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Catching a Thief: The Good and Bad.

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  • Catching a Thief: The Good and Bad.

    So this morning I come into work, lalala. All is well, then suddenly the boss notices something:

    "Hey, my theatre pictures are missing'.

    Right by the counter he had some nicely framed 10th anniversary pictures from some local theatre groups thanking the company I work for for wonderful service all these years. He was sure they were there last night, and we were all puzzled.

    Me, I got a little anxious. I was the one working last night and I began to worry - did I forget to lock the doors? No, Someone would've said something. Did a customer swipe them while I Was getting their clothes and never noticed?

    So I go on with the day, and later on that afternoon the boss starts checking the security cameras.

    He goes through the hours, homing in on the time when it went missing. I started to get really worried and angry internally

    Because the time that it was narrowing into was 7:30ish. The time an old friend (And frmer coworker from another company I worked for) was visiting with her boyfriend.

    As we watched, I saw myself grin as she walks in, we hug over the counter and she slides over a DVD in case that I had lent her months ago and forgot to get back before we both quit. So we're talking and talking and I explain to the boss (I had told him already they had visited. He went "oh good! maybe they saw what happened' although I knew no other customers had come in for a half hour before/after).

    Then I guesture and I do something stupid that night.

    DISCLAIMER: I know it was stupid. Please do not lecture me. It was wrong for me to do this!

    I led my friend BEHIND THE COUNTER (till was closed, money secure) and showed her the back. She and I stepped out of camera view as I gave her a brief tour of how Dry Cleaning work.

    And then, this afternoon, hand over my now-grey face, I watched as her boyfriend stood up from the chair, picks up those pictures and puts them in a huge big gift bag he had come into the store with.

    My boss:

    Both of us: HOLY F***!

    Horsetuna, Engaging Panic Mode. Panic Mode engaging: AAAAAAAH!

    I started to apologise immediately as I felt myself go into PM. He tries to calm me down (and I manage to, but that horrible feeling in my stomach. That was my FRIEND I was with. And her boyfriend!)

    So I start to track her down. Thing is, I dont remember the guy's name. I call our former employer that we both worked for, and with the Boss PErmission, explained it was VERY URGENT that she call Other Coworker and get her to call me (I gave her the store number).

    Then I went on lunch.

    About 5pm later that afternoon (I had gone for lunch at 3. I ate though I felt sick), The boss takes up the phone that rings. Hands it to me.

    It was Former Coworker.

    Horsetuna, re-engage Panic Mode. Panic Mode Reingaged. *FREAK*

    So I say "Hey Leslie! Uh, hold on" and hand it back to my boss.

    He talked to her to a good 20 minutes and stuff, explaining the situation, that we had video surveilance. From what he told me after, she was quite panicked, was not certain about giving him any information or anything.

    At about 6ish or so, She called again (I was not here for this phone call). She had called him, talked to him and he was coming to visit.

    At about 7 she comes in - with the pictures in the bag. THe boss checks them - all is good. Then she and I hug and I try to reassure HER (she was quite in shock. Its my feeling she didnt know). I wanted to ask the guy's name to see if it WAS her BF or not (I had only seen him twice before, half a year ago), but the boss was talking. He shows her the footage, and goes on a bit of a talk about how she should really let the guy go, that it wasn't safe, and all that. He's a good guy, but doesnt mess around and I think gave her a good kind of scare (Scare-straight that is).

    So she apologises again and leaves,and we pack up.

    Guh. I hope I never have to experience that again. I nearly cried a few times and I still feel sick to my stomach. It HURTS.

    Conclusion: I am of the mind that my friend didnt know this about her friend. But then, I could be wrong as well. My boss is a little more skeptical but also was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but also said if he came in here again, the boss would not do something a Good Mormon like himself should.

    Either way. What a night. Ugh. Again, please dont lecture me about letting others behind the counter - I'm definitely NOT doing that again and I KNOW it was stupid of me to.
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    That feeling of betrayal is one of the worst feelings there is!
    I no longer fear HELL.
    I work in RETAIL.


    • #3
      After this, I don't think it's possible to lecture you. I'm just sorry you were hit like this.
      I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


      • #4
        Wow... people will steal anything, won't they?

        It's terrible that you spend all this time alert to customers you don't know trying to scam you or steal from you, and then the moment you let down your guard because someone you trust comes by, that's when you get hit. Not only that, but that betrayal of trust had to be revealed in front of your BOSS.

        If your friend hasn't kicked this guy to the curb already, there's something wrong with her.
        Check out my webcomic!


        • #5
          Quoth Horsetuna View Post
          Again, please dont lecture me about letting others behind the counter - I'm definitely NOT doing that again and I KNOW it was stupid of me to.
          You really don't need us to. Remember, we're only human, and we like to think we can trust our friends and their taste in friends. It's neither of your faults. Anyone who's ever done anything for a friend can understand that things can backfire on you. Don't be too harsh on yourself for doing a nice thing.
          "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


          • #6
            Oh wow! Betrayal by a friend really sucks. Hope your boss managed to convince her that this guy was no good. There's nothing they can do or say to punish more than I'm sure the guilt you feel has already done. Anyone might have done that.
            "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


            • #7
              Yeah. The boss did give me a TINY lecture about it, and I'm not going to let it slide again.

              btw everyone, I'm very sure my FRIEND had nothing to do with it, but who knows for sure? She may have known, may have not not known, just to clear that up.

              Still. Shocking. We have the pictures back, a shame we wont be displaying them anymore. Beautiful pictures.

              I'm still a little bit tight-gutted over it, but I'll be okay.
              Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


              • #8
                well... at least you know that she's now aware of what he's really like!

                so if she stays with him... well... at least she knows she's with a thief i guess... and next time she might be considered an accomplice!


                • #9
                  I wouldn't worry too much about what you did. It wasn't your friend being behind the counter that made the pictures get nicked. It was the lack of attention. You could have been engrossed in conversation with said friend, cleaning the windows, helping a customer, or any number of other things and simply not noticed him doing that as well.

                  At least, if I understand it right, that he didn't even have to leave the customer area to steal them. If anything, criticise yourself for not thinking to move them out of the reach of customers into that wonderful back room, instead. Which would have been a nice gesture, rather than a requirement, had you thought of it.


                  • #10
                    True, true. The boss is going to put them somewhere else, or bolt them to the wall (Not sure which yet). I am very careful now you can bet that!
                    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

