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I destroyed a life today...

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  • I destroyed a life today...

    ... Or, at least, that's what the student claimed.

    I don't normally work weekends, but our usual Graveyard Control Officer (Basically dispatch and Shift Lead) up and quit two days ago, so I had no choice but to cover. I suppose it's possible this guy's claims were valid, but I've honestly never seen him before, and in my old position I would have been the one granting him this access so...

    Pol: Me! Your ever-lovin' Security Guard/Supervisor who is grumpy and sleep-deprived!
    Marx: The student who shall tear down the oppressive regime that seeks to bar him from access to the computer Lab of the Proletariate... or something.

    (Marx strolls in, and casually drops his ID on the desk. I come over, and see that it's a Student ID, not Staff)

    Marx: Hi, I need to get into the C building computer lab.

    Pol: I'm sorry, but it's after hours, and C building is closed. If you need an After-hours computer lab, there's one in W building.

    (Wow... been a while since I got the Catt-butt face. Now, how helpful I'm willing to be to people is directly proportional to their attitude. If you're respectful, and ask for help, I will do what I can, and even bend the rules a little. But on the other hand...)

    Marx: That's not right. I've always been able to get access to that building after hours. for the last yerar and a half I've been able to get access!

    Pol: I'm sorry, but policy is that I can't allow students into buildings after hours unless special permission has been arranged by their program heads, or if a Staff member is present to supervise. (Now, this isn't entirely true. I could have a guard escort someone in to get something from their locker, for instance. But I can't leave them in there unattended)

    Marx: Where is this policy written?!

    Pol: I...

    Marx: (Smugly) If it's not written down anywhere, then it's not really a policy, is it? I've been allowed into that building after hours for the past year and a half. They've always let me in, and I don't think you've got the policy right.

    (Okay, we're done. Thanks for playing!)

    Pol: I don't care. If you HAVE been let in there, it was an error on the part of the person who authorized it. I'm sorry, I can't help you.


    Pol: It's in the policy manual, which is not for public viewing. If you have any questions about the policy, you can talk to <Director of Security>.

    Marx: You bet I will! What's your name? I'm sorry, but if I'm getting screwed here, then someone else is too! (Takes off his bag, puts it on counter, picks it back up and puts it on, repeats this several times while ranting) I pay hundreds of dollars for that lab, and I'm entitled to get into it! I have exams tomorrow, and I'm going to fail them and it's on your head... how do you sleep at night? It's just because the campus has all the money that they get away with this... they know I don't have the moeny to legally pursue this, but if I did... boy! What's your name? *Blargle argle blather blith*

    (I give him my name, position, and the name of <Director of Security>. He continued to demand more, and engage me in a quasi-Marxist argument about how the college is oppressing the citizens. He also wanted to know how long I'd worked there, what my normal shift was, how long I'd been in the position, etc.)

    Pol: No, you're done. You have my name, and the name of <Director of Security>. If you have any issues, you can take them to <Director of Security>. Goodnight.

    (And I walked away. First off, I think he was a bit disappointed to discover I was a supervisor, and therefore he could not demand to see my manager. Second, I don't think he's ever had a peon like me talk back to him like that.)

    Marx: I hope you can sleep at night! You should think about your attitude, it's probably why you are where you are in life!

    It came out during his rantings that the reason he wanted into the lab was to get the time of his exam Monday morning, which was posted in the lab. Now, if he had simply stated this up front and ASKED if he could get in to get his exam times WITHOUT getting my back up, I would have been happy to oblige (I could have easily had a guard escort him in, get the info, and escort him out). But I'm sure as hell not going to back down in the face of someone having an entitlement fit... it's not in my nature. I'm a bit of a mule that way... the harder you try and force, the more I dig in my heels.

    Now, I know for a fact that this exam schedule would have been posted at LEAST a week before the exam date. I also know no exam will start before 7am, when the campus opens. So... uhhh... either write down this info sometime earlier than after the campus closes the night before your friggin' exam, or man up and come in at 7am and get the time? Just a thought.
    Check out my webcomic!

  • #2
    I guess going to college didn't make him any smarter. I hope you don't catch flak for this. Stupidity is one thing. Willful stupidity is another.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      and to think... most of us only get to ruin Christmas... you have ruined a life
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        My university experience states taht 99% of exams are at teh time scheduled in at least 3 publicatins that are posted all *over* the place. The remaining 1% are either before dead day or something special scheduled with our particular professor. Your failure to write things down does not encourage me to worry. In fact, it encourages me to


        • #5

          ugh, i hate the people in college that, after a couple of semesters and one reading of Das kapital or the communist manifesto become revolutionary marxists. there was one guy like that in my politics class...i just wanted to punch that smug freshman smile off his face [sigh]



          • #6
            Pol: I'm sorry, but it's after hours, and C building is closed. If you need an After-hours computer lab, there's one in W building.
            Dumb ass should have gone to the After-hours computer lab.
            Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

            Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

            I wish porn had subtitles.

