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fitting room CS

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  • fitting room CS

    at the sports and outdoors retail store i work at, i feel that they open the doors for the customers to walk all over us. to me there is almost no policy against doing anything, hence my story. we have no try on clothes policy.whatsoever. no limit,no checking, not even you cant try on the underamour undies. we have different duites to do that day for your shift. we have one called fitting room. where all you do is put back clothes that people tried on and didnt want. only problem is the no f- limit. i can literaly pick up one of every item in the apperal section and try it on. and then leave it in the room. mostly women in search of active clothing to me abuse this. this happens so often but this is the first one i ran into when i started so i remeber this the most. one women literally had to have at leat 20 different things she wanted to try on from, workout bra to shorts to pants etc. she had to be in the room for at least 20 mins. she was in there so long i forget she was there. after she was done i think she maybe bought one item. so there in the room she left everything else. everywhere. it took me like 5 mins to get that one room clean. most people, i dont get why, think its perfectly ok, to try something and the leave it on the floor . the best ones are the one that give compassion and effort and hand me stuff they dont want. i not mad at that,even the one that have half the store with them. effort, thats all i ask. but most people dont give a rats ..., but thats why we are here isnt it?

  • #2
    From my years of working retail clothing you have my sympathy. I've seen people try on what seems like one of every outfit in the department in each color it comes in and leave them all on the floor. If I was lucky they bought one thing, usually whatever happened to be on clearance. What really got me was when people would just throw the expensive evening wear all over the floor. The real fun came when the customers were messing up the fitting rooms faster than anyone could clean them out. That's when we'd get the complaints about the fitting rooms being messy. Of course asking a customer to please wait a moment so someone could clean the rooms out was meant with a whiny 'I don't have time to wait.'
    Just thinking about all that makes me really glad I don't work retail anymore.
    Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


    • #3
      I can tell you about fitting room Hell.

      When I was working at Goodwill, the weekends were always the busiest. People would try stuff on non-stop (and we only had three rooms). Even though there was a rack to put unwanted items on, people seldom used it. We had a few employees whose main job was to put the unwanted clothing back on the sales floor, and clean out the fitting rooms, if they could get in there long enough to do so.

      Fast forward to closing time. Us closing shift employees had the privilege of cleaning the store after it was closed. We headed to the fitting rooms. They were disaster areas!!!!!!! Clothes crammed under the benches (and I'm talking solidly packed, too)...clothes ON the benches...empty hangers all over the place...and, just to keep things interesting, the occasional used diaper or 9...

      It took a few of us (I forget how many) an hour to get most of it straightened out. Those of us that were scheduled for opening the next morning had the joy of finishing up. :shudders:
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        im not even guna list how many times they have found that people get fitting rooms and bathrooms mixed up at my dept store......fortunatly that one department i dont have to worry about
        Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


        • #5
          I'd be interested to hear the internal dialogue these people are having as they discover that bathroom they have walked into is not in fact a bathroom,

          "Wait a second, where's the loo? Is this one o' them new age bathrooms? The kind without a loo? Wait, no, that's stupid. I know, this is the fitting room! Damn it, it looks just like a bathroom too. Carpeted floor, wallpaper, no readily apparent wash basins or urinals . . . well, I'm already here, and they have people for this sort of thing . . . ,"

          That was filthy elipsis at the end there.
          You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


          • #6
            Quoth Sofar View Post
            That was filthy elipsis at the end there.
            The Adult Conspiracy? (Ten points if you get the reference)


            • #7
              It's understandble to realize that clerks don't have the time to clean out every dressing room after each use (why should they though? it wouldn't be wise to let a bunch of six year olds use the room by themselves . . .would it?).

              I don't like having to move other people's unwanted clothing off the hooks or off the bench so I can try I on what I needed (like two items or so) . . . even if their clothing is on the floor, I'll pick it up and hang it up 'cause I don't want to be stepping all over it. And I feel bad just handing the clerk the stuff I don't want, I guess seeing the stories, it doesn't make me feel bad.
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                danegrous_21, your store actually lets people try on underwear ?! That's just wrong, it's bad enough when people try on bathing suits. There is one solution to most fitting room problems; replace private stalls with men's and women's communal fitting rooms. Of course then some poor employee would get stuck watching SCs undress !
                Mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles!"


                • #9
                  Quoth alphaboi View Post
                  danegrous_21, your store actually lets people try on underwear ?! That's just wrong, it's bad enough when people try on bathing suits. There is one solution to most fitting room problems; replace private stalls with men's and women's communal fitting rooms. Of course then some poor employee would get stuck watching SCs undress !
                  This is why I prefer to buy my undies in packages already sealed. Even though I wash all my unmentionables before I wear them for the first time, the mere thought of someone else trying on what I've bought is just
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Teysa View Post
                    'I don't have time to wait.'
                    I love those people...they have hours to spend clothes shopping, but not 2 minutes for us to pick up the room.

                    I feel horrible if I have 3 or 4 things, and end up with only 1 I like...I try to make sure I put everything back on the hangers the way they're supposed to.
                    Pit bull-

                    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                    • #11
                      Heh. I always hang up the clothes I don't want and hand it back to the person if it made my butt look big(ger). One time I handed off a blouse of some kind to a pair of attendants, one of whom was training the other on how clothes needed to be hung up to go back on the floor. Apparently I put mine on the hangar backwards (fixed hanger, not the ones with the swivelly tops). Hey, it's the thought that counts, right?


                      • #12
                        Quoth alphaboi View Post
                        danegrous_21, your store actually lets people try on underwear ?! That's just wrong, it's bad enough when people try on bathing suits. There is one solution to most fitting room problems; replace private stalls with men's and women's communal fitting rooms. Of course then some poor employee would get stuck watching SCs undress !

                        like i said, it my first post, we have no official clothes policy. so technically you can. i never seen anybody take some in there but i have seen people bring bathing suits to try on and we sell wetsuits, people try those on too. so we have no offcial policy against anything. no number system, no limit count. no nothing. its just a unisex fitting room.


                        • #13
                          I think I may have shocked the girl at the used bookstore today.

                          I had some extra time, and wanted some books (yeah, like I need to add to the ones I haven't read yet!), so I stopped in quickly. In no time, I had a good pile of books. I brought them up to the front, asked a few questions, and then realized I could not in any way afford all those books. So, I told her I would not be taking all of them....and started to ponder. At this point, I could tell she was used to people doing this, and was probably getting ready to put back the ones I didn't take. Silly rabbit. Anyway, as I was winnowing stuff down....I started taking the "rejects" back to the area where I got them from! (This is a very haphazard used bookstore, so within sections there really is very little order, and sometimes even the sectional organization is nonexistent.) I kept doing that till I had the ones I could afford, paid for them, and left. She was apparently happy with me, because she not only bagged said books, she double bagged them for me, while I was putting back the other books, without my asking her to.

                          Something tells me that, like the fitting rooms stories, she wasn't used to people actually putting away their own stuff!

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."

