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The Dictionary of Timmies SCs

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  • The Dictionary of Timmies SCs

    Alright, all my SCs aren't quite bad enough for me to write a big thread about them, plus almost every bad thing to rant about has been done by other people, so it isn't an individual thing, so I am making a bit of a dictionary just to vent about all the SCs. Also, I will frequently edit this to add anything to it.

    Format: (I'm sure you can figure it out, but w/e)
    Backstory/how they act in line
    My thoughts
    SC Rating (1-10, 1 not bad, 10 horrible)

    The switcheroo friends sc

    If it is busy, its easy to get confused as the person behind the counter. We are supposed to mark the coffees/whatevers if someone orders a few drinks that are the same size. Basically, this is how a switcheroo SC works
    SC1 - Hey, can I have a Large double double, and *turns around* what do you want
    SC2 - A large regular (fine so far)
    Me - Yep (I make, ring up etc. etc. I mark the Double Double with "DD" or so i think...)

    2-5 min later

    SC2 - Uh, Hello, I ordered a regular and I got a double double.
    SC1 - And my Double double is a regular!

    Now, this may sound far fetch'd but trust me, it happens, its something at easy at mixing up the lids, and they have to actually ask me to make them new ones when they could just switch since thats all i did by accident.
    SC Ranking : 1-4 depending on if they cause trouble


    The Perfectionist
    They tend to come in, purely by coincidence during the busiest parts
    SC - Hello, could I have a large coffee
    Me - Yep, how would you like it
    SC - Put 2 large creams and 2 medium cream in, wait for 3 seconds then pour it out, then put 6 kernels (Yes, the main one actually asks for 6 kernels) of sugar in it

    Alright, honestly, those 6 kernels arent even noticed, its purely psycological, and I can understand the cream being poured out so its just a little bit, but when they complain about how too much was left in it etc...
    SC R: 2-5 depending on if they keep bugging you for 1 more kernel


    The Mind Readers

    SC - Hello, I want 2 coffees and a donut
    Me - ....
    Me - What size coffees
    SC (looking surprised) - 1 Large, 1 medium
    Me - And what would you like in them?
    SC (Looking more surprised) - one with 2 creams, one with 2 creams, and a sweetner
    Me - Which has which - The medium has the 2 creams
    etc. etc.
    If I was able to read minds I wouldn't be there, serving you making minimum wage I'd be making millions for the CIA or whatever.
    SC R: Could range anywhere from a 1-6, if They are kind about it then 1, but if they start getting angry since you're making it the way they want, then it can be very frustrating and can get up to a 6


    The Vultures

    They tend to be very nice in the line, letting people go infront of them... SC sees the "old" (5-10 mintes) coffee getting low, , runs up to the counter
    SC - Hi, I want a large coffee however
    Me - Alright *Goes to make it*
    SC -NO! Dont make it with that pot
    Me - I have to, unless there isnt enough to fill the cup with, then I have to use this one
    SC - Then I dont want it, give it to me with the fresh pot
    Me (I am sad to admit I usually cave since its easier)- *makes it with fresh pot*
    SC - And can I have that donut
    Me - I cannot do that, those ones were just taken out, we have to sell to older product first to make sure they dont go bad
    SC - Well I want a fresh one
    Me - Again, I cannot, I will find the freshest one I am allowed to sell you though *grabs the oldest*
    SC - And a chili/soup/whatever
    I ring the SC up, I go to get whatever, then he/she sits there and tells me there aren't enough vegetables or too much meat or w/e in the chili/soup etc. etc. etc. Basically just wants specific things when we arent allowed to

    SC R: 3-6 It may not sound bad ,but these people never tip, they always end up being very rude and get mad when you explain procedure

    *** Just to defend my store a bit, We have a "fresh in, fresh out" policy, basically its to ensure that all products are always fresh enough to sell. What we do is we put the product just out of the oven to the front (So it looks better) then bag what is at the back, so that way it stays fresh, also ALL Timmies have a 20 minute pot rule, you cant serve coffee more than 20 minutes old, since it will begin losing freshness etc.


    The individuals

    Usually they come in as a big family or a big group
    Me - Are you all together?
    Them - Yep
    Me - Alright, What can I get you?
    SC1 - 1 large Ice Cap
    I go and make
    SC2 - 1 large ice cap
    etc. etc.

    Now I'll explain something, to make 1 ice cap on its own takes 30-45 seconds, however, to make 2 or more ,it makes it about 20 seconds each. Also, since I know atleast one person will say something about this, I do ask them if there are anymore ice caps, and they always will say no, because usually it'll be a slight variation (IE. One with Raspberry, one medium, one with chocolate milk instead of cream etc. etc.)

    SC R: In actuality, these people arent bad, they can be very kind, usually arent bad tippers, which gets them as customers a ranking of 8 (And I mean 1-10, 10 being a good customer etc.) But, this is SC ranking, therefore, based off the frustration they cause (And I know it doesnt sound that bad, but its REALLY angering) It gets them a 3-7 depending on what it was they ordered.

    There are many more to add, but I've vented enough for the time being, i'll add more after my next shift...

