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(honestly not too sucky but) please learn to use the catalog.

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  • (honestly not too sucky but) please learn to use the catalog.

    These two guys were polite, though at one point the first guy became incredulous that we didn't have a book, and also he expected some mind reading on my part.

    FG=first guy
    SG=second guy

    It's friday and we close at 6pm. At 5:10 a guy comes up to me with a blackberry in hand. I'm going to be a little vague with what he was looking for at times.

    FG: Hi, I looking for books on Kiyamah.
    me: how do you spell it?
    FG: I think it's K-i-y-a-m-a-h. Just google it.
    So I google and find it spelt like above. Now at times google will find the correct spelling, but if at times people go online and spell it another way a lot google will think that is the correct spelling.
    me: ok, I typed in the word in the catalog and can't find it.
    FG: hey, second guy, how do you spell kiyamah?
    SG: kiyahmah
    me: sorry, can't find it.
    FG: ok, try looking under this author blah blah.
    me: ok, foudn the author and the word is Qiyamah.
    FG: ok, do you have the book?
    me: it's a reference book, and it can't be checked out.
    SG: do you have other books by that author?
    me: yes
    and I start to list them and give him call numbers.
    FG: do you have the aprocyla with the bible? Preferably from 20 BC?
    me: Only the library of Alexandria has that.
    FG: *laughs*
    SG: I need this book.
    me: ok, we don't have it.
    SG: can you give me the ISBN number for it?
    me: oddly it has no ISBN but a AISN number.
    SG: ok, I'll take it.

    more book looking...
    FG: ok, I need books on the Bermuda Triangle.
    I look and give call numbers.
    FG: and I need books on....

    So he asks for a lot of books by titles and subjects. A lot of work for me, and I wish I could show them the catalog but I have a feeling that anything they find would cause problems. I kept on finding books in other branches, checked-out, missing, etc, and most people dn't pay attention to that. So they go look for the book here and can't find it.

    FG: I need the book Graveyard.
    me: do you have the author?
    FG: no.
    me: we have a copy of the book by x.
    FG:what! You just opened up a few months ago and you don't have this book! (ok, he didn't yell his head off but in general he was rather nice and now he goes off). ok, I'm going to call someone to give me the author.
    I guess he calls his friend on his blackberry. End result, he gives me the author but we don't have it.

    They go away and come back
    SG: I need books on (I forgot know on what, but ends up I have to specify)
    me: do you mean *this* or *that*
    sg: this....I need books on the Zodiac.
    me: the murderer or the astrology thing?
    SG: astrology.
    me: here we go.
    SG: ok, I need books on satanism
    FG: Hee, satanism. Are you looking into that?
    Me: here are the call numbers.

    They go and I go get my water bottle and I come back 5 min. latter and see the first guy. I look for more books for him, and some books are reference, which he didn't like. Then he goes away.

    Then he comes back with his friend, and he's just talking to his friend about Russian Icons. They are not looking at me, they are talking to each other. His friend walks away and he turns to me and says:
    FG: So do you have it?
    me: (looking up from my facebook account) have what?
    FG: Russian Icons.
    me: do you have the author?
    FG: no.
    I find the book and it's in storage. I decided to go and get it instead of sending up a slip for it. I tell him I will take 10 min.

    I go up, find the book, and look at some other art books so I'm not back too soon. Last thing I want is people to expect us to go up to storage to get stuff instead of having to wait for someone in storage to get stuff. It is faster for me to do it but that tends to leave other patrons in the lurch. Besides, we were closing in 20 min.

    Anyway, the suck is all the books the two guys requested, the fit the first guy had about one book which we don't have (how he expect we have everything, even though we are a huge library?), and him expecting me to be a mind reader about wanting a book when he wasn't addressing me, but talking to his friend about the book?
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    What in the world is that man doing in his spare time? I shudder to think.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      I agree with the OP, look in the catalogue asshole! That's what it's there for!
      It's been a long, long, long, long time...

