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Should faulty merchandise get you a refund?

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  • Should faulty merchandise get you a refund?

    I brought a bra a few weeks ago and the first time I wore it, it broke. I paid over $100 for it so needless to say I was like... well this sucks. It was from a boutique from a local business owner and so rather than go to the bay or a chain store Id rather support local business, especially in a small town like I live in.

    I take it back to have it exchanged (reciept and all because Im a good customer who follows the darn stores policy) and they tell me they want to repair it rather than replace. Thats not what I wanted but fine, give them a chance to make it right(I hope it doesnt break again on me) they said to expect a call in two days.

    A week goes by... no call, so I call them, the owner answers and shes like "who are you?" so I go through what happened and shes all "ohhh yeah, its being repaired this instant (yes she said this instant ) and she will personally call me when its done"

    Two weeks pass with no call so yesterday I call in on my lunch break. I walk up to the counter and the sales assistants asks how she can help. the conversation as follows.

    Me: " Hi, Im here to pick up a purchase that was being repaired for me"
    Her: "Um your in the wrong store, this is a BRA shop"...
    Me: Um well I am aware im in a BRA shop, a bra I brought from you broke and was being repaired, but no ones called so im here to see if theres any updates
    2nd Assistant: Well have you been called, this lady is new you know
    Me: Nope thats why I came in, I was down town and wondered if it was ready? I was waiting for a call but because I didnt get the first one I thought Id check anyway.
    2nd A: Well I only repair them when I have enough to do, Im only paid by the hour you know. (then talks to the New Person) Most women take them to a seemstress but that costs them money so a few bring them back and expect us to do it for them.
    Me: (thinking WTF?) ok well do you know if it has been repaired?
    2nd A: you need be patient, but *sigh* Ill check anyway, oh here it is, the owners supposed to call you not me.
    Me: so, what if this breaks again, can I get a replacement or a refund next time
    2nd A: well it says on the reciept we dont give refunds so obviously you cant, some woman have had to bring theres back three or four times (holy cow!) but if you talk to the owner Im sure she will cave as usual.

    They bag it up and send me on my not so merry way

    Me: ok well bye, hopefully there wont be anymore problems (thinking to myself so I dont have to deal with you again)

    so am I being a sucky customer or is it asking to much that they call me when my items ready, or refund my money on a pricey item that broke, its faulty right sheesh. I totally understand what its like when the owner doesnt do any work, its totally frustrating (my boss is a mirco manager to the extreme) but I dont tend to take that frustration out on customers. I just left that store with a bad taste in my mouth, it was like it was this big hassle that I dare bring them back faulty merchandise and expect them to do something about it. It was just this snooty air.

    Neither were overtly rude but I certainly didnt feel welcome, I hope this damn thing doesnt break again, it if does though, Im getting my freaking refund come hell or high water, I dont even like going in there now. I'll be going back one more time and thats it. I dont want to be a person whos all "IM NEVER coming here again" but, I really would rather not ever shop there again...really

    What do the rest of you think? I just wanted an exchange, not a refund to begin with, now if it breaks I want my stupid money back.
    Last edited by Kiwi; 10-14-2006, 12:56 PM.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    Dear Lord! You paid $100 for a BRA?!?!?!?!?!?!? My breasts are not that lucky. I think I've had the same 3 bras for at least 5 years and one just popped a wire out so I'll have to replace that one soon...


    She had that much attitude with you? And she said those things out loud!

    You are not being an SC as a matter of fact, I probably would call the owner regarding what she said to you about the caving thing. I don't tolerate blatant 'tude from people much anymore if I did nothing to deserve it.

    I probably would've said, "Does she know how you feel about her? Should I tell her? Maybe I'll get another bra and better service!"

    Not to mention, she said the other assistant was new...I may have added, "You're new? Well, take note of her attitude, because if you want to get far in customer service, you won't with an attitude like that!"

    Of course, these are all things I would've thought to say AFTER I left the store!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      You are definitely NOT being an SC. I recently bought a pair of pants at a near-by chain clothing store. The first time I washed them (following the washing instructions on the label) a good part of the seam on one of the legs came out. I brought them back to the store and they offered to refund or exchange them for me. Kudos to you for trying to support local businesses, but if they expect to compete with larger chain stores than they need to at least make an effort to extend the same courtesies.
      Our brains are smarter than we think they am!


      • #4
        yeah, the damn thing broke at work to.... my boss was not impressed

        I didnt mean for it to be that expensive, I didnt think to look at the tag until she rung it up and by then I was too shocked and embarressed to say no.

        if anything goes wrong with it again I will do my best to behave myself, Im just dissapointed by the whole thing.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          Those were sucky employees. I thought Victoria's secret had pricey bras (I need to replace mine but La Perla would lead to Le Marital fight). And if I pay that much for an item, the service better be at the level of Talbot's. I would write a polite letter to the owner and suggest the sales associates get some training in dealing with customers (did that with a certain large dept store in the area).


          • #6
            You should have never had it repaired. You should have had it replaced or refunded. You were not being an SC per say. Sometimes it pays to be a SC when the service is horrible.


            Paying a $100 for a bra?!? My goodness! I've been liberated from those horrible contraptions since May 31 and loving it!

