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more stories (includes ones from library)

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  • more stories (includes ones from library)

    wanted to start off with a couple stories from my last job. I worked for in the library at the community college I attended before I transferred to where I am.

    tell me about me
    had a patron come over and say she needed my help with something on her computer. technical issues weren't our job, but if it's something basic enough i try to help them anyway so i go with her to her computer. she's filling out something online and points at the textbox with the prompt "about me" and asks "What do I put here?"

    not washing hands = racist
    not technically a patron of the library, but i was on the clock. taking a quick restroom break, which means i have to leave the library and go down the hall a little ways. well, when i come out of the stall there's a woman who has her stuff spread out all over both sinks (they're very little bathrooms). instead of making a fuss over her moving her stuff and not wanting to wait til she's done (busy in the library at this time) i decide i'll just use one of the antibacterial wipes from behind the desk. mistake. after i leave the restroom the woman (who was african american, I actually didn't even notice) followed me out, shouting about me not wanting to use a sink next to a black woman.

    back to call center stories

    can't please everyone
    our store's website typically blocks item that are out of stock so that nobody orders them, sometimes it will just recently run out and some people still order items that are out of stock, especially towards christmas. i get the following two lines from two people on the same day.
    "You shouldn't even have items up on site if they're out of stock!"

    "You should still be able to look at items online even if they're out of stock!"

    incidently, the latter person also had this complaint.
    sc: Do you have the <item> from <retail store flyer> in stock? the retail store is out.
    me: i'm sorry sir, we're also out of stock. i could place it on back-
    sc: well, that's nice (said angrily) I just got this flyer last week!
    me: i'm sorry sir, but that's been a popular item and it's already sold out.
    sc: but i just got this flyer last week!

    yes sir, I understand that now that you've told me twice, but one, we we're selling the item before the retail flyer came out, and actually for the same price. and two, everybody else that recieved that flyer got it the same time, and probably bought it when they did.

    i can't do it, no matter how many times you ask
    yes, it's the last day of the sale
    yes, we are out of stock
    no, I can not give you a raincheck on the sale, no matter how many times you ask. third time is not the charm, nor is the fourth. fifth time, and i'm no longer smiling. can you tell i'm no longer smiling? training tells us you can.

    you have two problems with your request. first, we are not allowed to do price matches with the retail store if we are out of stock, or when the sale ends. second, on your flyer, the one you told me you were looking at? i'm looking at it too, and it says in Big Bold print right above the item you want LIMITED QUANTITIES ABSOLUTELY NO RAINCHECKS

    *SIGH* "I guess I'm just out of luck then."

    yes sir, yes you are.

    wherein i have no clue what to do
    we'll reissue expired gift cards if the customer asks us to, or hints to us to, or seems at all upset about their card expiring.

    customer: Hi, umm...I found a gift certificate...issued in there anything you can do with it?

    ...we don't even use certificates any more, haven't in years...i have no access to any system that can do anything at all with certificates...
    all i can do is tell the poor guy that i'll make a note and ask second-level to email him and let him know.

    me: may i have your last name, sir?
    customer: sure, why? want to get married? *laughter*
    yes sir, you are indeed hilarious, even more so when i find out shortly afterwards that you are calling me from a retirement home.
    I make music videos in my spare time. Check them out ^_^

  • #2
    ~snicker~ How about the customers who tell you they lost their gift card and look at you expectantly, wanting you to pull a new one out of thin air and give it to them? Do they have a receipt showing the purchase of said gift card? Would it make any difference if they did? No? Ah yes, the "take your word for it" customer. Not going to happen.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Quoth raine_naoe View Post
      wanted to start off with a couple stories from my last job. I worked for in the library at the community college I attended before I transferred to where I am.

      tell me about me
      had a patron come over and say she needed my help with something on her computer. technical issues weren't our job, but if it's something basic enough i try to help them anyway so i go with her to her computer. she's filling out something online and points at the textbox with the prompt "about me" and asks "What do I put here?"
      This reminds me of people who want help typing a resume. I get them to a template and I get questions like: What is an objective? It's asking for hobbies, what if I don't have a hobby? What do they mean, job discription?

      not washing hands = racist
      not technically a patron of the library, but i was on the clock. taking a quick restroom break, which means i have to leave the library and go down the hall a little ways. well, when i come out of the stall there's a woman who has her stuff spread out all over both sinks (they're very little bathrooms). instead of making a fuss over her moving her stuff and not wanting to wait til she's done (busy in the library at this time) i decide i'll just use one of the antibacterial wipes from behind the desk. mistake. after i leave the restroom the woman (who was african american, I actually didn't even notice) followed me out, shouting about me not wanting to use a sink next to a black woman.
      Not refereing to race, but there are people out there who will take anything you do (and it has nothing to do with them) as an affront to them. I remember one time standing in line to buy fish behind this one woman and I decided I'll just come back latter. She sees me going and says to her boyfriend, "some people can't wait" in an offended tone of voice.

      wherein i have no clue what to do
      we'll reissue expired gift cards if the customer asks us to, or hints to us to, or seems at all upset about their card expiring.

      customer: Hi, umm...I found a gift certificate...issued in there anything you can do with it?

      ...we don't even use certificates any more, haven't in years...i have no access to any system that can do anything at all with certificates...
      all i can do is tell the poor guy that i'll make a note and ask second-level to email him and let him know.

      I hate to see if it was a certificate for Venture.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        sc: but i just got this flyer last week!
        i'm reminded of somthing i saw in a car dealership recently (slightly paraphrased cos i'm just going from memory)

        "Remember that the car you look at today and decide to think about and come back later, may be the car that someone else sees today and decides to buy today."

        bit of a passive reminder (mom said at least) but... it's a good point. if you want it then... someone else might want it too.


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          ~snicker~ How about the customers who tell you they lost their gift card and look at you expectantly, wanting you to pull a new one out of thin air and give it to them? Do they have a receipt showing the purchase of said gift card? Would it make any difference if they did? No? Ah yes, the "take your word for it" customer. Not going to happen.
          can't do anything without a card number. from where we are, anyway. retail store might be able to do something with the receipt.

          ugh, just remembered. my roommate had a guy call in saying that the retail cashier told him we could just reactivate his card. we can't, literally impossible. she tells him this, he just starts yelling at her and personally attacking her. really upset her.
          I make music videos in my spare time. Check them out ^_^


          • #6
            Quoth raine_naoe View Post
            can't please everyone
            our store's website typically blocks item that are out of stock so that nobody orders them, sometimes it will just recently run out and some people still order items that are out of stock, especially towards christmas. i get the following two lines from two people on the same day.
            "You shouldn't even have items up on site if they're out of stock!"
            "You should still be able to look at items online even if they're out of stock!"
            When I worked at the store before I got transferred to the website team, I would take calls like this all the time. Kudos to you for keeping your cool.
            Last edited by MadMike; 12-13-2008, 05:44 AM. Reason: Trimmed quote and fixed tags