  • #2
    And you know the ones that demand the fresh coffee are the same ones that drink microwaved old crap at home without complaint,.


    • #3
      For the unaware, Tim Horton's (Timmie's) is a popular donut shop in Canada and some parts of the Northern U.S.

      I worked there when I was 17 and I remember we weren't that great at following the 20 minute rule. It ended up being a 30-40 minute rule.


      • #4
        Man I LOVE Tim Hortons!

        I lived in Canada for 2 and half years and the Tim Bits were THE BEST.

        Apart from the millions of other things I miss about the place, Tim Horton's ranks right up there.

        This thing you call love, she smiles way too much


        • #5
          the full time drive through girl at our local timmies (and by local I mean the one closest two us, there are FIVE in our town of 80,000 and only 2 mc donalds!) lives in our building, and knows us on a name basis.....

          she recognised me in the laundry room once..... "you and your boyfriend are at timmes like everyday at 8am right?"

          at least were always polite! but still *burns red with embarressment*

          haha one day I went in there on 3 hours sleep and the guy had to pratically babystep me through ordering a soup combo, when he asked what drink I wanted I stared at him for a good 10 seconds and was like.."drink? I dont understand"... so kyle told him the rest of my order. Im still so ashamed everytime I see him he mimes pouring coffee into a cup and has a good laugh with kyle about it.

          damn it I have to stop going to timmies so often!
          Last edited by Kiwi; 10-16-2006, 06:11 AM.
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            Tims is how I stay awake in class... in fact, I should probably head there now.
            free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


            • #7
              I like Timmy's donut holes and the house blend tea isn't bad either.
              Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

              I'm a case study.


              • #8
                Quoth Mizzikiel View Post
                SC R: 3-6 It may not sound bad ,but these people never tip, they always end up being very rude and get mad when you explain procedure


                In actuality, these people arent bad, they can be very kind, usually arent bad tippers,
                Do you often get tips at Tim Hortons? Because I frequent Tim Horton's quite regularly (2 or three times a day, at my peak-there was one between house and school, and another across the street from my old job) and I've never once tipped a Tim Horton's employee. Not because I think that they don't deserve it, but I sort of grouped them in with other fast food employees-and I've never seen people tip at McDonald's or Burger King.
                I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                • #9
                  Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                  Do you often get tips at Tim Hortons? Because I frequent Tim Horton's quite regularly (2 or three times a day, at my peak-there was one between house and school, and another across the street from my old job) and I've never once tipped a Tim Horton's employee. Not because I think that they don't deserve it, but I sort of grouped them in with other fast food employees-and I've never seen people tip at McDonald's or Burger King.

                  I said I'd update after my next shift, so I am and I figured that I would answer your questions. While tipping isnt needed, its very much appreciated and almost everyone does. A "GOOD" tipper tips 25 cents / coffee, but thats rare, usually if its under $2 a 25 cent tip is good, and over (especially a sandwich) then its very much appreciated and considered "good" to give upwards of 50 cents, but thats just whatever, I live off my tips, but thats just because I get a decent amount (usually on a semi-busy day $5-$8) But yeah, tipping is nice since we are different from fastfood, but w/e you wanna do, so now onto the update...

                  Alright, This shift scared me, not because of a large amount of SC's, but the lack of them. I have a feeling that (god, bhudda, whoever you believe in...) Decided to be nice to me today because my next shift is going to be hell. I am scarred for next Sunday... But no one was bad today... UNTIL SUNDAY...


                  • #10
                    And counter SCs are why I preferred to work the kitchen an McHell...

                    And this thread is making me crave Timmies. I think I'm going to go hit up the campus Timmies before my midterm...
                    Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

                    I like big bots and I cannot lie.


                    • #11
                      are you in the states or Canada? I too have never seen tipping at Timmies

                      how do you tip the employes there...there isnt a jar or anything at our local one, do i just hand over a quater to the guy at the counter, or to the person getting my sandwhich or what?
                      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                      • #12
                        I'm Canadian. We are not supposed to have tip jars, we can if we want, but my store found when we did we got less tips, if you plan on tipping then give the person at the counter the tip and they will place it in a hidden tipjar, all tips are split because often times if it is busy then someone will be stuck at the sandwich counter and if we kept them someone would end up with $15 and someone would end up with $.15

                        Tomorrow I am going to have a lot of updates, I'm working 8-4 so I get to see all the church goers aswell as the sunday morning caffeine addicts. I can almost guarentee a guest appearance from the vulture.


                        • #13
                          When I worked at Tim's in 1999 we didn't have a tip jar, but I did sometimes get tips (and yes they were tips, I was not siphoning off the "keep the change" folks) , I would put them in an extra small-sized cup I kept just out of sight near the register (most employees did this). We didn't pool tips and you got to keep what you made. It doesn't amount to much though, I think my best day I did $3.19


                          • #14
                            Ahh, now we usually get alot better than that, one day when it was fairly busy I walked out with atound $12.50 in tips


                            • #15
                              I always find it kind of funny that the vultures, who insist on the freshest coffee/pastry, always seem to want soup/chili too, which is the most difficult to maintain properly, at least according to the health code regulations in my area.

