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Sometimes you HAVE to be PC

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  • #16
    The Happy Holiday's Grinchs

    Take a deep breath and remind every stuck up Christian Christmas Is about the people not about the Holiday it self.

    The rant about XMAS - is silly in that the Greeks used it for their celebration.
    I celebrate Hanuaka, Yule (Solstice) Christmas and I don't understand why so many people get upset the it is not all about them this time of year.

    Happy Holidays to all our our SC's this december.


    • #17
      Holiday comes from Holy Day. Simple. To pitch a fit because someone doesn't wish you a "Merry [your particular holy day]" seems completely out of line.
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      • #18
        I prefer to just say "have a nice day". Makes the whole transaction a lot easier.


        • #19
          What? Nobody celebrates Winter-een-mas?
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #20
            Happily I haven't had a christmas SC for 2 years now... but National Car rental I had quite a few doozys with the happy holidays vs merry christmas... this was when Bill O first started his big thing with the war on Christmas and every single day I'd have people reminding me that I should be wishing them a merry christmas... I didn't even have to say anything else... before I'd get a chance to say anything a lot of them would say something like "I know what corporate tells you to say, but we all know you want to say Merry Christmas so I'll say it for you".
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #21
              I didn't have a problem at all with Happy Holidays (or the dreaded singluar "holiday"; as if Christmas is just a generic brown bagged day of the year), until I noticed (2004) that retailers were practically treating Christmas like it was a four letter word. Listen, I'm all for respecting other cultures and so on (and I'd be the first to tell someone a Happy Haunakah or Ramadan or whatever applies to that person), but where does this PCness end? We can't say Happy Thanksgiving because it might offend not just Native Americans but Canadians who have it in October? No Happy Halloween or Fourth of July because you might offend Jehovah's Witnesses? And don't think "winter holiday" will work either, because what about Australians or South Africans or other Southern Hemisphere countries that have their Christmas in the summer??? The list could go on and on.

              I'm not a religious person by any means, but Christmas is my favorite holiday and I for one am very pleased that retailers are now finally getting it and giving Christmas the respect it deserves. It is their busiest and most profitable time of year after all.


              • #22
                I'm not Christian, although I once was. Then and now I don't care if someone says, "Happy Holidays," or "Merry Christmas," or "Blessed Yule," or "Joyous Eid ul Fitr," or whatever. But if someone wishes you well, take it in the spirit it was meant to be taken. Be an adult.
                Last edited by wagegoth; 12-16-2008, 09:53 PM.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #23
                  Just remind them, "It's a Good Day to Die".


                  • #24
                    Quoth protege View Post
                    What? Nobody celebrates Winter-een-mas?
                    I grant you the gift of first frag.
                    Bark like a chicken!

