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Wherein I hate repeating myself (long!)

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  • Wherein I hate repeating myself (long!)

    Ah Saturday during a still mostly full moon....sigh. Man I don't know what was peoples problem this weekend but the suck was a very high levels. I guess the quiet few months lately gave me a slight bit offalse security.

    <B>hot check</b>

    Ok little tip. If you're gonna write a hot check to Krogers there some important things you need to remember.
    1) Don't have an out of area check. I know Houston city limits are just thirty minutes North of here. The check is still out of area and will count as a red flag.
    2) Make sure your account has a history in our system. See at kroger you have to write so many checks from one account to be able to write over a certain amount or write it for cash back. So inevitably writing a check for 70 dollars over a 270 dollar order will not go through and no one not even a manager can override it.
    3) Make sure your I'd doesn't even look remotely fake. Yours however screamed fake.
    4) Don't buy expensive shrimp, meat, and beer.

    All of these will ultimately require all of management to get involved and tell you we can't except the check. Oh it's ok you say. You're just gonna leave without a fight? Your not making a good case for yourself buddy.

    <B>I said LEAVE!</b>
    Sacker comes in from lot saying there's a guy outside asking people for food. When people reject him he cusses them out. This is a no no and of course the manager is busy so he tells me to go run him off the property.

    And off we go.

    I can't find him at first but the sacker finally spots him and the fun begins.

    Me: Sir I'm getting some complaints about you and I need to ask you to please leave our property.
    SC: why I wasn't doing anythibg wrong?
    Me: (please note you can smell the alcohol on his breath) Well sir customers are complaining that your begging for food then cussing them out when they refuse. I need you to to please leave the property.
    SC: who said that?! I'm come through here all the time I'm just going from the McDonalds to the apartments (the apartments behind our store seem to be where all the creeps, weirdos, etc. Keep coming from. Including Girly Man, the guy who told me I should go "girl" so I can have lesbo sex)
    Me: (repeat above)
    SC: who said that?
    Me: (repeats myself only I emphasize the customer part and add the info that the manager wants him gone.

    Rinse, lather, repeat for about 3 minutes.

    He finally leves only to add.

    SC: I'll leave and you can tell your manager he can suck my dick!!
    Me: Will do sir. (5 minutes later) Hey Mr. G! That guy's gone and he said you can suck his dick!
    G: ....Ok

    <B>Express lane woes</b>
    Express lane is called express because it is meant to be express!! Gah why is that so hard!!

    CW: Um sorry mam you have more that 15 items this is the express lane.
    SC: Well all the other lanes have long lines!!
    CW: I'm sorry mam but this is express I can't take you.
    Me: what's going on.
    SC: she's refusing to check me out! I demand to be checked out.

    Note her basket is really full. Easily a $200 order

    Me: I'm sorry mam this is the express lane it's 15 items or less. You have too many.
    SC: well I'm not waiting in those lines!
    Me: Well I'm sorry mam, but if you want to be checked out you have to wait in those lines.
    SC: unbelievable!!
    Me: sigh some people...

    Sorry but if you go through my express lane my express lines will get even more backed up then they already are and plus you probably will also bitch that there's no one by the tiny carousel to put your groceries in your cart while the cashier quickly runs out of room. Sorry go to another lane. Besides you probably wait in those 5 cart deep lines at the local Wal Mart anyway. Trust me that's a lot worse than the 3 cart deep we have now. Now get in line like everyone else you impaitient bitch.

    Please note that this happend every 2 minutes back during hurricane Ike when the lines where down the aisles and keeps happening every weekend now. Sorry whether your the lady above during a very oddly busy day or your the panicked doo doos back during the hurricane. 15 items or less still mean 15 items or less. I will not back down!!!

    <B>I SAID LEAVE! 2</b>

    Yep the guy comes back everyone. Just a few hours later. He goes down the beer aisle and just happens to run into Mr. G!

    G: Hey didn't we tell you to leave the property earlier.
    SC: Uh no!
    G: yes we did. You need to leave sir.
    SC: Well can I still buy my beer.

    Note that according to G the guy is so "toasted" that G said he was "getting intoxicated just by standing near him"

    G: No!

    SC then starts leaving then turns around and starts cussing at G. G then chases him out the door.


    Me: So I guess your gonna enjoy your vacation?
    G: Oh yeah!

    <B>trust me only your bank can fix your problem!!!!!</b>

    SCs card declines saying he has insufficent funds. SC begins to go on and on about how he has $5000 in his account and it should work! I then tell him that when his card declines there's nothing I can do he needs to resolve the issue with his bank. He proceeds to argue with me that he has $5000. I tell him that may be but that doesn't change the fact its declined. I can't do anything!!

    He then goes to the atm to check his balance. He tells me how he had again 5000 mulla and this was his first time to use his card here (always here not first time usingit it period just at our establishment). But now he only has $48. I look at his receipt and it actually has a perenthacies around the amount. So really he has -$48!

