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Karaoke SCs and More

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  • Karaoke SCs and More

    ok, so, aside from my retail job, I'm also an assistant for my dad, who's a karaoke dj. lets just say that karaoke and drunks aren't a smart combination...

    Watch Your Back!

    Ok, so, about 3/4 through the night, this guy (R), who's a semi-friend of my dads, wants to sing a song. its his turn and we get him up, and about a minute in, the disc skips. Not an unusual occurrence, as the songs are on CDs, so we start over the song. lo and behold, it skips again. ok, so now my dad takes it out cleans it and puts the disc in. song starts...still skips. R gets pissed and walks off. his other friend, C, gets up and takes over. R gets really pissed off and starts going off on my dad. As he's led out by his friends, he leaves this gem, "Better watch your back!!"

    he was also friends w/ the bar owner, who wasn't onhand to witness this. R calls her and waaaahs to her about my dad. my dad explains R's SCness and the fact that he was snorting cocaine in the bathroom. needless to say, we haven't seen him back.

    also, the guy is a cousin of a semi-famous tejano singer. not to mention any names, but my dad calls the guy 'Perez-phile' after he was arrested w/ an underage girl.


    Tonight, as I'm beginning to pack away equipment, I'm walking up to the bandstand and put one foot on the steps. This woman places her hand on me (see my sig why this bothers me) and nudges me aside, along with an, "Uh-uh-uh." I wanted to respond with No, you mean, "Excuse me, please." but I didn't.

    If You Don't Drink...

    This is secondhand from my dad, who was pissed when he told me...

    lady is having a b-day party at the club. my dad invites her and family up for a toast as they sing Happy Birthday (we have it in karaoke, lol). they all get a round of shots of tequila, and as my dad toasts her, she, in all her SCness, throws it over her shoulder instead of drinking it; right onto the equipment. now, for those who don't know, karaoke machines tend to react negatively to liquid. the lady's response, "Oh, I don't drink."

    my dad ripped her a new one, telling about how if she damaged it she'd pay for it, and how stupid she was and if she didnt drink she should have said something instead of tossing it wantonly etc...


    Also a secondhand, this was at my store. my friend, J, was ringing up a lady. a nice, older-ish, decent-looking lady who paid w a check (or a credit card, can't remember). well, something went wrong and J had to get it verified. It was getting so bad, that one of our managers came to the front to help him out. J, being the nice guy he is, decides to reassure her.

    J: Sorry for taking so long, ma'am.
    AS: Oh, don't worry, it's not your fault. IT's the Jews up North.

    he finally got her rung up, but, egads!!


    In that same thought, it reminded me of the lady who talked the head off the lady behind her about how Obama bringing in Muslim judges. I wanted to say, "salaam Aleikum," as she left, but bit my tongue (literally).

    when the other customer got up, we just exchanged glances and laughed.


    Last Call

    Last Saturday, we closed at 10. At 9:57, I got this call.

    me: [opening schpeel]
    SC: Yes, what time do you close?
    me: [looking around store and line of customers] We're already closed ma'am
    SC: [like i killed her kitten] Oh, oh...okay.
    me: Goodnight [click]

    No, I won't bloody shop for you

    Well, holiday hours have started, meaning we close at 11 now (yay). At 10:38, this gem called me. note, i was ringing up someone at the time, and figured i could knock out the call quickly.

    me: [opening]
    SC: yes, you have a RL jeans in women, I wanna know if you have it in xx size.
    me: [zoned after she said 'jeans'] sorry, can you repeat exactly what it is you need?
    sc: yes, its [repeat above]
    me: [looks over at NJ, the MOD] *hey, we can't find stuff for people, right?
    NJ: [shakes head while counting money] no, we're busy
    me: [to sc] sorry ma'am, we don't have anyone available to look for you.
    sc: why not?
    me: [cuz we wanna get home soon?] we're closing soon and don't have anyone who can look
    sc: when?
    me: when what?
    sc: when should i call to see when someone can look for me?
    me: in...the morning...? [please leave me alone!]
    sc: humph, why can't someone look now?
    me: [finally fed up, looks at customer waiting patiently in line] because we can't shop for you, ma'am.
    sc: i'm not asking you to do that!
    me: [like hell] sorry, but there's nothing i can really do...
    sc: well, what's your name?
    me: [i'm a bit paranoid, so...] um, pardon?
    sc: your name, what is it?!
    me: [sigh, i hate you] Hobbs.
    sc: thank you, hobbs.
    me: bye [takes phone from ear, flicks it off and slams it down] geez!! [turns to still-patient customer] sorry 'bout that. lemme get you rung up

    i know, not my best, but it was already 10:40+ and wanted to just go home and sleep.

  • #2
    my dad explains R's SCness and the fact that he was snorting cocaine in the bathroom. needless to say, we haven't seen him back.
    sounds like a time to call the cops. then you really know you won't see him for a while


    • #3
      Quoth Hobbs View Post
      "Better watch your back!!"
      Karaoke is serious business.

