Quoth Canarr
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Sexy Woman
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Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Postcan I mention now that I'd like in both your pants right now
...we just choose to display it publicly
Quoth Canarr View PostMaybe because they're used to people not taking them seriously.-The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-
Stick that in your blog and smoke it.
A guide for customers about retail
Quoth AdvancedFlea View Postheeey, what goes on in our collective underware concering workhorse and me is our business
...we just choose to display it publiclyNow a member of that alien race called Management.
Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.
I'd be an awful person to ask if you look pretty. I can tell general things but specifics of people allude me, I think I never developed that part of my brain properly.
For example, it's Thanksgiving and I'm visiting my dad and stepmom. My step mom has lost about 18lbs has we've learnt several times over dinner. When did I notice this? I still haven't. I'm sorry stepmommy, I'm not being mean and everyone else noticed. I really can't tell.How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?
I have never knowingly used my looks to get something, but there was this one time at a car parts shop I asked how to ut on my windshield wipers(I'd never done it before) and the guy practically jumped over the counter with a "I'll do it for you!"
My best friend has never let me live that one down. She says I batted my eyes. I say I did not.
There have been other times I suddenly became aware of admiring smiles in my direction by the guys behind the counter, but I put that to being well endowed.
As for the men not pulling the look at me aren't I cute? Gimme discount! They do too! Usually frat boys, or other pretty boys, or the ones who think they are god's gift to women. Its as big a turn off for women with sense as what the girl in OP did is a turn off to men w/ sense.
Quoth AdvancedFlea View Postheeey, what goes on in our collective underware concering workhorse and me is our business
...we just choose to display it publicly
though now I must say
This thread is useless without videoIf you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song
Quoth Nyoibo View PostI vote main street intersection.
Quoth Soulstealer View PostI'd be an awful person to ask if you look pretty.
Quoth smileyeagle1021 View PostThis thread is useless without videoNow a member of that alien race called Management.
Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.
Quoth RetailWorkhorse View PostWorking on it. Kinda hard when your partner lives across a very vast ocean.This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
my blog:http://steeledragon.wordpress.com/
Quoth RetailWorkhorse View PostErm...I luff chu? *Smacked upside head with harddrive*
Quoth SteeleDragon78 View Postgotta dog paddle faster-The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-
Stick that in your blog and smoke it.
A guide for customers about retail
Quoth AdvancedFlea View PostMy good spapre hard drive! *wipes the blood off it* I think you thick head broke it ;_;
Quoth AdvancedFlea View Postya know, I have been trying to teach him how to swim faster and burn less engery in the process but RWH just won't take my swimming advice
The Real Problem, however, is still Customs.Now a member of that alien race called Management.
Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.
Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
The Real Problem, however, is still Customs.
Quoth Nyoibo View PostUK customs isn't that hard to get around.
Customs: whats in the bag sir?
Me: My laptop and some books
Customs: Okay *Grabs Radio and speaks into it* Larry, We need an anal cavity search at customs.
Me: o.o;-The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-
Stick that in your blog and smoke it.
A guide for customers about retail
We had a classic example of this at last year's Fantasy Fest.
The Bar was PACKED. As in sardine can and then some. People are several deep at the bar trying to get drinks. This sixtysomething woman orders a drink from my coworker, Mr. Nice Guy. After he makes the drinks, the following ensues:
OLD LADY: "How much is that?"
MR. NICE GUY: "Six fifty."
The woman then pulled up her shirt, flashing her boobs.
OLD LADY: "NOW how much is it."
MR. NICE GUY: "Um, six fifty."
Lady, look. It's Fantasy Fest. We see tits all the time. So we aren't giving discounts for tits, even if they are twenty something and perfect. And yours were neither. So stop, now, and pay the damn bartender.
Quoth iradney View PostWhy couldn't she work out a payment plan???
Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Postme- I know what I told her and neither you nor her will ever no which one of you I lied to...
Quoth Evil Queen View PostIt's my opinion that every woman needs to be told they're attractive at least once a week. Does a real boost to their self esteem.
Quoth blas87 View PostSure, I don't often pay for my own drinks at the bar, but in all fairness, I had a boyfriend for a couple of months and have been seeing someone recently.
I dated one girl who was offended that I did not buy all her drinks all the time in all the bars we were in. Other guys were buying her drinks, how come I didn't do it all the time?
1. I believe in equality.
2. Those guys are trying to get in your pants, that's why they are buying you drinks.
3. She actually made more money than I did. So why should I spend more of my money on her than she did on me? Her logic was that she had more bills. Sorry, no. I am not the one that told her to buy two Harleys, a camper, and a huge truck, not to mentiion a house. Self-inflicted, darling. Not my problem.
No, I am not against chivalry. I believe in it, but within realistic parameters. Yes, I bought the girl drinks, but when she never bothered to get me one, I said screw it.
One great thing about my ex-fiance, she totally agreed with me on this. I would buy one day, she would buy another time. No muss, no fuss, no problem.
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."
Quoth Jester View PostI dated one girl who was offended that I did not buy all her drinks all the time in all the bars we were in. Other guys were buying her drinks, how come I didn't do it all the time?
No, I am not against chivalry. I believe in it, but within realistic parameters. Yes, I bought the girl drinks, but when she never bothered to get me one, I said screw it.Not all who wander are lost.