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Hide-n-Seek Merchandise!

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  • #16
    As far back as I remember, if I change my mind about buying something, I've always taken it back and put it in it's proper place, even if I have to stand there a minute to find it's spot.

    I'll even face it!
    same here; i get po'd when i find things out of place that others were too lazy to return or hand over. i return my stuff where i found it as well; it gives me a chance to make sure i have what i need at the same time!
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #17
      Okay I'm totally guilty of this...we used to play this game at walmart back in high school (I live in a small town, it's the only entertainment besides getting drunk). But we would hide condoms in the toy section. Bbq next to women's underware. Our favorite game was called wish list, we fill a cart with shit we wished we could buy then abandon it somewhere in the store. I'm afraid at one time I was an SC, before i had to work in retail myself.
      Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


      • #18
        This was a daily occurrence when I worked at a bookstore. Some of it was definitely on purpose too, such as when some highly-deficient person would stash the sex manuals in the kids' books, or when one particular SC would nab a Penthouse letters compilation and roam the store reading and, if he thought he was out of sight of staff and other customers, launching an exploration expedition in his pants pocket. If he noticed you noticing him, he's abandon the book in whatever section he'd wandered to -- cookbooks, New Age, humor, etc. -- and casually, but very quickly, leave the store.
        Drive it like it's a county car.


        • #19
          Oh God Hauntedhead! You bring back such wonderful memories! I don't know what was worse, keeping the pervs from leaving porn in the kids section or keeping the kids out of the "relationship" section trying to look at the sex manual books! I hated summer when the little b*st*rds were out of school! And I always caught at least one guy a day pulling the porn out of the plastic and trying to look at it in the store! Are you that cheap?!!? Just give me $6 and go take care of business in the privacy of your own home! Don't read it and get your jollies trying to leave it where kids can see it! Pervs!


          • #20
            How about the ones who try on clothing and then don't hang it back up?

            I was in a JCPenney the other day and saw a woman try on a coat, decide she didn't like, then just laid it across the coat rack. She didn't bother to put the coat back on the hanger, then hang it back up the way she found it. That's totally lazy in my book. Makes you wonder what her closet at home looks like?


            • #21
              Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
              when one particular SC would nab a Penthouse letters compilation and roam the store reading and, if he thought he was out of sight of staff and other customers, launching an exploration expedition in his pants pocket. If he noticed you noticing him, he's abandon the book in whatever section he'd wandered to -- cookbooks, New Age, humor, etc. -- and casually, but very quickly, leave the store.
              Commence projectile vomiting in 5,4,3,2,1....

              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

