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Completely Pwned!!

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  • Completely Pwned!!

    Yet another story from me! The past couple of days have been eventful!

    We have a semi-regular customer that is in a wheelchair. He is in about his mid-thirties and comes in with his wife. I do not know exactly what his handicap is, because there have been times where he has come in without his wheelchair.

    He is also a bit of an alcoholic. He comes in and proceeds to get absolutely wasted. And when he is wasted, he is loud, offensive and aggressive, often getting into arguements with some of our other resident alcoholics. About a week ago, we gave him his last warning about this behaviour. His wife interuptted and said "He only gets aggressive because he's not supposed to drink with his medication!" why let him drink ten pints a day?

    He was in today, and yet again, he was drunk, wheeling around and picking fights with other regulars he has "a grudge against" We had a few families in the bar, and I did not want them hearing him scream, shout and swear. I went over to him. He was in the hotel car park smoking a cigarette.

    Me: Don't bother coming back in. You've had plenty of warnings about your behaviour. You are banned!

    His wife gasped and covered her mouth. She looked as though she was about to cry.

    SC: YOU FUCKING.....

    He went to turn his wheelchair around to shout at me. He did it with such force that one of the wheels clipped the kerb. The wheelchair completely tipped over, throwing the guy to the ground.

    Wife: Oh my God! Look what you've done!

    The guy managed to stand up and pick up his wheelchair, despite being wasted. The two of them gave me the dirtiest look and wheeled off into the sunset.

    A LOT of customers witnessed the event and were screaming with laughter. I had to go into the office for about five minutes to calm down.

    Everytime I think of it, I burst out laughing. Is that slightly wrong of me?

  • #2
    If he can PICK UP his wheelchair.... [you finish the question]
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.


    • #3
      Wow, that guy's wife is an enabler if I've ever seen one...
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        and im thinking maybe he uses the chair for two things.... taking advantage of pity cos people won't kick him out for being rude if he's in a wheelchair . and... it's easier to not stumble around drunk when he's already sitting.


        • #5
          He may have a problem like me, i whip lashed my back rather severely some fifteen years ago. Its getting so i'll have to go see the doctor and get my spine x rayed, ifn i'm on my feet around 30 minutes it hurts rather bad. I can definitely see needing a chair part time for that, or at least i will given another five or so years without treatment.
          "You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"-Lochley, B5, A View from the Gallery


          • #6
            There are lots of disabilities that might mean someone uses a wheelchair part time. Multiple Sclerosis comes to mind-- a former coworker of mine with MS had intermittent pain and numbness in his legs, and had been told he would eventually need to get a wheelchair to use when he had his episodes of tingling and numbness, because otherwise he would risk falling down and injuring himself if he tried to walk more than a few steps. I also know someone who survived a flesh-eating disease (TERRIFYING!!!) who uses a wheelchair because of lingering pain-- it mostly attacked the skin on his legs-- even though he can stand for short periods of time.

            However, as a blogger I love said, "There's no pill for asshole." So, the moral of the story is: Whatever his impairment was, his real disability is that he's a doucherocket!
            My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

            Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


            • #7
              I used to know a blind guy like that. He acted like the reason he wasn't allowed to drive a car was because of discrimination against the blind. It was like, "Um, ok so you're a BLIND ASSHOLE." He definitely had other issues that would have made him a piece of work even if his eyes worked.
              I was not hired to respond to those voices.


              • #8
                Quoth Saydrah View Post
                There are lots of disabilities that might mean someone uses a wheelchair part time. Multiple Sclerosis comes to mind-- a former coworker of mine with MS had intermittent pain and numbness in his legs, and had been told he would eventually need to get a wheelchair to use when he had his episodes of tingling and numbness, because otherwise he would risk falling down and injuring himself if he tried to walk more than a few steps.

                I was about to say the same thing, except that the person I know with MS is me!

                I can walk when my feet get numb, but neurological pain can be pretty impressive, and there are days that I dont even want to move. (so far for me, I dont get the bad days all that often yet)

                Plus, if the guy is on one of the interferon medications (MSers get to stab themselves with needles every day or every week, depending on the drug) drinking alcohol is not a good idea. Plus, there are other meds (pain meds) that you shouldnt drink alcohol with.

                Not excusing the guy if he's got MS or some similar disease, he's still an SC...a really nasty one.


                • #9
                  he has more than one disability; the serious one is the real issue:


                  i've been fortunate, most of the 'disabled' i've run into weren't ew's, but more of the 'regular' customers were.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

