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"I forgot to use my store card and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

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  • "I forgot to use my store card and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

    Mega SC today. I was stocking shelves in the petrol station, so luckily wasn't on the receiving end of the barrage of abuse directed at my collegues, Lacey and Damien. SC paid for his petrol and forgot to use his store card. He then bitched a bit and left the shop... but was that the end? Was it heck. SC then sent Mrs SC in to bitch and whine some more. -.- She basically screamed like a banshee at Lacey, and ignored all the solutions she and Damien offered to fix it.

    "I'm not waiting in a giant queue at Customer Services!" (I've been past CS several times and there's never more than three people waiting there.) "I'm not ringing up Store Card Inc and spending a fortune!" (Store Card Inc is freephone.) "You made the mistake so you should fix it!" (Actually, your stupid husband was the one who made the mistake. Shame he couldn't admit to it, rather than stuffing you up with a load of fibs and sending you in to do his dirty work.)

    In the end, Mrs SC stormed off, swearing she'd complain to management. Both me and Jim, who was on his break at the time, will definitely back up Lacey and Damien if Mrs SC carries out her threat.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    We have one of those stupid loyalty cards and people ALWAYS forget to give it to me. About 10 times a day someone presents it to me, so proud that they actually remembered...yeah, too bad I just ran the credit card and now have to void that transaction and ring up all your crap AGAIN.

    One asshole actually stood at the register and bitched at me for around 5 minutes while I stared into space. I didn't ask him if he had a card, so OF COURSE he didn't remember if no one reminded him...guess what! I'M NOT YOUR MOMMY. Remember your own shit.


    • #3
      I usually don't have my card with me, but the stores here can use the phone number you included with the application, so it works easier.

      helps that most places let your run your OWN card, and just approve the amount.
      "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


      • #4
        Me and a co-worker had something similar happen the other night.

        He is outside pumping the gas and I am the inside guy. He is busy as all get out. This woman comes in and is on her cell phone. She is bitching to the person on the phone about the guy outside not taking her debit card. Then she said he didn't ask her if she had a "perks card". And by not asking her he ruined her whole day!

        After she got the money from the ATM she came over to me and bought a pack of cigarettes. Then she wanted to pay me for the gas because the guy outside was a "real asshole" and he also didn't ask her if she had a perks card.

        I came right out and told her she had to pay him because it was different money and that we do not ask every person buying gas if they have a card because most people do not use them.

        When my co-worker came in later I asked him about her and he said he asked her how much and she told him then he asked if she was paying cash or card but the phone call was more important so he just went with the cash option.


        • #5
          OK, on-topic: that guy and his wife were real assholes. Seriously, do they still live with parents or something?

          A little but here goes:

          Our store loyalty card basically allows customers to store their petrol vouchers there instead of having them on the bottom of the receipt. So far I've had several people pull out the card AFTER I've done the entire transaction, at which point I refuse...seriously, use the damn thing!

          What makes me giggle though is the following:

          1) People will ask me if they still get their petrol deal if they spend less than $30 (they don't), I just tell them that there's a prize draw.
          2) If the amount is less than $30, any cigarettes, tobacco items etc. will not count towards the $30 total. And it's actually state law too. (Australia....)
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            In addition to sales and other promos we run a gas program. For every dollar spent you get 1 point. Depending on the season/sale a certain number of points gets a certain discount/gal. Currently it is 100 pts for .10 off, 200 pts. for .20 off, etc at our company owned stations and a few 3rd party stations.

            I was at one of our stations and the pump didn't like my credit card so i had to go to the booth to pay.

            The Sc before me forgot to scan his card, didn;t get the discount paid with Credit and wanted the cashier to give him the difference in cash. Now he could have gone in the store to Customer Service and if he begged enough they would have given him the difference. The station booths only have a gas pump register, not the full POS system that can make changes after a sale, yet the SC wouldn't take no for an answer.


            • #7
              I've dealt with that, but the store doesn't have a gas station so it's just your average SC. When a customer runs a credit or other payment card through before their store card, I have to complete their transaction, then get a manager to give them the amount they would have saved with the store card had they swiped that first. It's a good thing that I don't have to void the entire transaction and ring up their crap again, as when the store is crowded, you get more SC's from the delay.


              • #8
                I used to work at Safeway, which also had a loyalty card thingy. You can get some pretty awesome bargains if you know where to look, too. Often time customers would forget their card (you could also use a phone number, but customers would many times forget that as well ) but the receipt listed the amount you could have saved if you had your card.

                Thus, the person could simply bring back the receipt and their card and get that money handed right to them. Of course it required manager override and was a general annoyance, particularly when it was packed, but that option was there.


                • #9
                  At <The Chemists> we had a loyalty card (can you guess where it was yet? ) it caused pandemonium when we changed policy from Can add points retrospectively to Can add points retrospectively with a validation code. It confused the hell out of people I can assure you!
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