            Here's some history on the bra:

            At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


            • #7
              Quoth blaubent View Post

              Paying a $100 for a bra?!? My goodness! I've been liberated from those horrible contraptions since May 31 and loving it!
              I've been done with those things since 1996, and never been happier! I'm just one of those "ladies" that prefers comfort over all, and if anybody is upset, then they're just looking a liiitle bit too closely. I wear heavier material, double pocket men's shirts, so they really would have to be looking!
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8
                kiwi, you are not being sucky.
                The store gave you some pretty lousy customer service.

                On the refund thing, though, companies are allowed to set a warranty policy of repair only, especially for something like lingerie and intimate apparel. It's the duty of the buyer to know the return policy before buying.
                If the receipt says, "No refunds" then the store does not have to refund your money.
                Even if it's defective, all they have to do is replace or repair the original item purchased, as long as the customer has an item in good working order.

                To me, though, if the company knows that this product is obviously flawed, "some woman have had to bring theres back three or four times" and they still continue to sell it, then they could be in trouble.

                Depending on where the flaw is that continually causes problems, repairing may be the completely wrong option for this item.

                You should contact the local Better Business Bureau or the Canadian Consumer Affairs for your province about the store's poliy if the bra breaks again and you get another runaround.

                I really like csdrone's idea of sending a letter to the owner with some suggestions to improve the service.
                Last edited by Ree; 10-14-2006, 05:08 PM.
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #9
                  not a sucky customer in the least; you have the right to expect them to solve a problem, and considering the issue/product, it should be replacement/refund, not repair (that is the most asnine policy... ).

                  that they didn't bother to keep in touch with you over the problem says 'sucky store,' more than anything; personally, i wouldn't shop there again, just because they handle issues so poorly.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    No, you're not being a sucky customer. I wouldn't even think you were sucky if you went back for a refund from the owner at this point.

                    $100.00 for a bra better mean some exceptional customer service to go along with an exceptional piece of merchandise. You got neither.

                    As a side:
                    I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum to the braless crowd. I'm not wearing one right now and it's seriously bugging me. I hate the feel of shirt material. UGH! Bras are stationary and protect me from the evil shirt material.
                    I hate NOT wearing one. *runs off to find bra*
                    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                    ~TechSmith 314
                    HellGate: London


                    • #11
                      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                      considering the issue/product, it should be replacement/refund, not repair
                      Not necessarily. While some lingerie companies do allow for replacement of defective items, many others do not.
                      Lingerie returns generally aren't even allowed, period.

                      A lot of warranties are based on the use of the product, and have a 'normal wear and tear' clause.

                      Bras are usually made of lace, cotton, and elastic, and are used for support, (in some cases, a lot of support), causing stress on certain areas, such as the straps.

                      Also, if a customer hasn't followed the use and care instructions, they may have used detergents or drying methods that can weaken the materials.

                      I am not saying that was kiwi's case, but I can understand that policy for the store in question.

                      If a bra is in the $100 price range, though, one would think that better quality materials and stitching were used, minimizing those risks.
                      However, if a store readily admits that they have other customers with the same problem who have to come back for repairs repeatedly, then there is definitely something wrong.
                      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kiwi View Post
                        I brought a bra a few weeks ago and the first time I wore it, it broke. I paid over $100 for it so needless to say I was like... well this
                        $100.00!! You can get a left handed circular saw for that (well, a low end one, on sale).

                        OK enough with being a dumb guy.

                        Seriously. The store is being sucky. Repair, no. A $100.00 product is well below the threshold for that. Refund, I'd have to say no on that one too. You should have been given another one in exchange.
                        Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kiwi View Post
                          I paid over $100 for it so needless to say I was like... well this sucks.
                          Er, and THIS is one of the reasons I gave up the damn things....

                          Other reasons?

                          I can't find one to fit.... (42 DDD too small)
                          I like my free range boobies! (FREEEEDDDDOOOOMMMM)
                          It pisses my mom off. (Added bonus not original cause)


                          • #14
                            You are not being in any way sucky. Your post sounded like you were both patient and polite. The store, however, dropped the ball in many areas.

                            1. They did not call you when they said they would. Twice.

                            2. They passed the buck of blame to someone else. Twice.

                            3. The inconvenienced you by selling you something they knew was not good quality, then made you feel silly for asking for it to be repaired, refunded, or replaced.

                            4. The clerk (I won't call THAT one an associate!) gave you attitude.

                            There is definite suckiness going on here, and it is not in any way Kiwi-flavored. It does, however, have the feel of lace.

                            Personally, once you resolve this issue in whatever way you resolve it, I would not go back to that shop. They suck, from top to bottom. It's just that simple.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              OMG, Kiwi! I just read this to Jamie it made me so mad. His jaw dropped (literally). What a bitch! If I were you I would complain to the manager and also tell her what her employees said about her and how bad their attitudes were. I hate when people are condecending towards me.... that makes me madder than a otter (?) were NOT an SC at all! I think that you were very patient and nice. WOW!

                              The most ecxpensive bra I have ever bought was a $59.99 one from Victorias Secret...and it is great quality and the best one I have. If it broke the first day I wore it I would have been mad! You pay good money,you expect to get a good product! And the fact that they said women have been returning it alot does not say much for it! WOW!
                              "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