      Just for the record I love karaoke, and am usually drunk while doing it. But I'm a friendly drunk.


      • #4
        Quoth Hobbs View Post
        Last Call

        Last Saturday, we closed at 10. At 9:57, I got this call.

        me: [opening schpeel]
        SC: Yes, what time do you close?
        me: [looking around store and line of customers] We're already closed ma'am
        SC: [like i killed her kitten] Oh, oh...okay.
        me: Goodnight [click]
        Oh, I get those ALL the time, especially on Sundays. What really irks me is when people call at 3:55, I tell them we close at 4, and they respond with "Well, just wait a few minutes! I'm on my way, I'll be there soon! <snarlblargrantrabbleetc>"

        Um, no. I don't want to hang around, and besides, I get in trouble for not punching out on time and not finishing all the close down procedures. You aren't that important. Sorry...

        No, I won't bloody shop for you

        Get this, too. Now, in textbooks, I don't mind. Confused about classes? Sure, I can help you find your books, that's what I'm here for! I can look it up in the computer if you call in. But if you call in and want me to go find "A red shirt that says <Mascot> Only, and not <University Mascot> it's not going to happen." And I'm especcially not going to rummage around for said shirt in a specific size, within a specific price range. We have a website. Use it!

        <Ahem> done now.

        I have half an hour until my last final and I spend it on Go me!


        • #5
          Quoth Hobbs View Post
          lets just say that karaoke and drunks aren't a smart combination...

          Yes, let's say that. Hell, I say that three times a week
          Let it go... Daisy, let it go... Open up your fist
          This fallen world... Doesn't hold your interest...
          Doesn't hold your soul... Daisy, let it go


          • #6
            I once had some dickhead heckling me during one of my songs (Rio by Duran Duran if you're interested); sadly for him, a mate of mine was doing the kareoke, and she stopped my song and had him thrown out the pub. I then was allowed to start over. XD

            I adore kareoke and have added a new song to my setlist; Paradise City by GnR due to my mate who died early this year; he always used to sing it, so now I sing it in tribute to him.

            Also, a bit kareoke SC of me, but during the time I was temporarily split from my boyf... I sang Tainted Love and You Give Love A Bad Name at a kareoke night and dedicated both to him.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post

              I have half an hour until my last final and I spend it on Go me!
              yes, go you! i did the same thing ^______^

              Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post

              Also, a bit kareoke SC of me, but during the time I was temporarily split from my boyf... I sang Tainted Love and You Give Love A Bad Name at a kareoke night and dedicated both to him.
              oh, I soo wanted to do that when my gf broke up w me (and married someone two weeks afterwards), but we didn't have it in our songlist T.T


              • #8
                Quoth Hobbs View Post
                No, I won't bloody shop for you
                I get that all the time. There are two tiers of state universities in California. University of California at foo and bar state university (UC and CSU).

                We always get calls from people from the local CSU school looking for textbooks. Even before I worked in the business I knew the difference between a textbook and a normal market book and never would have considered looking at a normal used book store for a textbook.

                The ones I really hate are the people who call and ask If I can check to see if we have a couple of books. I say yes, They give me the first title. I check and tell them the results and ask for the other title. I look and give them the results. The then try to give me a third title and I stop them, reminding them that they said "a couple". The usual reply is that they just have a couple more. Given their poor understanding of the language (apparently, to them, a couple means at least 4) I could wind up looking for four more books.

                After this happens enough times I no longer give the benefit of the doubt to them. They interpret the word "couple" ambiguously to get me to agree to look without telling me how many there are without feeling like the liars they are.
                Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                • #9
                  Quoth Hobbs View Post
                  me: bye [takes phone from ear, flicks it off and slams it down] geez!! [turns to still-patient customer] sorry 'bout that. lemme get you rung up

                  i know, not my best, but it was already 10:40+ and wanted to just go home and sleep.
                  *pat pat* Holiday Hell at Ross. Poor Hobbs!
                  "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Hobbs View Post
                    lets just say that karaoke and drunks aren't a smart combination...

                    I don't know if I should be offended by this or not. When my friends and I go out and drink, we sing karaoke. But we are not sucky. We are actually good friends with the DJ.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      I don't know if I should be offended by this or not. When my friends and I go out and drink, we sing karaoke. But we are not sucky. We are actually good friends with the DJ.
                      Not to mention the fact that most people aren't about to get up there sober, including me the first time.

                      You don't have to be drunk to get up and sing, but it helps.
                      Sometimes life is altered.
                      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                      Uneasy with confrontation.
                      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                      • #12
                        who's a semi-friend of my dads
                        i'm betting he's not much of a friend anymore after that comment.


                        • #13
                          I was once on a cruise, the boat had karaoke events a few nights. I went there. I sang. Without liquid courage as I was still underage.
                          Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

                          Canadians Unite !


                          • #14
                            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                            We have a website. Use it!

                            Your website is completely up to date, to the hour? And not at all inaccurate like most campus bookstore sites?