    I tell him that are machines do not charge your account unless the transaction is finalised. Seriously no one EVER has been over/double/under charged for many many years. Esspecially 5000 esspecially when the amount of purchase is 1/100th that figure.
    Again go to your bank only they can tell you what happened to your money and only they can fix it. And I gaurentee you your statement will not have a charge from kroger at all. Period.

    I really hate repeating myself. And of course this was all happening in between me talking to the police during the carjacking incident I posted over in general work forum. Yeah not a fun night.

    <B>They did it before!!</b>

    CW: SG it won't take the check.
    ME: Oh a B5. Sorry sir I can't give you cash back it won't let me.
    SC: But they did it yesterday! That girl came over and overid it!
    Me: That may be sir but I can't override a B5. You're gonna have to write it for the exact amount.
    SC: But they did it yesterday!
    Me: (that's probably true but our system only allows so much cash back on certain acciunts within 7 days. And even if
    I wanted to I can't override it this time. It won't let me. Oh and did I mention I hate repeating myself) That may be sir, but today I can't the computer won't let me. Ther's nothing I can do.
    SC: whatever I'll write another check.

    I walk off and he says this to my cashier.

    SC: I'm gonna talk to the manager tomorrow. I know he can override it. They did it yesterday, he just doesn't want to cause he's scared.

    Or something like that. There's nothing I hate more than repeating myself execpt when a customer calls me a liar behind my back when they don't know what the frak they're talking about. There was nothing I can do the computer won't let me override the check at all. Have fun talking to the manager I already told the morning supervisor for the morning what happened and if a manager asks her about it she'll explain what happened. And hopefully the customer will get owned in the end. Hopefully...I'll let y'all know when I find out.

    <B>I hate gift cards</b>
    This lady buys some gift cards. She then has trouble getting her card to process. I'm called over. The screen says "invalid tender type for restricted items". Now the only reason it would say that is if she was trying to pay with either a check (which you can get around if you want to by voiding gift cards then using the cashback from the check to pay for gift cards. Or if they try to buy them with a store gift card.)

    Me: How are you paying mam.
    SC: with this (she holds up a kroger gift card)
    Me: I'm sorry mam we can't accept that to pay for gift cards.
    SC: why I just payed cash for it over there.
    Me: I'm sorry mam but we can't accept giftcards to pay for gift cards (........duh!)

    Um hello why would we let gift cards be paid with giftcards?? That has fraud written all over it. Don't get bitchy with me. It ain't my policy. It's hardwired inton the POS to not allow that. I can't override it or anything. Don't like it? Take it up with the people in Cincinnati. Only they can do anything about it. In fact the irony is that they'll probably give you a gift card for your "inconvience".

    Dear Lord I told y'all it was a doozy. I really hate repeating myself. Normally that's related to some of my co-irkers. Didn't know I'd have so many SCs that would require repetition as well....Ok bed now!

  • #2
    I once had a guy like your overdrawn guy. He was an officer and he was the kind that gives all officers a bad name. I was working at the gas station, he'd pumped like $50 worth of gas. He comes in and his card is declined. He shouts a little about how he's got thousands in the bank and I calmly reply that there's nothing I can do and suggest he go to a nearby ATM. So I keep his ID and registration as collateral as he runs next door to use the ATM. Then he comes back waving an ATM receipt in my face, shouting about how he HAD thousands and he doesn't know WTF happened to it all. The receipt showed -$18 or something like that. I just shrugged and said he'd have to talk to his bank. He shouted more about his missing money while I just gave him a blank stare. Finally he called a friend to come pay his gas for him.


    • #3
      sounds like stores need sample transaction bank slip

      Balance = XX.XX (XX.XX) will mean you have a negative amount.

      at bottom of sheet
      Total Withdrawal Limit = 5000

      Yes you have thousands of dollars deposited each day and you have a maximum withdrawal limit. Only once have I done that mistake and my excuse was being really really tired.

      Retail + Holiday shopping brings out the Moron in people??


      • #4
        Quoth trinnyg View Post
        Balance = XX.XX (XX.XX) will mean you have a negative amount.

        at bottom of sheet
        Total Withdrawal Limit = 5000

        Yes you have thousands of dollars deposited each day and you have a maximum withdrawal limit. Only once have I done that mistake and my excuse was being really really tired.

        Retail + Holiday shopping brings out the Moron in people??
        reminds me of something i had happen to me. i tried to buy a scantron at school w. my debit (a meesly $.49) purchase and it was declined. i couldn't figure it out, since the atm nearby showed i had a positive balance, but i couldn't withdraw from the atm either. sooo, i call my bank and it turns out one of the places i buy stuff from is overseas; and to protect against fraud, my bank auto-freezes accounts when that happens.

        i dunno if that's what happened to that guy, but the story is similar...

        btw, i haven't seen a kroger's in a lifes-age...memories


        • #5
          Wow. Your stories are

          Though I will say I've used gift cards to pay for gift cards. Got a $50 gift card as credit card rewards and used it to purchase two $25 cards as gifts for different family members. So yeah, I might be a little perturbed by the policy since I've done this at other stores. Even so, your stories are generally ****-inducing. Yup, see that? Descriptions even fail me.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

