17
      They waited that long to even try on a garment they just bought...

      This is one that I would file under: "...And you admit that!?"
      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

      Who is John Galt?
      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


      • #18
        Quoth DevilBoy View Post
        It would make absolutely zero difference if the policy was printed on the back of the receipt.
        In fact, I find that in situations where the policy is on the receipt, that is more likely that the customer will conveniently "misplace" or simply "forget" their receipt when they attempt to make a return/exchange.

        Point is, the only thing that the store is required to do is post it somewhere, which they obviously have. On the wall of the store, sign at the cash wrap, on the store's website or even printed on the back of the receipt... it makes no difference because in the end:
        Well said, that's what I generally stand by. People forget that I just don't care, I don't want to lose my job, so I stick by the policy.


        • #19
          It's even funnier (at least to me) when the thing they are arguing against is not just store or company policy, but State freakin' law. I get that a lot when it comes to carding people for alcohol.

          SC: "I don't have my ID."
          JESTER: "I'm sorry, sir, but without your ID I cannot sell you alcohol."
          SC: "That's stupid. I'm leaving. I'll go somewhere else."
          JESTER: "That is your right, sir."
          SC: "You're gonna lose a lot of business doing stuff like this!"

          Stuff like....following the law that if I don't follow can not only get me fired, but can get me a huge fine, a court date, potential prison time or probation, and make it next to impossible for me to get a job in the industry in the future?

          Yeah, that stuff. Bad for business, apparently.

          (Ironically, I am personally opposed to said law, but since I have to work under it, I follow it. Paranoid about the whole unemployed broke criminal thing, ya know.)

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Quoth Jester View Post
            It's even funnier (at least to me) when the thing they are arguing against is not just store or company policy, but State freakin' law. I get that a lot when it comes to carding people for alcohol.
            Stuff like....following the law that if I don't follow can not only get me fired, but can get me a huge fine, a court date, potential prison time or probation, and make it next to impossible for me to get a job in the industry in the future?

            Yeah, that stuff. Bad for business, apparently.
            Every season I get one or two barbs about producing an ID. No special reason, just a clause in the PATRIOT Act and identity theft protection.

            My favorite exchange on this:
            TGK: Yours truly
            D: Ditz who had no ID

            D: I'm here to pick up my file...The name is [Deleted to protect privacy]
            TGK: Yes ma'am. ID please.
            D: What if I don't have my ID here?
            TGK: [Points to coffee pot] Then the only thing that will change hands is a cup of documents whatsoever.
            D: [Leaves]

            About 5 minutes later, Ditz's husband (who produced his ID) came by for their file.
            I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

            Who is John Galt?
            -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

