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Cleaning our store is a health code violation.

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  • #31
    I once went to to find pictures of bound feet, for an informative thread I was doing for another board. I also wanted a description of how it felt to get your feet bound; had that, too.

    I've also gone there to look at the murder photos; I've got loads of books with autopsy and in situ murder photos so they don't bother me. I've sat down with books on pathology and forensics and read them while eating lunch.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • #32
      Quoth calulu View Post
      Laugh, snicker and smirk, you might find yourself in the ER one day with no clue why you suddenly cannot breath and are having to be suddenly intubated.
      You will not find me defending the practices of corporate America, nor the enabling policies of the government towards said corporations.

      However, please remember that most people are not as highly allergic to various cleaning supplies as you are. And those who are, like you, tend to be aware of their allergies and know to be alert for such things.

      Also, the idea that cleaning a cooler door with Windex is illegal or deadly is absolutely fucking ridiculous, and the guy in the OP was, quite simply, an overreacting paranoid nutcase.

      Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
      I've got loads of books with autopsy and in situ murder photos so they don't bother me.
      After I had looked at said photos, and gotten some printouts, I brought them home. When my female roommate cane home, I thought she'd freak out when she saw the photos, but she glanced at them, and practically yawned. She explained that it was nothing she hadn't seen in person, what with her job as a counselor that worked in conjunction with police and at accidents. Her being totally nonplussed by it all really did blow me away, though!

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #33
        Man... that must be some super duper concentrated Windex. It has the power to pierce the outer container and inner packaging and enter the food, where it resides till the customer cooks the food. Awesome, I want some!

        I wonder what happens when this SC goes 2 aisles over and sees an entire row of cleaning products. OMG! Cleaning products that you rub DIRECTLY on your skin and hair! Products designed to clean dishes, clothing, and even vegetables! Products that you spray into the air! Arrgh! You are going to kill everyone, rape mother earth, cause the seas to rise, the ice caps to melt, the polar bears to not mate, gas prices to rise, the sun not to shine and my shoes to come unvelcroed!

        Or you could have done this ->
        "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "


        • #34
          I once had a person complain that I was cleaning. It wasn't a food issue she just didn't like "that I was cleaning" (said in a whine). She "didn't want to be around chemicals" I told her it was a vinegar based cleaner (I made it myself, so no bad chemicals). After that failed to get through to her tiny brain, I said something like "Vinegar, you know the thing you use in food." Her mouth gaped open like a fish out of water, then was really polite for the rest of the time she was in the store.


          • #35
            Quoth Plaidman View Post
            SC: What are you doing!? Whats that blue crap!?
            ME: ??? Uh.. cleaning the doors. With Windex...?
            SC: WHAT!? Thats illegal!
            So, do you use Windex to clean your pants...


            • #36
              Quoth Plaidman View Post
              ME: Meh. *Shrugs* "Better people have tried. Including naked people and space aliens.
              I really shouldn't read this site at work. I'm in the corner of the office, my screen's not visible, and I'm suppressing laughter. Nice one, Plaidman.


